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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. Yessir, let me edit that right now.
  2. Bingo to the last post... If your goal is to win, you have to treat every match like it is the Nationals and shoot it accordingly. Local matches are NOT practice, you only get one shot at each stage. The key to great match performance is repeatability...if you can't shoot a stage with the same score 10 times in a row, you are on the edge and it will eventually catch up with you.
  3. There are VERY few instances in any stage where I would not stand up if given the opportunity.
  4. Well first is get the "double tap" mindset out of your head. 2nd....never look at a stage as easy. Looking at a stage as being easy makes you think you can burn it down. When you think you can burn something down, you create tension. For me...whenever I see the dot (or the sight) in it's full arc of recoil, seeing everything that happens, I never have trigger freeze.
  5. TDean....sorry I didn't shoot it clean in 5.00.....However the HF is still higher than if I did.
  6. I loved that shaky bridge....as soon as I got to the range on Friday and saw the stage in person I knew I would gain a boatload of points on it. Your score on that stage depended almost solely on how you percieved the stage.
  7. Jake Di Vita

    My Knee!

    I know the feelings....only I did that 1 WEEK before nats in 2003.
  8. Nothing burning it down....just a real solid match run that I could run 10 times in a row. During lunch on Sunday I strapped my gear on and had Trout run me a few times....At 11 shots I had a 2.98....then massive trigger freeze. I figure it would have been a 3.08 or a 3.10.
  9. I never said it isn't worth doing....I said it is rarely worth doing. Quite frankly most of the time, the points you will drop from shooting on the move (on targets that aren't in your face) does not make up for the time that you save. Take Max for example....He too rarely shoots on the move, yet stomps the crap out of everyone else. The way I look at it....when deciding to shoot an array of targets on the move, there are a few things that need to be known. First...shooting on the move will for the most part greatly increase your time between positions, you will shoot slower, and have sloppier hits. Most of the time this does not offset running to the next position, getting a nice practiced fluid set up, and shooting the targets faster with better hits. Each puzzle has a different solution....sometimes it is worth it, often it isn't.
  10. I disagree with the moving part. What seperates the great shooters is not shooting on the move (although being proficient at it will help....it is rarely actually worth doing). What REALLY seperates the great from the not-so-great is getting in and out of position. Back on topic....in most situations I will definetely take a couple extra steps if it will make my shots easier and faster.
  11. I'll hold dead on for anything out to 50 yards (unless its a 3 yard head shot obviously). If I decide to shoot at 100, I'll usually hold real close to dead on....maybe between the head and A zone. Shooting Open.
  12. But moot to the point that whatever is recorded in the palm within reason (for example, a time of 18 instead of 13) will not be questioned and the wrong time will in fact be recorded twice as being right.
  13. Didn't they enter the scores on the sheet FROM the palm?????? If so, it seems that protective measure is very near moot.
  14. Depends on the division.... For Open, any shirt will work fine....Production I always used an underarmor type shirt and it worked fantastic.
  15. Dude, you are going to nationals next year even if I have to chloroform you and put you in my trunk.
  16. I think its you who is the one that needs to back off... No one here is even remotely disrespecting Robbie. The thread was started as a joke....chill out and go back to remembering how good you used to be....not to sound rude...
  17. Actually I thought it was fantastic without the scheduled time break. Between stages there was more than enough time to grab some chow and we got done much faster without a break. I personally hate breaks in the middle of the day because it really drags it out big time....then if squads don't all get started at the same time after the break you have nightmares for backups.
  18. I don't care if it is one or two day. It is a freakin Area match....allowances must be made. No one would possibly expect to shoot the Nationals in one day. Area matches really aren't all that much different.
  19. Max and Travis all the way. Absolutely incredible class.
  20. The match was fantastic...unfortunantly I didn't bring my A game...or GM game for that matter. No probs...learned a lot...had fun...and still a decent finish for shooting a bad match. Must sleep now, goodbye.
  21. What....none of me??? I see how it is...you are already acting like you are from Ohio.
  22. How about Team Smooth and Rounded?
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