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On My Way

Dan Burwell

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Very good bodycomp results during the last month. No loss of muscle mass.

Give 'em hell at the Nationals. You KNOW that you are ready. :cheers:

Thanks Paul I am planning on winning!

Since I started this Journal I have lost 7# of fat and gained 3# of muscle. I owe those results to a few people first Tom Venuto author of burn the fat feed the muscle (hands down best book if you are serious about losing weight), Darren Stein author of Fat loss life style (helped with the HIIT training I now do), and a personal trainer named Jeff Ward (he is a USPSA shooter in FL he really helped with a weight training regimen).

Yesterday I did my weight training but combined my day 2 and 3 workout since I will be traveling tomorrow and will miss my workout. I did get a little live and dry fire in. I also made up my own little match book to put in my shooting notebook. I have a stage on the left side on the right side I made a page to make notes, draw pictures what ever I need to do, with a couple little reminders on each page. I am planning on scoping out the stages ahead of time and filling in the notes, so when I get to the stage, I have everything there I need to succeed. I have never done this before I usually just make a mess out of the printed stages, but solution looks much better, and should be easier to refer back to while actually on the stage.

Today I did 30 min HIIT cardio in the AM worked on some guns then did some live fire. I took my kids out for dinner, came home and did my dry fire routine. It felt really good so long as I didn't try. If I just let things happen my shooter is kicking a$$ when I let him.

Tomorrow I am going to be traveling ALL DAY LONG! what a pain in the butt this is going to be, it always feels like I am wasting a day of my life when I fly. I am going to stay positive about it, and hopefully the TSA agents will have a little sense of humor tomorrow, when they see all the crap in my carry on.

I am going to do my weight and measurements tomorrow am before I shove off. I will post them up then. I am interested in what happens to my body through the match, so we'll see how it looks again when I get back, but I wouldn't be surprised if I loose 5# while out there, even though I am planning on eating like a horse.

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5 to go

AM- loaded up some ammo

afternoon- shot off all my ammo.

had a good practice session, saw most every shot, lost focus a couple times, but few words from the wife and I was back on track. She was very helpful today. I had told her what I wanted to work on today and she kept after me. shot 500 rounds and only got the no shoots I think 4-5 times. I decided to put up some video of today's practice.

as it says on the description on youtube, the targets are all 10 yds, the go R-L Partial-open 5 yd gap then partial- open. except for the uprange reload that goes 7 to 14yds on a partial-open-partial. Anyone sees anything that can be done better let me know, I am always open to learning something.

PM- Weights

BOSU squats 110x10, 110x10, 110x10

Walking Lunge 60x20, 60x20, 60x20

Leg curls 35x10, 35x10, 35x10

Calf raises 170x10, 170x10, 170x10

Tomorrow- will do cardio in the am work on some guns load some ammo and hit the range again.

Ok first off, I had to rewatch your video twice. The first time the RO was distracting me from your shooting. Secondly It was hard to watch the video the second time for the first reason AND the black powder gun you were shooting. I will say that for a black powder gun, thats the fastest reloads ive ever seen. Are you using cotton or silk between the powder and ball. LOL!!!!!! :roflol: Seriously Dan your looking good for a IDPA MASTER/IPSC "C" class shooter!!! LOL!!! :roflol: Now just remember your not gonna be any better at the nationals then your best day in practice, so dont try and pull something off that you havent been able to produce on demand in practice. Knowing what you CAN do and what you CANT do IS half the battle. And listen if Dan Burwell Master class IDPA shooter/ "C" class IPSC shooter doesnt show up to produce results, then make sure your wife in the background does! At least somebody should take something back home to the AMISH clan!! See ya out there, H!

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Measurement day

weight 174.6

fat 11%

Chest 111cm

Belly 87cm

Biceps 36.5cm

Not too bad my goal was 175 and under 10%, but I think I underestimated how much fat I had gained while trying to gain weight in the previous 6 months, but at this rate I will be under 10% by IDPA nationals (so maybe I didn't give my body clear enough instructions).

Now the only thing left it the shooting, I fly out this afternoon.

Tomorrow I'll pick up my ammo, do a little shopping, register, go out to the range to scope out the stages, and then back to the room for a little dry fire before bed.

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Day 1 is in the books and it went pretty well, pretty much just shot my match, respecting the targets. I think with a match like this I will finish just fine so long as I continue doing what I did today, not geting any penalties.

I did shoot one D today on a swinger so I guess I owe the pool a $1.

we shot some video, but I cannot up load it with this laptop so it will all have to wait until I get back home.

This afternoon, we are shooting 4 stages and hitting chrono. I start on two stages that looks like they set up very good for me with a lot of movement. The first shot of the day is going to be on a nice partial. I like that because I find a shot like that will instantly bring my focus to where it needs to be.

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16th overall on Monday! Awesome job!

You worked hard and it shows. Look at the names you are listed with. Congrats!!! :cheers: (a low cal beer of course) Keep pressing and we will see the end result tomorrow.

Edited by Bigpops
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It was a pleasure being on your squad at Nationals. I learned a lot just from watching you shoot and being able to compare and collaborate on stage plans.

I know you are a better shooter than what the results show, and there were only a few bad shots that held you back from placing higher in A-class. I think we all had our good and bad stages, but you were way more consistent throughout the match than I was.

Congrats on the finish, and I hope we can shoot together again sometime.


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It was a pleasure being on your squad at Nationals. I learned a lot just from watching you shoot and being able to compare and collaborate on stage plans.

I know you are a better shooter than what the results show, and there were only a few bad shots that held you back from placing higher in A-class. I think we all had our good and bad stages, but you were way more consistent throughout the match than I was.

Congrats on the finish, and I hope we can shoot together again sometime.


Thanks Ross. I had a good time shooting with you as well. You are excellent at breaking down the stages and will go far in this sport. I did shoot very consistantly. That gun malfunction really cost me the match. It didn't allow me to to sit back, I had to go for it if I wanted to win, and well we all saw what going for it did to me on that last stage.

I'll get back here and post up, more of my match notes later. Right now I am still trying to figure out where I live.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well it is time to get back on here and posting up my journal.

I had a few disappointments in shooting both the nationals (USPSA and IDPA) but also came away with a lot more knowledge. Probably the biggest thing I learned is that just because my gun can go an entire summer here in PA with being cleaned at a major match with blowing sand two days is it's limit. Basically I need to(and will) do a better job of being as particular about my gun and mags as I am about every other aspect my shooting.

I also need to shoot both sports the same, I really reigned it in at IDPA as I didn't want to drop too many points as a result I shot some close wide open targets way way to slowly, and took some make up shots on longer targets that took longer to make up than the 0.5 sec penalty.

The good thing was for the first time ever both matches I shot my match at no time did I ever feel like I needed to step it up shoot faster. I was not worried about trying to beat anyone. So for me this was a major step forward even though I didn't finish where I would have liked I was able to walk away content in knowing I had not beaten myself with stupid mistakes like I have done in the past.

Now for some goals for the rest of the year, I would very much like to get my "M" card. I think with the last classifier I shot my percent will be 84% so basically I need one more classifier over 78%(my current low one) and I will get that card.

I also need to take some time off and get my shoulder healed up. I have been fighting a sometimes very painful biceps tendon. I think I have it narrowed down to dry-firing surrender draws, but I have promised the wife I would go to the Doctor soon if laying off the dry fire doesn't help. (not sure how well I will be able to stay away from my gun)

Lastly I am going back on a mission to put on another 10# and get to 185 without increasing my fat%. This one may also be hard if I have to see the Doc and he doesn't want me lifting.

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Shot over at Lewistown Pistol club yesterday, had a pretty good match, really opened up the close targets and made the tight shots when I needed to. Being able to let go on the closer/wide open targets is something I struggle with but did it very well yesterday. Really just had a very good balance on every stage of speed and accuracy.

Had my first ever sub second draw in a match, wasn't really going for a fast draw as I was thinking about the wide transition afterwards, so that was kind of cool.

Also shot the classifier well if the Ohio Calc is close I should have my M card in the mail. So I can cross that goal off the list!

Now just need to build on this and keep trusting myself to make the shots.

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  • 2 months later...

After some time off I am about ready to get back on the winning way.

I have the S&W IDPA indoor nationals to get ready for in febuary, so I will get started back on the routine after taking the last two months off from shooting. I will go back to the same plan I did for outdoor nationals; Daily dry fire and excercise. I have put on some weight intentionally, wanted more mass behind the gun, but this has left me with more fat than I would like as well.

So for goals:

1. Shoot my best match, expect that to yield a top 3 finish.

2. 185 around 10% fat

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well the practice paid off, yesterday I recieved my "M" card in the mail.

So now I am going to have to step it up some more.

I have already start my practice for S&W. Did two live fire sessions focused mostly on figuring out what I need to see to get my hits in all sorts of different lighting conditions. In past matches I felt I struggled with this. It is amazing what happens when light is hitting the target one way and your sights another.

Now I just have to motivate myself to resume dry fire. I figure to start that this week.

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  • 1 month later...

OK i know I haven't posted here much lately, but I just finished the match of my life. I really didn't have the time, the energy or the motivation to practice for this match like I normally would have. As a result I really didn't have any expectation of success, nor pressure to produce results. I had said going in that I was not going to hold back like I usually do at majors, I was not going to try to go fast, I was just going to shoot.

This worked out well for me today. I shot the best major I have shot to date. When I was done I was very pleased with the way I shot every stage. I walked off each one knowing I had put in my best effort, which is a very cool feeling.

I needed to write this down here to remind myself how important it is to just shoot. :cheers:

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  • 1 month later...

I have enjoyed doing my range diary here, but I kind of wanted to be able to expand it a bit more so I have started my own Blog, it can be found here: DanBurwell.com I will be able to more easily upload image and video files.

Thank you to everyone here for you help and support hopefull I will see you soon on my blog or at a match.



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