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Posts posted by DyNo!

  1. I'm going to try and squeeze two seasons out of mine before a rebarrel - that's going to be more than 20k. 10 major matches in two years plus all the small matches and practice that goes with it.

    When mine is finally done, accuracy will still be good - just not match worthy.

  2. I'm not a top USPSA shooter but I've put down top 5 finishes on stages at major 3-gun matches (in TACOPS) using 115gr bullets.

    To me, 147's recoil less but I can perceive the slide being open longer. (I'm waiting)

    115's are flippy but it's over fast and I can break the next shot sooner. (I'm transitioning)

  3. Had a club member mention seeing people covering the ejection port quite often during our Jan. match so during shooter's brief at the Feb. match I had warned about the possibility of a detonation. Some thanked me and changed what they were doing, others I am sure did not.

    I got warned about it the other day. I've never seen it happen in 9mm but with my luck I'd be the first one.

    I'm just gonna let it fall... :eatdrink:

  4. Anything less than a scope that costs a few hundred dollars is going to be a bust.

    Personally - I'd rather spend that money on an optic that's actually on my gun - shoot my paper to sight in, walk to check the target - and shoot steel in practice.

  5. Sight focused shooting is a great tactic with time, distance, and cover.

    Otherwise - it is unreasonable to expect someone in a life or death situation with a pistol in their face to find a proper sight picture. (Not that the sights aren't already aligned from a good index)

  6. My friends who are "Federal Agents" with alphabet agencies don't consider them to be Federal, but more security guards at the Federal installations.


    There are armed Federal employees ranging from highly paid security guards to shoot first ask questions later types.

    None of them necessarily have to be police or agents - many of them don't even have arrest powers or non-lethal force ladders to go up.

    Force protection folks come to mind that work in places that you shouldn't be (or ones that don't exist).


    How long until there are security contractors on the show?

    I bet they won't let any on since they'd probably shoot too well. :lol:

  7. Great idea - although I forsee hurt feelings. :lol:

    Could you elaborate? I'm open to suggestions/improvements on this idea. We ultimately want the shooters to enjoy the match experience, including the overall feel of the match down to the nitty-gritty details.

    I agree with your plan - it's just that feelings will be hurt like you said:

    "In the same way, if one person has to decide to be the squad a-hole and yell at everybody, he's not likely to do it by himself--and this includes the OFFICIAL Stage ROs, who are nice guys and gals just like the rest of us. But if the heckling/peer pressure is spread out across a group of people, they are more likely to do it. We all know this in school: it's a lot easier to be mean in a pack than one by one."

    I couldn't tell you how well it would work but I can say that you're right!

  8. Maybe it will be like the Open Sig, but this one will be stamped Taurus. Could be a Judge or a 24/7 in production. I'm excited :goof:

    Or the FN 2011 :lol: :


    I have gone to a match and shot a PT1911 in Single Stack for shiggles. It can be done well.

  9. Cam, don't worry about it being legal for Limited/Tactical. You will be shooting open after the mag check anyway.

    Sorry, I couldn't resist.


    Last weekend someone was asking why I could only fit 21 rounds into my 9mm magazine - ain't happening this year! :ph34r::lol:

    "Please remember, just because your gunsmith says that your mags or your gun is legal don't make it so..." -Braxton1

  10. If your smith builds open guns then I'm sure he can do it. Keep us updated, it will be interesting to see what he comes up with. The only real question left is if it will be legal.

    Looks like I'm going through with it - I can't find anything in writing that says I shouldn't and quite a few usernames that know what they are talking about came through this thread. I'll let you all know in about 6-8 months though when it's done. :lol:

    It is no different than a sight tracker. It's not a comp, there are no ports, and it isn't any more of a "barrel weight" than a bull barrel compared to a bushing barrel if it's all one piece.

    I figure if the Trusight is legal in USPSA of all things, there's no reason why it would be illegal in 10 page IMGA Outlaw rulesets. In checking my majors for this year, I didn't find anything in their rules (all different :wacko: ). I don't think it'll be a trend and it won't give me any advantages that someone with a 6" 2011 doesn't already have.

  11. I think you might be better off with a 9mm STI Aperio, Bedell sight trane, SV Sight Tracker, etc. Hybrid barrel with no ports would be a heck of a lot easier to get running. Limcat does a fixed sight version very similar to what you are talking about.

    Are you building it or going through a smith?

    It would be going through my smith. He hasn't told me if he thinks it would run or not but I'd believe him.

    I can't imagine it would be any harder to get running than an Open gun with no red dot (which without a red dot is easier to do in 9mm since you can have it eject wherever you want).

    Yup, the one I'm thinking of would have a shorter dust cover and a longer sight radius:


    Kind of like this but without the ports:


  12. After a discussion the other day, a friend brought up the idea of shooting the STI Trusight which is legal for limited in USPSA:


    Since everyone is shooting 6" 9mm 2011's in multigun these days, I'm considering a build that involves this barrel with a dovetail cut into it:


    I can't see any Outlaw rule sets that would prohibit it but before I dropped the coin, I'd like to stir the pot a little bit. (It is cheaper to do it in that order)


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