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Posts posted by 2MoreChains

  1. If the primer rod-thingy is not staying on the white plastic rollers have you tried experimenting with different depths of how far the primer rod is inserted into the press frame?

    When you screwed the primer assembly back onto the press, did you line up the primer cup with the shell plate with the handle in the up position? What I do is place the primer assembly back on the track, lift the shell plate and set it back down so the primer cup is where it should be (in the hole). Then insert the two screws to hold everything together but don't tighten them down, give the handle a crank or two to make sure everything is lined up, then tighten the screws. The spring goes on last.

  2. Shoot your Limited gun in L10 with your Prod buds at the next match to see if you like shooting stages in increments of 10 rnds. Hell, download to minor if you want to be scored the same as them and move your mags and holsters behind you hip bone. What can it hurt?

    I shot Prod off and on over the last few years. I got into CZs last fall and that kind of revived my interest in that division.

  3. I try to learn from my mistakes

    As do many people. But that doesn't mean we should pull the pin on making the standard harder as you suggested. Besides, most of the bad calls we read about on Enos have to do with scoring, procedurals, or being told something is not legal. Not things for safety infractions (barring that video of the RO not ensuring the range was clear before starting the next shooter).

    If an RO makes a bad call and DQ's somebody for something the rules say is OK. Shooter goes, dafuq? RM should get called if at a major match, and should catch it and over rule the bad call. That's the check and balance we have in the current system.

    At a local club match I ask that I (as MD) be informed of any DQ's. If nothing else, I am going to want to hear what the DQ is for and the applicable rule (something I've learned working majors). This leads to opening up the rulebook to check ourselves. That's the check and balance for the local match.

    And we just be a podunk lil' club in Idaho...

  4. Just so I am tracking... we periodically hear about some goofy call made by a "RO" at a match. This leads to a thinking that higher standards are required to be an RO. Statistically speaking, just how rampant are these bad calls to warrant increasing the standard?

    In the same vein, we quite often hear about screw-ups made by competitors, either as self-admissions or somebody who was witness to one. Should that spur us to say there needs to be a minimum competency level to compete, and do such minimum standards need to be enforced thru periodic refreshers?

    Compared to the thousands of RO calls made at a hundred or so matches every weekend, what is the incident rate for f'ed up calls to justify this? 1 in a 1000, 500, 100? And what is, if it can even be quantified, the acceptable level?

  5. Some people have had problems with 147's hitting the rifling before the slide is fully in battery. It depends on the shape of the bullet. If it has a tall shoulder you may need to get your barrel throated. Or you can try and find a 147 bullet shape that fits your current barrel.

    Best advice is to buy some of each and give it a try. General rule of thumb, heavier bullet with fast burning powder results in a 'softer' recoil. Light bullets have more of a snappier recoil.

  6. For me, I would probably upgrade the sights first since it'll also benefit you in IDPA. Check out Dawson Precision. You may also need to exchange your rear sight if using stock. http://www.dawsonprecision.com/CategoryProductList.jsp?cat=SIGHT+SETS:Glock+Sight+Sets

    The next thing I'd probably do is just go shoot a USPSA match with your current gear and take the time to checkout what everyone else is using. We have a number of people that shoot IDPA and USPSA, using more or less the same guns/gear. Register to shoot in Limited until you get more mags, even though you'll be scored minor PF with the 9mm it'll still be fun. Or get those extra mags and more mag pouches and shoot Production. As far as the belt, if you decide to stick with USPSA then get a belt system. I've seen the B-T belts, but not used one. I have belts from CR Speed and DAA, and recommend either of those. The DAA is stiffer than the CR Speed. I prefer single mag pouches, but YMMV.

    Later on, if you decide Limited is the division for you, by all means convert your G20 over to .40. I know people who compete in Limited minor and they're having as much fun as I do.

  7. 2011's have similar fore and aft grip dimensions, but are somewhat blockier than their 1911 counterparts. As mentioned, some of that blockiness can be reduced by shaving down the serrations on the 2011's grip especially in the front strap. Short dust cover 2011's are lighter than SDC 1911's, but that is largely offset with the increased capacity so when fully loaded they weigh pretty close (or maybe even more) than a loaded 1911.

    Other than that, 2011 and 1911's feel about the same to me. I use the same length of trigger on both, and manipulating the safeties feels about the same to me.

  8. Currently using an original Center of Mass DOH holster for a 5" 2011. Its starting to show its age, and thinking about converting to the BOSS Hanger with BT (or a new gen COM since the new guys Steve will make them to fit the BOSS). I'm using the BOSS for Production and SS and really like this setup. As good of retention as the COM, though the hanger is a little stouter IMO.

  9. We switched in 2014, almost 1 year ago exactly. I won't go back, and I'm sure the guy who does the stats for our weekly SC matches would agree. PS gave me my Saturday afternoons back when I used to spend ~2 hrs after the match entering scores into EZW. We also don't have internet at the range but use a local router thingy to sync between devices (one of our shooters is an IT guy and set this up for us, not me, obviously).

    We bought 6 Nooks for USPSA, 5 for IDPA, and 5 for SC. We probably could have gotten by with less, but we don't share toys very well. For master devices, I got some old Gen 1 iPads donated by members who upgraded to later gen iPads. Found out afterwards this was a good stroke since we could upload the USPSA activity reports directly from the iPad without having to convert to EZW. However my Section Coord wants me to convert to EZW anyway so I can post club scores onto the Section website...but most of the shooters are fine going to PS to look at the results.

    We've lost some SC scores because people were not hitting the save button. But this hasn't been an issue at USPSA matches, so must just be a training thing with the Nook users.

    Nooks don't like rain, and even the cold makes them fussy. Not a big deal if its warm and dry where you are, but we have some die hards that shoot in all kinds of weather.

    It took a few months to get everyone trained up, but we got there. Its worth the investment and learning curve IMO. My wife, who is big into dog agility competition looks enviously at my Nooks since they still do paper scoring in her sport.

  10. I've been a 1911 SS shooter from day 1 in USPSA. I also shoot Limited with a 2011. However for Production I ended up with a Glock. Last year I switched to a SP-01 and even though I'm still in the same class in Prod I enjoy shooting the CZ way more than I ever did the Glock. Accuracy and splits up close is negligible. The big difference the CZ made for me was on the longer distance or hard shots.

    Maybe I just needed to practice more with the Glock, but I am sure liking the CZ (weight and trigger). It's wishful thinking but I would love to have the longer sight radius of the G34 on the SP-01...


    125 gr Leatherhead RN (same hi-tek coating as Bayou except red) and 4.3 gr VV N320 for a 132 PF out of my CZs. OAL of 1.135"

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