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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by MattBurkett

  1. Yeah, stage one should be tossed especially since we weren't allowed to check the score on the target. At the match they had thrown out any un-hit target penalties in the first round of scoring. The shooting was a blast! I just want to know how they did everything score-wise after everyone left.
  2. Okay, would you please state what stages were kept vs. thrown out also, please list how the penalties were finally applied. Thanks, Matt
  3. I wish you were using a standardized rule-set for example the IMGA rules. Good luck with the scoring and the match. Hope you all have a ton of fun!
  4. If you guys want to see a cool load of TT's in a match, go to the bonus footage on V4. He has a 1.08 load from a bobber to a popper that is just beautiful. TT Rocks.
  5. Ron, Physical skills are not nec. what win most matches - truly not what win the big matches. The mental is the game, the physical is the prep. It does not matter what you are capable of in practice or even what your classification is, what you do in a match is all that is scored. Hence our collection of "grandbaggers" we now have in our sport.
  6. What are the rules for Hi-cap mags there and what is the best airport to fly into?
  7. Umm, no sorry it isn't. The gun is doing the same thing on both activities but you are adding motion. Added motion equals what? If your trans are faster than your splits, you are missing something on the timing and maybe just not driving the gun back. I believe this is a mental issue more than anything and it is probably related to the aggressiveness that we approach the drill with. Sniper, the first question that no on seems to have asked (since it is an assumed) is that both drills have the same quality of hits? IE - both drills are with all A zone hits right? If not they don't count. Comments on the video: 1. Nice shoulder movement. 2. Get the gun up earlier - looks almost like a scoop or fishing presentation. 3. Your head moves about 3". 4. Stance looks A LOT better than it used too! Looks like your not getting pushed around by the gun anymore. Next time, don't worry about getting the targets in the scene. Can't see paper targets get hit anyway. Try to get the shooter on camera on the right side - fairly tightly framed. Take care, Matt
  8. Okay, Paul Hara has out done himself this time! Check out the latest on the website. Adjustable moveable target size with and without no-shoots that you can position however you want along with par time selection. Includes IDPA and IPSC targets. It includes a 1-4 second random start! All I can say is WOW. Click the link: BurkettVideo.com then click dryfire drills. Have fun!
  9. It looks like it was an FTP account that got hacked. BTW we will be putting a new server in a hardened colo so we don't have to close that end of the business. Thanks for all the concern - everything seems to be fixed up and happy. Take care, Matt
  10. Wow, Duece, haven't had anyone with an experience like that. Sorry to hear of it. Rob, sounds like a good deal. Nik, no the move was just about a mile from the old house. A much needed upgrade to Casa de Burkett.
  11. Well back in town to find this crap going on. It appears that they only had access to my ftp account which is separate from the admin (root and su) accounts. Nothing else has been touched or moved according to the logs and some other forensics. There has been no shell access etc.. Just an FYI - no secure data such as credit cards ever goes through my machines only the banks. I didn't want to be liable for any loss of information that way. Brian's site is set up the same way and it (like mine) offloads the credit cards to a secure server with Authorize.net Due to a recent move, we will be closing the internet services part of the business. Estimated shutdown date is Sept. 30th. We are recommending that anyone with us, go to 1and1.com for hosting. If you go to http://www.burkettvideo.com and click the link at the bottom of the left side, it will get you there. They have one hell of an impressive setup. Thanks for the concerns guys and yes, this is a pain in the ass.
  12. Thanks to Phara an Enos member, we are rocking with Classic targets and Regular ones on the new drills!!! Check out the newest ones online. Swinger with adjustable speed and movable barricade. Par time with either target and adjustable times. Have fun!!
  13. You know that I googled "tater tots laura dern" and had the movie in about .78 of a second! Google rules! Figured I had to post something in here after reading about tater tots and NOT being able to have them here in Aussieland! Arrrgg. Cheers Mates!
  14. Patrick!!! OMFG I have been there! hahahhaa
  15. Liota, Your right it extends to shotguns in general. I can't tell you how many matches (due to the mental block I have imposed on myself) that I have lost because of f**king shotguns not working. I finally started doing really well in the last year due to the SG from Bevin Grams. Love that gun!! Shotguns are good for opening doors and hitting people with slugs. (they have a tendency to stay hit) I think that match was a record though with breaking or disabling 3 or 4 of them. ARRRRGGGGG. Going to have to win a shotgun only match just to get over the mental block!
  16. Thats pretty good. Another one I just remembered was at the SMM3g a couple of years ago. Did I ever tell anyone that I hate shotguns? Well I really did just after I tried to do the ski's through the doorway trick with one. The RO was laughing so hard he almost didn't get the time on the clock.
  17. All right so I had a classic this year at the MGM IronMan. This is an incredible match if you have an opportunity to go to it, GO. A few unique parts of the competition: You will use a minimum of three guns on all stages sometimes up to five. Coaching, loading assistance, loaning of guns etc... is fully allowed. THANK GOD! So on stage 3 the longest stage of the match I am rocking! Whack all 10 with the sniper rifle! WOO happy about that! Transition to the AR and fly threw the different parts with that including the two story tower climb. At which point, I unload the rifle, sling it and start climbing down. This is when I realize I don't have a handgun. "Can someone grab my pistol!!!! Its over on the table there in the black bag! TURN THE DOT ON!!!" Yes this is on film. No I don't want it to ever happen again.
  18. Good ones guys! Okay, quick! What is the fastest car on the road? A rental car! I do have my share of personal war stories, but, I ain't going to share them in public. (not sure if the time has ran out on the legal end of things yet) JohnnyO and Lance Karafellas (sp?) 1990 Nationals JohnnyO rents a brand new bright red dodge sports car. It wasn't any of the above by the time it was returned except red. You know on the left side of the road going in to the Pasa range there is that parking lot? Kind of little rolly grassy area? Well if you get your car going fast enough it will actually come to a complete stop on the bumper on the next rolly area. We had to pull grass out of the top of the license plate frame. He was limited to 500 miles at the time and it worked out well becuase the entire dash would shut off until you hit a curb or sometime hard. JohnnyO had to drive around for damn near 20 minutes hitting everything he could to get it turned back on so they could check the gas and mileage at the rental counter. Tim Bacus had driven his own car out there and decided that it was its last trip. There wasn't a single light in Quincy that he didn't hit our car at! John got a brake check on him at one point ripped into reverse and thought, "Lets hit him!" Great idea until he realized that the crappy little car that Tim was driving had a trailer hitch on it. Now you have two cars reversing up the main drag in Quincy all the way around the corner to the movie theater. Tim couldn't get to us that time so he just hit the car in the parking lot after we got out. We were over in Hannibal doing brake checks in the middle of town which was not considered humorous by the natives. Of course they had the traffic lights on the side of the road (main street) not where they were immediately visible. Both vehicles seemed to realize the light was red at the same time and proceeded to lock up the brakes. HARD. Well in the intersection, this little old lady and her hubby (who must have been heading to church) has this absolutely amazing look on her face. If you can picture the Doppler effect only with a terrified look that would be what happened. Well no one hit the old lady's car which sure seemed to make everyone happier so we hop out on the freeway and head back to Quincy. Both vehicles are now brake checking Ross Dean and his crew since they decided to join the party. Well they wussed out really quick when they got sideways since both cars pretty much stopped dead on the freeway in front of them. Then we all got topped by Lance who at 85+ miles an hour looks over, smiles large, pulls the handbrake, places both hands back on the wheel and then proceeds to go in the ditch with grass and dirt going everywhere. We thought he was toast so we pulled off the road. He pulls out of the ditch and there is grass on the roof, in the windows, everywhere and his car is making this amazing whapping noise. That was from the 6" flat spot on the rear tire that cause about a 90 yard skid mark on the freeway. Since I was too young to rent the vehicle the only thing I got to do was get drunk at the range (they used to bring a beer truck up after the match) and beat the hell out of the roof before I passed out. Kind of pissed (dark for those from Australia) after I shot like a dork. BTW that was all on one trip. :-) Now the sad part is that all of my rental car muck ups and everyone else I know have been surpassed by Michael Bane. If I remember correctly he has actually completely LOST two rental cars. Only returning the sets of keys. I guess it kind of goes like this at the counter. Mike: Here are the keys to the car. Counter: Great, whats the mileage? Mike: No idea. Counter: Okay, is it full of gas? Mike: No idea. Counter: Okay, where is it? Mike: No idea. Remember that rental agreement with all the bonus insurance? Counter: Yeah.?.?.? Mike: BYE heheheheh
  19. MattBurkett

    Zen this!

    The buddha and billabong are the same thing. Shoot them both! JK
  20. MattBurkett

    Zen this!

    Short, is the here a physical location, mental thought, or state of being? Or everything yet nothing? Why? I was "on" the internet which is kind of neat because you can't be "on" it and still have a physical presence. Where and when is your "here" and are you ever really there? Sig, if you need to be reminded of it, you don't have it. If you have it, there is no need to remember it for there is no need for it. From where the water drains the other "way", Matt
  21. MattBurkett

    Zen this!

    Ponderables I am here which is hard to understand as I am not where your "here" would be but rather where mine is. ----- Understanding is easier without language. A language only interferes with Zen but without IT, how can IT be passed on. ------ Zen is easy: You either have it and don't need it or you need it and can't have it. ------ Understanding is difficult and yet painless. ------ Every **** has possibilities and probabilities. How do you guide it before it is? ------ If you just remember which end the bullets come out of, you will have a better chance of reaching the zone than nearly everyone else.
  22. George, That's great! I do not believe in them. I want something that works all the time in a bunch of different conditions. FYI I was referring to the anodizing where the bolt head sits not the bottom of the carrier. I think it is fantastic that JP is coming out with a low mass stainless bolt. This should solve many of the issues on the aluminum carriers. Take care, Matt
  23. From Aussieland! I have been using the Chip trigger for the last 3 months and it is rocking! I will be working with a 2 stage straight trigger when I get back home. Can't get that with anyone else's that I know of. Oh and if it screws up for some reason (wear or whatever) I can carry a spare and drop it in. IMHO: The best thing you can do with an aluminum bolt carrier is replace it with a steel one. I have never seen them last. Once the anodizing is broken through, its about done for. Take care - back in the USA next week. Matt
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