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FW match today. Shot fairly well most of the day and won 4 out of the 6 stages (HOA on a couple of them as well) but trashed 2 others ones and ended up finshing 2nd Lim and 4th overall. Some off balance positions on the classifier led to a couple Mikes and a NS. By the end of the day I wasn't focusing like I should have been and pulled a couple shots as well. Overall today I didnt shoot points that well, which to be fair I was actually ok with. I was trying to push the limit a little bit on speed. Need to reign it in a tad from where I was at. When/if i get some practice time, I want to keep trying to push some speed & aggressiveness more to see what I am capable of.

Today won't help, but as of the last update im up to 83% for Lim. Master may not be far away if i can get my head of out my...

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Shot INMG last weekend at Atlanta. Holy long day. Had a couple goals in mind and wanted to push speed a little bit. Raw times on all but one stage were great. Couple stages i had some stupid mistakes (like blowing past 2 rifle targets and netting myself 30 seconds on penalties. Ended up finishing 5th in Tac Ops and very easily could have been 2nd if it werent for a couple stages. I have been struggling to get my raw times to that of where some other guys are and with the exception of 1 stage, I was there this weekend. Despite the problems, I feel like this match was a good step forward for me.

Going to have a little fun in Florida for the Industry Masters next weekend then hopefully at least one more INMG before Pro-Am. I do need to step up the dryfire/shotgun loading before then. I have high goals for myself this year at Pro-AM.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Industry Masters was a good time. Holy Hot!! Florida in July sucks for weather conditions, haha.

The event itself was pretty simple in terms of what I'm used to for 3gun/uspsa type matches. Shooting tests were rimfire pistol, centerfire pistol, rimfire rifle, centerfire rifle and then a 75 round Sporting Clays course that included 5 "rabbit" targets with a Taurus Judge and 410 birdshot. The pistol and rifle events were very simple. Pick up gun 1 and shoot the 5 steel targets left to right, then go back and shoot them left to right again (10 rounds), then move to gun #2 and repeat the 10 shot process. 2 strings at each station. I tried to make myself go a little slower than i wanted to because each miss was a 5 second penalty. Had a few misses on the centerfire pistol with the M&P. Most of the rest of the guns went pretty good. Everything was iron sighted which was pretty new to me with the rifle as I've spent very little time in my life shooting iron sighted guns.

Sporting clays was day 2 and I did fairly well. Broke a 72/75 including going 5/5 with the Judge. In all actuality, I should have cleaned it. It was a pretty easy sporting clays course. Im happy with the way I shot considering the heat, humidity, and using a borrowed gun. The lack of quality sleep from a long night previously didnt help either. Really glad I had a couple of my advocare products with me to get through Saturday morning.

We then shot the Team Tactics event which was an airsoft course that the 4-man navigates and engages targets. We didn't try to run or blaze it down (maybe we should have, this event weighed a lot more on the scores than we originally thought). using airsoft rifles, we walked down a trail shooting about 80 different targets set up in the woods. It was more fun that I thought it would be!!

Overall a great trip and I was honored to be a part of the Browells team. Hopefully I can be a part of it again next year.

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  • 4 weeks later...

FW USPSA match in the books this past weekend. Still not sure how I shot. I thought I was shooting fairly well throughout the day, although from the scores it was sloppier than I thought. Movement felt good, but that will be determined by the video as to whether it was or not. I was trying to be aggressive when i could, shooting on the move, etc. Ended up 2nd Lim and 8th overall behind a bunch of good shooters. Just too many Mikes trying to push speed too hard.

Pro-Am 3gun match this weekend...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Been doing a terrible job this year of staying up to date. Pro-Am is in the books. Finished lower than I had hoped for but about as good as I deserved with the levels of practice I've had this year. Ended up 87th overall. Had a couple flashes of brilliance here and there along with some stumbles.

IN Sectional is this weekend. High hopes but with a serious lack of practice, I just don't know how its going to go.

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One of the busier shooting weekends of the year is over. Shot the IN Sectional on Fri/Sat. Overall, fairly happy with my performance. Ended up top 20 in Limited and something like 65th overall. Only 3 penalties all match (2 Mikes, 1 No shoot). Shot just under 90% of the points which could have been a bit better but I was trying to focus on getting points, especially on day 2. Had a lot of Charlies on day 1 and even though I'm shooting major, I'd like more Alphas. Need to work on hoser targets and shooting on the move. I felt like I was behind the curve a bit in these areas, especially after watching some other shooters and videos from the match. Frankly, I just need more time on the range doing both. Draws/reloads felt pretty good for the most part and I shot pretty good on the speed shoots (minus a M/NS on the strong hand stage). I knew Id struggle a bit going in, but I didn't run into as many problems as I thought I would so I'm pleased with the weekend.

Sunday was the Action Rifle match at Hillside Shooting Sports. 2 stages with long range out to 400 and 3 bay stages, one of which required some odd body positioning to shooting through a car. Ended up winning Tac Ops and also finished HOA for the day. This will likely be the last rifle/3gun match until the finale/shootoff in early October.

Weekend highlight: Beating both Cory Estill and Bob Vogel on a stage. It was only a small speed shoot stage but my name was higher than theirs none-the-less!! :):P

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One of the busier shooting weekends of the year is over. Shot the IN Sectional on Fri/Sat. Overall, fairly happy with my performance. Ended up top 20 in Limited and something like 65th overall. Only 3 penalties all match (2 Mikes, 1 No shoot). Shot just under 90% of the points which could have been a bit better but I was trying to focus on getting points, especially on day 2. Had a lot of Charlies on day 1 and even though I'm shooting major, I'd like more Alphas. Need to work on hoser targets and shooting on the move. I felt like I was behind the curve a bit in these areas, especially after watching some other shooters and videos from the match. Frankly, I just need more time on the range doing both. Draws/reloads felt pretty good for the most part and I shot pretty good on the speed shoots (minus a M/NS on the strong hand stage). I knew Id struggle a bit going in, but I didn't run into as many problems as I thought I would so I'm pleased with the weekend.

Sunday was the Action Rifle match at Hillside Shooting Sports. 2 stages with long range out to 400 and 3 bay stages, one of which required some odd body positioning to shooting through a car. Ended up winning Tac Ops and also finished HOA for the day. This will likely be the last rifle/3gun match until the finale/shootoff in early October.

Weekend highlight: Beating both Cory Estill and Bob Vogel on a stage. It was only a small speed shoot stage but my name was higher than theirs none-the-less!! :):P

sounds like you had a good weekend! congrats!

wish I could have made the rifle match. I had been telling JF he needed to do one of those, then he goes and schedules it on the same weekend as the section match, the goof....


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Played around with minor loads last night for 3gun. Trying to see how low i can get it and still function properly without changing springs. I might end up changing springs anyway, but Ideally id like a lighter load that i can grab for 3gun matches and not mess with swappign springs around. If i do, i know one day ill have a minor spring and major load in the gun and break something.

The recoil impulse is definitely different and I may end up loading a couple hundred and shooting minor this weekend, just because to get used to it. most of my uspsa season is over and I have one big 3gun event left (INMG shootooff).

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Shot the FW match today. Pretty decent day, I think only 1 M about a half inch into hard cover on the first stage. Shot a 93% on the classifier (Times Two) and thought it would bump me into Master but now that I do more math, I think Ill still be a little short. The ~68% Ill still have on file is keeping me down.

Tried something new today on my gun. Installed a thumbrest/slide stop of Phoenix Trinity. I think I liked it, but I need more time with it. The feeling on something on my thumb was a bit weird in the back of my head but I think it did help me get back on target quicker and i was able to pick up some speed without sacrificing any accuracy. I still need more time to make an educated decision but so far, I like it.

Also shot an Open gun for the first time. I shouldn't have done that...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Season is winding down quickly. Finished up the 3-gun portion yesterday with INMG shootoff. I ended the season in 6th place overall in Tac Ops and landed in the 10 seed on the 16 man shootoff bracket. The way the numbers shook down, I had a tough road. I drew Jay Carillo in the first round and was able to squeak by him with by a just a couple of plates. Up next was Ryan Zamberlan. I got rushed on the rifle portion and took a couple extra shots. Now I was behind. I tried to rush the shotgun to catch up (I'm noticing a pattern here) and ended up needing to port load with my match saver. Ended up losing by a decent amount and finished 7th overall in the shootoff when it was all said and done. Congrats to Steve Griffin for coming out on top!

One more USPSA match in a couple weeks and I'll be done for the year. Hope I have ammo for it...

Speaking of ammo, I experimented with the minor loads for 3gun I had made. I had tested them and they ran the gun just fine but that was in 75 weather. Weather this weekend was down in the 50s and it was just soft enough to choke up the pistol left and right. I'll either have to bump up the powder a notch or actually lower the spring weight in the gun.

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...Shot a 93% on the classifier (Times Two) and thought it would bump me into Master but now that I do more math, I think Ill still be a little short. The ~68% Ill still have on file is keeping me down....

Sooooo, turns out I was wrong. Oops

LIMITED Class: M Pct: 88.10 High Pct: 88.10


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A local range is starting a monthly indoor league soon and is starting with some instructional stuff to get people "up to speed" on competitive shooting and general handgun usage. Last night was the first of the instructional stuff and I was recruited to play demo monkey for the various drills. Very simplistic stuff, starting from a "high-ready" position, gun held close the chest then press out and fire. Then we worked into doing that faster, then 2 shots, then 2 target transitions then up to 4 target transitions. Draw, etc will begin next week. and in a month or so, I think we will have people ready to run a full USPSA type stage. It was fairly boring, lol, but it felt good to get a gun in my hands again. I haven't touched anything in about a month or so. Hopefully I'll be able to put a couple thousand rounds down range this winter (I know that's a fairly moderate number for a lot of people).

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not sure why, but today turned into "lets change up our 3gun rifle" day. Ive had a billet receiver set partially completed for about a year and half that was originally going to be a precision AR. But the more I thought about it, I have no use for a precision rifle. I don't varmint hunt much, if I want to compete in long range, im going to get a bolt gun, etc. So the project just sat around unfinished. Id been thinking of ideas and today I decided it was going to happen.

I'm going to use the CMT receiver set that I won from the Pro-Am prize table with an 18" WOA SPR barrel. Its got a UBR stock on it for now and an AR Gold trigger (might swap back to the S3G). Need to get a hand guard situated and will be getting a Cooley comp from a friend soon to start with. Since I'm swapping the Vortex scope over, im going to change mounts like ive wanted to anyway. Ill post some pics once I get all the parts I need. I've always had a somewhat light rifle and this will be a bit of a change. Ought to be interesting....

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I didn't know you switched to the vortex. how do you like it compared to your old scope?

If I were to make one change to my rifle I would have had WOA turn the SPR barrel down a little thinner to save some up-front heft, but it's not bad enough to do anything about now......


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I got the 1-6 Razor shortly after SHOT show last year and love it! The extra 2x was awesome this year compared to the Burris I had. I also really liked the bright dot the Vortex has. Super daylight visible for faster paper targets up close. I never used the illumination on the burris because it wasn't bright enough to really see. The hard part now is remember to turn it off after a stage. I swear I went through about 4-5 batteries last year because I'd leave it on sometimes for days at a time, haha.

I guess I'm not real worried about the weight for now. Wondering if it'll help me with some recoil management as well :) As soon as I get it finished ( will probably be a few weeks) we'll have a play day at the range

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hahahahaha, haven't touched the press yet :) I've got the Dillon turned down for making minor .40 right now still. Probably just going to bump it back up but with the new bullets, I need to chrono to make sure my old load still works. And with the new rifle, I need to do a little load testing to see if my old load shoots accurately enough for me or not. Don't want to make a ton of ammo that's not accurate :) Those are my excuses and I'm sticking to them!!

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Interesting night last night. Put about 150 rounds down range at Hillside's Tuesday night shoot. We ran a few basic reload drills. Most people were doing a slide lock reload but bc my gun doesn't lock back, I had to rack it each time. It was good gun manipulation practice that I don't do a lot. After reloads, we went into malfunctions. Again, something I don't practice much (and have thankfully not needed much either) but good to get back to basics. Moved into some SHO/WHO shooting. I still need a lot of work here and this Sunday will be a tough test for that as usual. First few shots I wasn't patient enough and they went everywhere. Once I actually started finding the front sight and pressing the trigger, things got better. Finished up with some "precision" stuff. Buddy and I shot 1" circles at about 3-4 yards, trying to get closest to the center and then trying to get closest to each others shots. First few I had some trouble, then once I started slowing down and really aiming hard and pressing properly, things came together. I'm seeing a trend here....

Also found something interesting about my gun, specifically the thumbrest slide stop. I think I still like having it on the gun but I found I nee to work on my index a little bit. If my thumb rides high on the thumb rest, I can cause the side stop to activate and it stops the gun. Had a few stoppages early on in the night and couldn't figure out why. Gun locking back with no mag in it really confused me until I figured out what I was doing. Once I saw the issue, I focused on keeping my thumb down a bit more and was good to go the rest of the night. This will be something I need to work on with some dryfire this winter.

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Shot the first indoor mini match at Hillside this past weekend and came out HOA of about 18-20 shooters. There were 3 stages, 1 "standards" type course and 2 20-rd field courses. The Standards was 4 targets engaged freestyle from 15yd, strong hand only from 10 and weak hand only from 7 shot as one consecutive string moving box to box. This was the first stage and I ended up with 2 no-shoots on the SHO portion. 2nd stage was pretty basic, 4-5 targets from a left port, 2 down a middle hallway and 2 more from a right port. Felt smooth moving between shooting areas and won this stage. Stage 3 was an empty gun start with a couple of tighter shots in the first array then a short move to the second position where there was a Newbold "plate rack" and final target. Couple of make-ups on the plate rack but shot it fairly well. Wont this stage by a couple seconds as well. Looking forward to more of these throughout the winter to hopefully keep the rust knocked down and be ready to hit the Spring running. Gotta put this Master ranking to good use, haha

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  • 3 weeks later...

Haven't shot or really touched my guns in a couple weeks. Hunting season is winding down fast. I'm going to be shooting an indoor archery league again this winter one day a week for a nice change of pace. Been trying to hit the gym hard to keep the holiday weight off. The new year is coming, plenty of resolutions and goals to be made....

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  • 2 weeks later...

The new 3gun rifle is just about done. Just waiting on the comp from a friend of mine and I should be ready to load test and dial in the gas system. Little on the heavy side, which I expected and wanted. On the bathroom scale, its sitting 9.9# right now without comp. Should be interesting to see how it handles compared to the light guns I've tried to have in the past.

Got a weird urge to shoot my SS gun in the Indiana SS/Prod match in April. May just have to knock the dust off of it at Hillside's next indoor match soon.

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