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Laser boresighting an slide-mounted red dot


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Rain rain go away,

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can’t sight my pistol nowadays!

Well, don’t have much time to sight in my slide- mounted red dot on a pistol in the range.


Has anyone successfully laser boresighted their red dot at 10 yards and got spot on point of impact?

And what brand of laser boresight did you use?

Is sighting at 10 yards (15, 25 maybe) enough to be able to hit targets up to 40 yards?



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Well, I just had this done 3 times by my gun smith. Heres my opinion.

The bore sight should be sighted for the distance you are shooting, this  will get you on paper. It is not good enough to go out and compete. You need to spend time at the range fine tuning the sight to exactly where you want it AND to the AMMO you will be using. I have a CK Thunder open, and I have switched sight mounts, and gas pedals, and every time I make an adjustment, I have to fine tune the See More sight in. Its not hard takes about ten minutes and twenty - twenty five bullets.  

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