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High Lord Gomer

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Posts posted by High Lord Gomer

  1. I did see a Mythbusters episode where they tried to ignite ammo in an oven...

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BX1kvJVrjc?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BX1kvJVrjc?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

  2. I usually shoot the first 3 stages, go first on stage 4, then start entering scores. When my squad goes to stage 5 I go back down and shoot first there and usually get the results done about 10 or 15 minutes after the last shot. Since everyone else is tearing down the stages it usually works out that I am done about the time they are. I usually get them posted to our local website that evening, though I have done it via phone/modem while at the range.

  3. I'd never seen a plate rack like that for the rifle - that was excellent. Like a MGM Precision rifle target, but there's 6 of them on a plate rack size board.. the backer was all scoring no shoots.

    It SUCKED being the RO who had to score that. Many, many people had hits that got partial (and even full) diameter hits on the NoShoot plate but then ricochetted in and knocked down the plate. Even people who went 6-for-6 frequently had NS penalties. It got to the point when I could tell that they had a NS when the plate fell slower than usual.

    If anyone else saw it.. didn't the video make it look like Bruce broke the 180 at the end of the rifle portion?

    The 3GN stages were not run completely on USPSA Multigun rules.

  4. I tried the "Share this link via email" icon near the bottom of the page and the email it generated had different headers than the "normal" message notifications. Specifically one of the differences is that the "Shared link" came through with my email address in the "From:" field. The message notifications come through with notagoodaddress@brianenos.com.

    This could get a bit involved and might involve more info than you want to post openly, if so, send me an email and we can look at a few other things. Like:

    What mail server software are you using?

    What anti-spam software does the server use?

    Are you using any additional client-side anti-spam software?

    Do you have the ability to whitelist the brianenos.com domain?

    What email client are you using?

    Do you have any server-side rules for processing email?

    Do you have any client-side rules for processing email?

  5. Considering picking up a 625 4".

    If I get a Bladetech DOH for a 4", will it handle a 5"?

    If I get a Bladetech DOH for a 5", will it properly hold a 4"?

    I am crushed you did not consult with me :(

    I didn't consult with you because I was planning on picking it up at your house when you weren't home!

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