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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

First Match


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Ok, so shot my first Real NRA action match. I mean yeah I have shot plates, but never the full thing

So started with the mover. I learned some things real quick here. I had a lot of hits far left. I mean a lot. Also this thing is not as fast as it sounds like it is going to be. So first lesson turned out to be sighting gun in better than "it hits the a zone at 10 yards". I shot a 380 Not good at all.

Then did the plates. Dropped 3 plates total. I realized I had to hold right edge to hit the plate from further than 10 yards. Not a good sight in at all. But hey I shot a 450 on the plates. Can't complain too much.

Then the practical. I adjusted my sight a bit before and shot a 430 on it. Yes all my hits were there, but had some 5's happen. I can take this for the first time shooting this one.

Then the barricade I shot a 406. Not to terrible, but not great. I also did not fire 5 rounds as the gun sort of had a death to it. Had a reverse plug break and drop a spring.

I think I can easily pick up another 30+ points on the mover with the sight adjusted, and another 25+ on the barricade next time. I can't complain too bad though. I shot out of the bottom class first time out with a standards uspsa open gun with a 7 moa Jpoint on it.

BTW this was a lot harder than I thought. More fun too.

I will be back. I am seriously debating cup next year.

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