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High Lord Gomer

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Posts posted by High Lord Gomer

  1. Slight drift (but not much)

    There is one critical thing to be aware of when targets (no-shoot or scoring) overlay other targets (again, no-shoot or scoring):

    9.1.5 Impenetrable – The scoring area of USPSA scoring targets and noshoots is deemed to be impenetrable

    This includes the perf, since it is part of the scoring area.

    How does this come into play? I've most often seen it when a no-shoot partially covers a scoring target. A competitor will hit the no-shoot such that the bullet touches the perf of the no-shoot. It is obviously a penalty, but the competitor tries to also get the hit on the scoring target underneath by saying "it touched the perf."

    In this case, since the area directly under the perf is unavailable (since the perf is impenetrable), the bullet would actually have to break the perf of the no-shoot to count on the scoring target underneath.

    Difficult concept for some to get, since we've all been told the bullet only has to touch the perf to get the higher scoring call.

    The official NROI ruling that supports this can be found at: http://www.uspsa.org...ils.php?indx=37

    That ruling addresses the shots 1, 3, 6, and 8 in the graphic that Ken posted. It doesn't say anything about the difference between touching and breaking, but rather that if a scoring area iscovered with a NS such that the perfs align , the area under the NS is not available. That is why 1 and 8 do not get any positive score and why 3 and 6 scored C's rather than A's (in addition to the obvious NS that each shot also got).

  2. Dave: Yep, I shoot some......

    That is too cool!

    Years ago when he was 17 and getting ready to go pro I lined up next to a kid that had already spanked everyone in his first 3 motos. While we were getting ready I looked over at him and said,"Follow me and I'll show you the fast way around this track."

    He looked kinda shy and said, "Um...ok, thanks!" He was also polite when he lapped me...twice.

    I really like people that don't let their success go to their heads.

    Now me...if I ever happen to win a match you suckahs will be paying to read what I post!

    ** (This post, and others, subject to applicable fees and back taxes)

  3. Kinda Similar to Sargenv, except that I started Compeditive Shooting in Black Powder Rondevous and moved into SASS and my "Handle" has stuck with me for 20 years. In fact, there are as many shooters who ONLY know me as Modoc as those who know me as Will. :cheers:

    So for me, it is just an AKA that I have had for more than half of my life :devil:

    Similar thing here. Probably more people know me as Gomer than as Mike. Even the sign on my office door says Gomer. :)

    ...and yes, ImA45Diva...you can read!

  4. My son moves the mag release to the other side because his hands are too small to hit it with his thumb. He uses his trigger finger to hit the mag release. The problem is that frequent, during recoil, his trigger finger inadvertently hits the mag release and drops the mag.

    Is your friend left handed? If yes, then I would check to see if his support hand is hitting the mag release. If he is right handed, he needs to move it back to the left(correct) side and get used to hitting it with his thumb.

    Swapping it from one side to the other is a 30 second job and can be done with a screwdriver (or even a ball point pen if no screwdriver is available).

    I did have problems with one of the original M&P 9 Compacts that dropped mags. I sent it back, they replaced the mag catch and it was fine after that.

  5. You don't have to have just one instance of that website on your screen. You can bring up two (or more), fill them out, and hit the submit button on each when the time comes.


    For the real gamer...you can stack your windows to get the Submit buttons closer...


    Just make sure you click on the one on top first because once you click on the bottom one it will obscure the top, but that's why you have time to practice. :)

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