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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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So there I am, driving home a little while ago and when I get about 2mi from the house they have some work on the side of the road with orange barrels around it. There's a car coming the other way so I have to stay pretty close to the barrels. As I pass I hear a smacking sound from the right front area. I knew I wasn't "that" close to the barrel, and looked in the mirror to see that there was a large metal plate sticking out past the barrels. Sure enough, right front tire goes flat within a couple of hundred yards. I stop, take a look...it's split the tire like an axe, so I creep down the shoulder (grass) until I find an abandoned building with a flat parking area to change the tire....great, I'm wearing a suit and haven't put my compact floor jack in the trunk of this car yet.

So, I pop the trunk and am rolling up my sleeves when a guy walks around the building and says "hey, I saw you go by, I've got a big floor jack around the corner if you want to use it". Heck yeah I do! So, I walk back with him and he grabs the jack, and says "oh, I'll push it over there for you". Sheesh, the guy practically changed the tire for me. By the time I had the spare out he had the flat tire off and then he put the spare on while I was putting the flat in the trunk. He actually said "well, I'm a lot dirtier than you are"....he'd been doing some painting in his shop.

What a really decent thing to do. He told me the name of his company and you can bet that if I need anything along those lines he's getting the call! :cheers:

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I was selling my boat Saturday and while changing a tire I broke a leaf spring. I called everyone within 100 miles and could not find one. Someone recommended a small business in wewa fl 16 miles from my house. They where not open on Saturday but the number will ring at his house also. The older gentleman was eating lunch when i contacted him. He came in and opened his shop up to give me parts. With the sale on the line i would have paid just about anything. He charged me a very very good price. And people wonder why i like living in small towns.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It does give you some reassurance when people do good things! I recently had a flat tire coming down the mountain in Rocky Mountain National Park. I had our corporate VP with me showing him what mountains really look like (he is Australian) and we were both dressed in shirt and ties. I finally found a flat enough spot to pull off and before I could get the spare tire out from under the front seats (who dreamed up that spot!) two tourists had the car jacked up and the tire off! It was like a NASCAR pit stop! I barely got dirty and could not give them anything for their trouble. Just two really nice guys from Michigan doing a good deed!

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You need to pay it back...

The next time you're out with the shooting buddies in club shirts and see a tire with a flat - pull over, pull out the timer and have the squad wait why you go "ready, standby ... beep", then make a mad dash for the spare and the jack. When they've got the spare tire on, yell out "time is ....", and get back in the car and leave without saying a word :).

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Many years ago (longer than I care to remember), our High School Wrestling team was on a school bus coming home from a tournament. The roads were terrible due to a blizzard that was raging. We came upon an elderly couple in a vehicle that had slid into the ditch. We made the bus driver stop and the whole team ran out, checked the people to make sure they were ok, then picked the vehicle up and sort of slid it back onto the road.

The "God Bless You" from a teary eyed elderly lady made us feel like heroes.

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Whenever possible, commit random acts of kindness and run away! The game, is to look around and find something that needs doing for someone, do it, then walk away. It's better if you create a mystery. If you can sneak up and do it when no one is looking, so much the better. Were we all to turn our attention to doing little things like that say, once a week or so, it would not take too long for the world to change in a nice direction.

I REALLY like the idea of a bunch of people in USPSA t-shirts and similar type gear, jumping out of a car and changing tires on the clock like a pit crew. Cool!!

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