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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. I just watched the video once because I'm kind of pressed for time. But off the bat it doesn't look to me like you have great control of the gun, watch the amount of movement in the gun and in your elbows when you are shooting the targets in that first position. You may want to try overhauling your grip and stance so your body physiologically acts as more of a buffer against recoil. You also have the 50 yard draw syndrome. I can't tell what the hits were, but they looked good. Good job on the star.
  2. Please tell me that someone else here saw the Cowboys game last night. That had to be without a doubt the best football game I've ever seen. The 4th quarter was freakin ridiculous.
  3. A gun is a gun. The fundamentals of shooting are exactly the same regardless of what platform or caliber you are shooting.
  4. Yeah but Brett is still the man.
  5. I've shot 9mm Major and 38 SC and was plagued by both platforms. When I go back to Open I am seriously considering using .40 or I may try the Tanfogio in 38 SC. Haven't decided yet - but out of all of the 2011 open guns that I've seen, there is maybe only 2 or 3 that I have never seen jam.
  6. Green Bay lost because they had 5 turnovers. I think the Pats have a very legit chance to go 16 - 0 this season. Dallas is a strong team....will be a good game for sure.
  7. Simulate single action for subsequent shots.
  8. Mink said just about exactly what I was thinking.
  9. I don't remember what year that was but I'm pretty sure I wasn't yet even 18. That was definitely the nationals in Tunica though. Man...I look at that video and instantly I can see about 2 dozen things I did wrong. Amazing what a few years of dedicated practice does.
  10. I knew that but didn't say it because Kyle Gass is JB's brother - not best friend.
  11. #5 is Cuba Gooding Jr. in Jerry Maguire. The word is kwan. #10 is Joan Cusack in School of Rock
  12. No one here is disputing the accuracy of the call - stop being so defensive. The comment about looking in the USPSA book was because he thought this was a thread about USPSA - take it easy on an innocent mistake for Christ's sake. In that situation - I think it was a good call. However that isn't how it will always be and what I want to avoid is hearing shooters individually called on this when they aren't intentionally dumping rounds. So far from the comments on this thread that doesn't seem like an issue - but invariably there will be some over-zealous official that will make a bad call...hopefully some of them read this thread before that happens and it makes them think that it could just as easily be making up a questionable shot as dumping rounds.
  13. When I saw that as Flex's avatar, I probably laughed for a good 15 minutes. It's perfect. "The story ends with me putting him in the wall."
  14. As a disclaimer I only read the first post in this thread because I'm feelin lazy. I do agree with it though. The FTDR is a great rule for deterring blatant rules violations for IDPA. However even if I do put 3 rounds into the down 0 zone of a target, that doesn't mean I was dumping rounds. If I call a shot questionable or don't call it at all I'm going to make it up. I'm not going to look at the target to check it. I honestly am not sure what to do to fix it but I do know that it shouldn't be a subjective call by an official who didn't see what I saw - or perhaps doesn't understand the ability of many people to call their shots.
  15. That wouldn't make sense because they didn't chrono the first day. If it were the last day I could see that.
  16. I think he is talking about the lack of consistency in chronographing all competitors.
  17. Brett Favre is my hero. The Colts are my team....but I'd love to see the Packers win too.
  18. I like a gun that works, don't really care how it looks. But the two-tone look is pretty sweet.
  19. If you knew how tonight and tomorrow are going to end up for me you wouldn't say that.
  20. Wow you serious? I was way off. Man I am not looking forward to waking up on Sunday...
  21. First shot tomorrow is at 10. Not 100% sure on the start time on Sunday. 9 am is safe though I think. Stages turned out pretty well - should be a good match. You won't be turned away from the match.
  22. I actually really don't care where it is....with enough notice the increase in cost for longer distance wouldn't be a big deal. I enjoy the aspect of traveling all over the place to shoot. It's one of the reasons I do this. The main thing is just to know ahead of time.
  23. I don't know about you but I can say "I'm going to shoot a clean match" or "I'm not going to shoot any penalties" and get the same results. I'm not sure if my head is built differently than most (yeah yeah I know there are going to be 100 jokes for that one), but saying "don't" in a goal doesn't get me to focus on what I don't want to do, it's merely a way for me to remind myself to focus on the present and on what I'm doing. It doesn't matter how many things you state in a negative way...If you don't want to hit that no-shoot target, you won't - unless you let yourself get out of the present. The reason those types of "mantras" (for lack of a better term) hold people back is because they are thinking about that shot before and after it happens rather than just being in the moment and letting their vision guide their shooting. In that same manner of thought, by saying you don't want to do something in a stage it makes you concentrate on it - which is an action from the conscious mind. If you have the fortitude to stay focused in spite of that, nothing you say will ever really have an effect on your shooting. In actuality, saying you don't want to do something in a stage is a great test to see if you will handle pressure effectively. At least it is for me. Concentration = Conscious Focus = Sub-Conscious
  24. I agree. Having a day a week to just pig out is great for your morale and doesn't hurt you too much if you were strong during the week.
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