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Nemesis Lead

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Everything posted by Nemesis Lead

  1. I have shot Limited 10 and Limited with a Glock for the last year and have done well. I was thinking of moving to a heavier gun and was considering either an STI 2011 or a CZ75 TS. I know I am posting in the CZ forum, but I am guessing that many of you guys also have 2011 experience and are capable of being unbiased. I am wondering about things like: 1) Out of the box reliability. 2) Recoil characteristics. 3) General ergonomics (any issues with racking the small slide on the CZ? Does one gun fit big hands or small ones better?). 4) Magazine reloading characteristics (is one faster to reload than the other?) 5) Ability to get a variety of aftermarket accessories (my big concern on the CZ) 6) Other issues as you see fit to discuss. Notice--I don't care about price. This is my hobby and I will spend what it takes (within reason). But the CZ seems a darn good gun regardless of price.
  2. Thanks guys for all the good advice. I did call CZ Custom and they recommended buying an SP-01 and then having work done to it. I might also get the Shadow top end if the price is reasonable. I am going to wait and see if CZ renews its California certification for the gun. Would be terrible to buy it and then not be able to register it because the state considers the gun "unsafe." Unless you are interested in selling your Shadow, oddjob! ;-)
  3. Guys, I am interested in getting a Shadow Custom for USPSA use in California. Big issue--these guns are not allowed to be bought new in California ;-( I can buy a used one in California (hard to do since no one can get them legally and I don't think I can import them) or I can buy a stock CZ 75, send it to CZ custom and have them convert it to a Shadow (perfectly legal). My question is......which model CZ should I buy to convert it to a Shadow? The following are legal in California: Model Gun Type Barrel Length Caliber Exp Date CZ 75B (Black) 01120 / Steel Pistol 4.58" .40 S&W 12/31/2011 CZ 75 B (Black) 01102 / Steel Pistol 4.593" 9mm 12/31/2011 CZ 75 B SA (Black) 01150 / Steel Pistol 4.593" 9mm 12/31/2011 CZ 75 SP-01 / Steel, Poly Pistol 4.6 9mm 1/31/2011 75 BD (Black) 01130 / Steel Pistol 4.687" 9mm 3/5/2011 75 SA (Black) 01151 / Steel Pistol 4.692" .40 S&W 5/13/2011 CZ 75 Tactical 01100 / Steel Pistol 4.72" 9mm 5/9/2011 I asked this of CZ custom and did not even get a response. This leads me to believe that this is either tricky/not possible or they offer poor customer service (both are worrisome). Thanks for your help.
  4. Actually bought a Double Alpha Race Master. Short story is......not good. Will be using my Blade-tech.
  5. I just bought one of these for a Glock 35 and I have to say that I am not pleased. After much Dremeling, I can finally get the Insert Slide Lock to catch the trigger guard perfectly. But I still cannot get the gun to go all the way down into the holster since the trigger guard + the insert slide lock are simply too wide to go all the way down (the activation lever goes down about 75% of the way and the gun is not locked). I figure the solution is to Dremel the inside of the insert slide lock (which I have been doing). The Glock trigger guard is also so wide that it has a fairly hard time just getting into the mouth of the Insert Block Assembly (I guess this will have to Dremeled too). The trigger guard also sticks out on the bottom I think it will prevent the Glock from locking in (although I am not sure because the gun won't go down that far). Very frustrating. I hope that DAA will send me another insert block so that I can use this with another gun should this Dremel project not pan out. BTW--I own eight gen 3 glocks and NONE of them fit despite them ALL having the same size trigger guard.
  6. Wow--either this kit is really new or it is junk. I figure if this thing were good people would be all over it. Really? No one has used this?
  7. Has anyone run the SWSA Glock dry fire kit? My link Does it replicate the Glock trigger or is it junk? Also, are there other reset kits and are they any good?
  8. Guys--to those who want me to stick with a Bladetech......I already know I am faster with a "race holster." While I love my Bladetech and agree it is safer and more reliable (and the ergos are actually very good), it is definately slower.
  9. I am looking for opinions on the best race holster for a Glock 35 shooting in L10/Limited. I currently run a Blade Tech DOH. I have used the CR Speed WSM, but think that one sits too close to the body and lacks adjustment options (I actually prefer the Blade Tech). Has anyone used a number of different holsters and found a favorite for the Glock? I know that some holsters have "issues" with Glocks since the trigger guard dimensions vary a bit. Mods--I did a search on this and the results were unsatisfactory / inconclusive.
  10. Thanks guys. I appreciate the great input and the citing of the correct rule. The RO has more discretion that I thought here. I personally think the shooter deserved an Alpha, Mike, No-Shoot as it was obvious the no-shoot was recently shot and there was 1 more A (onlookers gasped when he shot the no-shoot) with all holes of the same caliber. As I was not RO'ing or scoring, I just kept my mouth shut.
  11. So today an RO was scoring a paper target with 3 As in it and 1 hole in a no shoot next to the paper target. The shooter was a good shooter who shot a poor stage. He claimed he only shot the target twice. It was pretty clear that the previous shooter shot 2 As, the targets were not taped, and this shooter shot an Alpha, Mike, No-shoot. The RO gave him a reshoot. My question is.....is this (according to USPSA rules)should he have gotten: 1) A reshoot. 2) 2 Alphas 3) An Alpha, Mike, No Shoot 4) Something else. Thanks for your help.
  12. LOL! Awesome responses guys. This makes things a bit clearer, but I am getting the sense that USPSA may not have a standard methodology that it uses all the time.
  13. Note: Merged topics. I have heard so many conflicting things about how a USPSA high hit factor is determined, how often it changes, how it differs for divisions, etc.. It makes my head spin. Can anyone definitavely explain this? Maybe this could be a sticky as well. I am wondering: 1) What matches determine the HHF? Level 3 only? 2) Is the HHF calculated seperately for all divisions (Limited and L10 seem to be almost the same, for example)? 3) How often are HHFs changed? Once a year? 4) Does the very highest score on record become the HHF? Folks routinely report shooting more than 100% on classifiers here which makes me doubt this. 5) Is the a process for verifying HHFs? 6) Did I forget to ask a good question? Thanks in advance.
  14. THanks! I never saw that calculator so that was a bonus.
  15. So I shot a 74 out of 90 on this fixed time (3 five second stages) course in L10. Does anyone have any idea what this would be? The classifier calculator shows a result of zero. I assume that someone somewhere shot a 90 out of 90 and that my score would be a 82%........but I have learned never to assume. ;-)
  16. Have any of you bought once-fired brass online? What was your experience with it? If your experience was good, who are the better vendors for this?
  17. Wow! I would have never guessed that I had it so good. I would have thought in gun friendly states you had USPSA shooting on Saturday and Sunday every week.
  18. So I can shoot 5 USPSA handgun matches per month by travelling no more than 30 miles from my home (I could do more with multi-gun, but let's leave that out). I am in the San Francisco Bay Area. Not bad for being behind the Iron Curtain. I am wondering......where are you and how many USPSA handgun matches can you shoot per month? Note--please abide by the 30 mile limit. I ask because I wonder how things are around the country and if there is a "Mecca" of USPSA shooting. If so....I might even consider moving there in retirement! I also saw a thread from a guy moving to Cheyenne, Wyoming and was absolutely stunned to see that the closest USPSA club is 2 hours away. I would have never guess that.
  19. So I was asked to be Match Director for an upcoming match. I am looking for stage designers but may have to make one or two stages myself. So my question is......is there a website that has GOOD yet SIMPLE USPSA stages on it (that one can print out electronic copies of the stage)? OR Do you have a GOOD or SIMPLE stage design that you would be willing to share? Note--There will be a good number new shooters at this match so memory stages are probably a no-go. Thanks in advance.
  20. Thanks guys. Based on the above-I have ordered the JP buttons. Let's see how they work!
  21. Thanks guys--I am going to follow up on some of the above advice and cure myself of this (again!).
  22. So I never used to blink during recoil--now I do. I have been for at least a few matches. Yesterday I went to the square range to cure myself of this problem. I am blinking about 75% of the time and it is hard to stop. Note--there is no associated flinch--I just blink and lose the sights during recoil. Is there a good method of curing myself of this? I feel that it takes a bit of time to find the front sight again after I blink.
  23. Guys, I live in California and (because of dumb laws) cannot buy a new STI pistol (the same is true for several other brands). I was thinking of getting a BarSto BS40 (which is an STI licensed to BarSto and then modified in various ways) which Cali legal. Can anyone comment from firsthand experience on the quality of these handguns? Very interested in hearing about reliability, ergonomics and accuracy.
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