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Posts posted by Maksim

  1. Hey guys, mentioned in another post, but just got a call from the distributor, they are here. I have a few unspoken for on the way to me, and they will be going out Tuesday or Wed of next week. woot woot.

    Both the Custom HC and Gold Team models are here.

    Shoot me a pm if interested for pricing and what not.

  2. Deacon, I think you made the right call with how you described it. It is possible that it was missed during the previous shooter but hard to prove. In my experience, a lot of shooters are absolutely sure that they were in a certain spot and called every shot and will describe a run that is completely different than what I just watched. I guess there is the difference of perception.

    I am not an NROI certified RO but I have ROd hundreds of people for thousands of runs and have never ever seen a perfect double! I have seen many that were slightly oblong and gave it to them thanks to an overlay but never a perfect one.


    +1 to Brian.

    I was also a CRO at one of the stages at Florida Open.

    The match was tough and day 1 we made sure to know which targets we would have to look at and knew our assignments. fortunately we had an easier stage to RO, where the only major issue was people taking a tight shot and shooting at a target and hitting edge of wall/wood. In most cases, the bullet would change directions and be a Mike. Only in one case did it hit wood and go through the target.

    Perfect double. :rofl: not at this match.

  3. Great place for legal advice if you ask me. We are all range lawyers to some extent, right?

    Besides I'm not asking for legal advice. And I'm certainly not going to hold a forum member accountable if I throw away tax forms from the 80's and somehow get audited.laugh.gif

    Hey now... I really am a financial professional. www.maksfs.com

    there is the 3 and 7 year marks.

    3 years is how long IRS has to audit you, and during the audit, if something comes up they can go back as far as 7.

  4. Minimum: the least quantity or amount possible, assignable, allowable, or the like. Guys it is CLEARLY spelled out in the rules! It's not about playing "gotcha" or range nazi, the rules were put in place to keep a level playing field for all competitors. You can come up with all these excuses for not complying but in the end you are either compliant or non-compliant. I don't see the difference between a level 1 or 3, it's called competition for a reason.

    If you are a new shooter and really didn't know, well you just got a cheap lesson. You probably weren't in the running anyway.

    With prize tables at level one matches being in the tens of thousands of dollars a chrono stage is acceptable.

    Back on planet Earth. I wouldn't like a surprise stage for the following reasons.

    1. I shoot factory ammo and would like to know in advance to ensure that I bring samples of the ammo I have to be checked. You know. Prevent possible future problems.

    2. My guns have different barrel lengths and I would like to see how barrel length impacts PF.

    3. I don't want to waste time, money and energy.

    4. Of course to be sure I can always break out the 41 mag or the 44 mag. I'm quite sure there will be no problem making PF.

    5. Yea I know what the rules say but this is a level one match. The people you probably shoot with on a regular basis or travel to other matches with. The ones you hang with. An unannounced chrono stage is saying you think someone is cheating and it won't matter what the rules say because some of your shooters will be offended and some wont care at least publicly. People tend to react negatively when the suspicion of cheating is leveled at them which an unannounced chrono stage is added when none had been conducted in the past. Do you want the angst such an action will cause. Yea I know someone is going to point out the rules but I would suggest that said stage be announced in advance to avoid any problems and after that state that it will become a regular feature of the match.

    So then what other rules do you ignore? Do we let open guys shoot in production? Do we ignore penalties because it is a lvl 1 match?

    1 & 2... those are your own problems. You are responsible for that.

    3. How is it a waste of time, money and energy?

    If you do not want to comply with USPSA match rules, don't have a uspsa match.

    I think more people, especially newbies value a chrono at a local match, because most would not have access to one otherwise. They can use it to confirm what they have, before possibly getting disqualified at a major match.

  5. If you think someone might be cheating then just make it part of the match. Put in on the flyer/website that a chrono stage will be part of the match. Then everyone comes prepared.

    If you are being sneaky and trying to catch someone, grow up. What are you, in high school ? Really. Grow up.

    the point is, there should not be people who try to game the game unethically by breaking all the rules, and shooting with less powerful ammo.

    Same as doping in sports... does it mean you have to test every player every game?

    bringing a special box of ammo is sneaky, doing what is already written in the rules is hardly sneaky. At best, you inform someone of their load, and you save them from wasting a match fee at a major match, at worst, you call out someone being immoral.

  6. I like the idea of an unannounced chrono. While we have to have a chrono stage at major matches, I'm not sure how much good it does, other than keep the honest folks honest. You're never going to catch the cheaters at chrono, only guys who made mistakes when loading(not that it matters with respect to the rules), the cheaters ammo will always make PF.

    I wish they would have an RO grab a mag off of your person after shooting a stage then take it directly to chrono. I'm not saying a lot of people cheat but I do find it funny that you get to choose your "best 8" rounds to hand to the chrono man.

    Well, as per the rules, the RO is to select the ammo from you, but in the major matches I have shot so far... it has been... give me your 8 best.

  7. I am all for it. Unannounced is the whole point. I would assume the ones that would complain about it are the same that have a special baggie of ammo for major matches.

    Better someone find out they did not make minor/major at a local match than a major one, especially since most people do not own a chrono.

    I wish we ran more of these at the local level, especially since it would of prevent me going Minor at area 8 last year. I was going by the book load, and it turned out about 80fps slower.

  8. I find yoga helps alot. After martial arts tearing up my knee a bit, I started doing yoga. You get what you put into it. Alot of the exercise is fantastic as a core workout (abs, back, shoulder stregth) as well as fantastic flexibility.

    One of the things it teaches you is to visualize, which is what we do before a stage anyway. Go into that Zen moment where you can see yourself shooting the stage. I know before shooting my last two major matches, I would do a yoga workout, and it helped alot.

    Try it. If you have a gym membership, go take a few yoga classes, you are paying for it already. If you don't like it, well, the eye candy in that class is worth it alone.

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