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Posts posted by gunnerBU

  1. +1. Singlestack said it well.

    In a match, I usually look at the first target that I will engage. I pick a spot where I want my first shot to go, usually a paster, and focus on it. If I can't see the target, I focus on the spot where my first step will be so I know I will be in the best position to engage the first target or array. Picking up gun from table, I don't have a spot that I focus on. I just look at the grip of my gun because that is where my strong hand is going.

    In dryfire, some of my targets have a small dot, about the size of a Skittle or M&M, that I drew with a sharpie. This is what I focus on.

  2. I put a piece of velcro on the inside of the holster - it is on the part of the holster that ends up between the inner and outer belt - so that it velcros to the inner belt. It seems to hold it pretty steady. I also wear my inner belt pretty tight because I don't like my belt to be able to move.

  3. Dan,

    It was a pleasure being on your squad at Nationals. I learned a lot just from watching you shoot and being able to compare and collaborate on stage plans.

    I know you are a better shooter than what the results show, and there were only a few bad shots that held you back from placing higher in A-class. I think we all had our good and bad stages, but you were way more consistent throughout the match than I was.

    Congrats on the finish, and I hope we can shoot together again sometime.


  4. Quick question(s)...

    I'm shooting production, so I'm using stock base pads for my magazines.

    Is it still ok to use the +10% mag springs with the stock base pads?

    Also, what advantage do the +10% springs have over stock sized springs?Obviously they give you greater pressure on the rounds and follower in the mag, but you should replace your mag springs every year or so many rounds. So, why not just use the stock sized springs?

    Please enlighten me...


  5. Congrats on the top 20 list!!! :cheers: I hope to be there, at the top of the list ...someday.... <_<

    On the NY trigger spring, does it help make the trigger pull feel heavier, as well as help with the felt reset when doing the paper trick? If so, that might be something that I will be looking into to help make dryfire feel more like the real thing.

  6. Well, I've never seen you shoot open...might be something you would want to try...

    If it was me, and if I was reloading at the moment (which I'm not right now), I would have to go with the G22 (regular frame). Only because you can shoot every division except open with it...

    I said regular frame because I've handled a RTF2 and it didn't feel like it would be worth it. IMHO, if you want a textured grip I'd go with grip tape or a stippled grip.

  7. Mike,

    I had the same thing happen to my G34 about 500 rounds in. The only thing I could do to get it to function properly was to lube up the barrel. No problems since then.

  8. Thanks for the Birthday wishes guys!

    I went to dinner with my sisters...or so I thought, and my parents were there waiting for me with a group of my friends. This is definately a birthday I won't forget.

    :cheers: Now I can use this emoticon and really mean it. :lol::cheers:

  9. Well, I got to play around with my cousin's Mac Book over the Easter Break last weekend. I liked it a lot, but it took me a while to figure out how to do everything.

    Just to clarify my original post, most of the programs we use for class work can only be used in the engineering building's computer lab. If I wanted to be able to use these programs on my personal computer, I would have to purchase them myself because of licensing issues as lmccrock said above. I have downloaded some of the "free student versions" of the programs we use (PSpice and a few compilers), and only use them when I don't have time to go to the computer lab. So...I am not required to run a windows OS on my personal computer.

    I've heard that once I get into the "real world" after I graduate, everything is done on windows....

    Like I said in my original post, I am going to keep my HP. I just want a smaller computer that I can carry in my backpack along with spirals and books.

    Another of my cousins that I saw this weekend is a CS major at Texas aTm. He had a 9" Acer with him that he is running Linux on. I liked that too, but the keyboard was maybe a little too small for me. He also said that the next laptop he tries might be a Mac.

    I'm starting to lean towards the Mac route....


  10. According to other threads on here, even a Glock made 35 slide wouldn't be production legal on your 22 frame.

    IIRC, the BOD ruled that switching frames and/or slides is leagal as long as it meets all other criteria (ie. weight, no exterior mods. etc...).

  11. Same advice I give regardless of computer - pick the software you need to use the most and pick the computer that will support it.

    Good point, but should I get a machine that runs only the software that I'm need? OR get one that runs the software I need and more?

    I'd also bet that if I wasn't in the line of work I'm in, I'd own a Mac.

    I think I get what your saying... ;)

    I like the idea of being able to run both OS's, and trying something new, but I don't want to sacrifice performance of what I really need (MS Office and other windows programs).

  12. I know this topic has been discussed in the past, but the last thread I could find was before Leopard and Vista came out...

    I currently have a 17" HP dv8000. I love my computer. It has dual 100GB hard drives, 1.8 GHz...BUT it is 17" and weighs 8 lbs...and the battery life is terrible.

    I'm going to keep my HP and probablly use it at my apartment as my "desktop". I've also been thinking about getting a docking station for it so it won't take up as much room on my desk...

    I am a EE major and a lot of the programs we use for classes are only on windows, so I need to have a windows OS. The main reason for getting a new laptop is for portability reasons. I don't use my laptop in class, but bring it with me when I study or work on projects.

    I will use the laptop for:


    Shooting videos




    MS Office

    I'm looking at Mac Book/Mac Book Pro (with Boot Camp (comes standard)) or a Dell XPS. I've never owned a Mac computer before, so I don't know much about them, but I do know a ton of people that have them. I'm not going for the "cool" factor of having a Mac, I just want a functional laptop that I can use even after I graduate.


    ETA: Right now, I'm leaning towards the Mac with Parallels to run Windows (or just use Boot Camp if I can run both OS's at the same time...not sure if it's possible w/ boot camp)

  13. So, now that the boulder is gone, how were all you gamers out there going to "game" the stage? I haven't put much thought into it, just thought I'd figure it out on the fly...but I would still like to know.

    I won't tell anyone... :ph34r:

    You may not want to answer my question though. Just in case they figure out a way to make it work...which I'm sure Robert will!

    I'm really looking forward to the match this year. I don't know how it could top last years DTC but I know it will.

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