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High Lord Gomer

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Posts posted by High Lord Gomer

  1. The Sear housing block is wearing. Remove your slide and look at the rails....you'll see clear wear lines from material being removed.


    It happened from day one on one of my Pros but has never happened withmany thousands and thousands of rounds through my other "regular" M&Ps.

    is the sear block different on the Pro?

  2. One of mine has done that from day 1. It fails to reset . I swapped slides and frames around on several of my M&Ps and the problem only occurs now about once every 250 rounds. I'm waiting for a lull in my schedule to send it back.

    For me, racking the slide (sometimes as many as 4 or 5 times), usually resets it.

  3. Very cool! Great times for you two ahead!

    My 12 year old started with an M&P when he was 9. I would suggest trying this:


    It really helps them get a good grip on the gun and you'll likely have less problems with extraction.

    While you're at it, I also highly recommend the Apex sear and firing pin block.

    I don't know if it is too late or not, but also:


  4. It's only a reshoot if the RO stops the competitor *and* there was really no squib. If they stop themselves, no reshoot and scored as shot.

    5.7.7 In the event that a Range Officer terminates a course of fire due to a suspicion that a competitor has an unsafe handgun or unsafe ammunition (e.g. a “squib” load), the Range Officer will take whatever steps he deems necessary to return both the competitor and the range to a safe condition. The Range Officer will then inspect the handgun or ammunition and proceed as follows: If the Range Officer finds evidence that confirms the suspected problem, the competitor will not be entitled to a reshoot, but will be ordered to rectify the problem. On the competitor’s score sheet, the time will be recorded up to the last shot fired, and the course of fire will be scored “as shot”, including all applicable misses and penalties. If the Range Officer discovers that the suspected safety problem does not exist, the competitor will be required to reshoot the stage.

  5. Did he stop himself or did the RO stop him?

    If I have someone who tells me they think they fired a squib, I tell them to stop. I know the possibility exists for a cheater to claim a squib, get the RO top stop them, and then get a reshoot if there was not really a squib, but karma would catch up to those people if their greed doesn't first. Besides, I have never encountered anyone capable of such things in USPSA.

  6. I would explain the joys of fine swine mattress dining, but then all of you yankees would figger out what yer missing and the price of Porkie's feet would go through the roof, so I'll just keep it to myself.

  7. to HLG We have a Genaro A. shoots open, not sure if thats the person you were asking about.

    That's him! I guess he figured us southerners couldn't handle Genaro so he translated it to Gerry for us. :) He was out here in Augusta for a month and got to do a fair bit of shooting with us. Great guy! So he hasn't switched to an M&P, yet? :rolleyes:

  8. I'm not entirely sure but I was pretty sure I had a pocket knife in the outer pocket of a bag I checked last week to California. When I got there there wasn't a knife but my pistol and ammo were still inside.

  9. Since she does a lot of BMX...

    One of the biggest problems I've always had with photographers at MX races was that they would get a photo of a person in the air without any ground to really understand how high/far they were jumping. I'm no photographer, but when I do take pictures I try to get the takeoff, the landing, and the rider all in the picture.

    These are old pics so the quality is poor, but the are both of the same jump. Even though the rider is is more detail in the zoomed in version, I prefer to see the takeoff and landing:



    Similar thing goes for turns...I want to see the entry and exit, like this:


  10. ... my svelte athletic body sits on it.... :rolleyes: ( I'm sure High Lord Gomer will jump ALL over that comment if he happens into this post!)

    Well, since you tee'd it up for me...

    You have a svelte athletic body? I've been wanting to get me one of those! Where do you keep it? After following you around a couple weeks ago I'm betting you keep it in your back pocket. You sure you don't have two of them things? Ever take them out and wash them? Should I stop now? You sure?

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