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Posts posted by gng4life

  1. Are you sure the DQ was listed as 10.4.2? When a DQ is put in the scoring system, either paper or electronic, some notation should be made as to why the competitor was DQ'ed (10.3.2). I would ensure that first. Like it was said above, sometimes bystanders don't get all the information and just go off what they see but it may have been for a different violation. Just my personal rule, unless it is so obvious that it is well over 10' (for example like 25' and you just know it is impossible to be less than 10'), then I always measure and put that measurement on the score sheet, if within 10'. I heard a competitor one time saying the shot was well over 10' but when it was measured, it was 10'3". No DQ but it was not well over. So just a good idea to measure it, you know how guys are with their measurements :)

  2. Yes, you should be good. The rule states that stippling has to follow the illustrations in the book and no grip tape can be applied to any lever or button, up to it but not including it with any gripping texturing/grip tape, you are good. Of course, the official RM at the match is the final authority but according to the pictures you provided, I can't see any RM disputing the legality of your grip.

  3. I would like to find out more about that class also, let us know if you go forward with it. On the AGI video course, I did get some of those and they were okay from a broad overview of basics but just wasn't overly impressed for what I was looking to learn. The AGI does have it's niche, just not for me though.

  4. I do not see it as harsh, it's just the rules. If you are a Production shooter, you have to remember those things. The first thing you should ask is about is the start position if you don't hear it while the WSB is being read. You could always start in Open and never have to worry about it :) Then again, you can always just start with 10 and again, never have to worry about it.

    A procedural is given when you don't follow a procedure, something told to do that you follow mostly while shooting the CoF. If you don't meet a division requirement, you are just not in that division anymore and it's not fair to all the others who follow the requirements.

  5. Not to be a smarta$$ but have you read the rule book? It is in the appendix, section Appendix B2 and B3. Basically, the metric is either the entire upper A zone or 25% of the lower A zone. See the diagram for the Classic target measurements but must have 25% of A zone available.

  6. I had a WSM once and felt it was not very secure. I moved to a Guga, then RaceMaster, then to Limcat. These three are awesome and all are very secure once locked in. All have a few small differences but I like the Limcat the best for the draw and security.

    However, what Eric said above is very true. You don't need a "speed" holster, a DOH type will function just as well, is very secure, and draw speeds should be just about identical.

  7. 6 minutes ago, motosapiens said:

    no it isn't. both feet out is a per-shot procedural no matter what, even if it's not any advantage at all. even if you ran further away from the targets and it took longer.

    If you start outside, the per-shot procedural does not kick in yet...

  8. No they can't. There are NO local rules in USPSA. The board will not give you permission; you might as well not even ask. This has been tried and rejected numerous times.

    Can you give us any examples of clubs that went to the board and requested exceptions and what exceptions they requested? Thanks

    PS - I'm not disagreeing with you since 3.3 and affiliation rules are pretty clear on this.

  9. Do we really want to neuter the DVC balance in an effort to "Grow the sport"? Personally I would say no and it undermines the fundamental principles of the sport. Accuracy, POWER, and speed are required to be a true balance.

    I guess you think someone already did. Production, CO, SS minor, have you written your AD to get these neutered divisions out of USPSA?

    Sounds like you are for PCC. I am more accurate with higher PF bullets and more speed than my neutered 9mm. So PCC makes me better and closer to your ideal of DVC. Thanks for the support, that is a great argument for PCC. :goof:

    You forgot 8 shot revolver too [emoji2]

    The DVC argument doesn't hold water as it is really meant to keep minor with minor and major with major rewarding the major PF more points. PCC would compete at equal PF level so let's move on with more important senseless arguing [emoji12]

    Go Panthers!

    Sent from the range

  10. Found it

    8.2.3 A course of fire must never require or allow a competitor to touch or hold a handgun, loading device or ammunition after the "Standby" command and before the "Start Signal".

    No problem. We won't be touching a "handgun"
    What rule allow's a carbine to be used?
    What rule doesn't?

    there is no rule saying its allowed so its not allowed, what division is it in?
    It will be in the appendix under PCC Division [emoji12]

    Sent from the range

  11. The club I frequent is moving to a Saturday and Sunday club match format due to high number of shooters at our Sunday matches. If you add PCC, and someone wants to shoot that and their pistol, limit it to one gun per day. At Majors, have them shoot PCC or their pistol on the Staff day (which anyone can request to shoot that day), and the other gun on the normal match day(s). I understand that not all clubs would be able to make use of a double match format, but it's not a bad option.

    On another note: I think that the rules and stage descriptions would need to specify using props as support for the PCC. This could raise some safety concerns, and impact the durability of some props.

    There is already a rule in USPSA about using props and another about weak/strong unsupported so this shouldn't be a concern. The walls and props should already be stable enough and the match crew will handle things like that.

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