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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

People Who Try To "lawyer" Stages


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If these people spent half as much time practicing as they do trying to get around a performing a task or prop as they we would all be much better off. Once a RO says you can't do something, then live with it, because they won't let anyone else do it either. Get a clue. Bickering with RO's is pathetic. This game is about shooting the COF, if you don't like it, find a new sport or leave the attitude at home. Please don't waste my time and sour my day shooting by being an ass.

And about those perfect doubles....

... they score Alpha/Bravo/Charlie/Delta MIKE.

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Questioning is fine, but once the RO says NO grow up and shoot or pack up and go home!!!

ps. This is the HATE forum!!! I am not saying they can't. I just HATE it when people do that. RO's are volunteers and should be respected, whether they deserve it or not.

"The Hate forum was created and is intended as a place to vent or rant, period. And while general or support-related comments are not prohibited, rebuttals specifically are. Meaning: If you don't agree with someone's rant - please keep it to yourself.



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Hate those too :) But love the RO's for donating their time.


Wow, I am getting all teary eyed! :wub: I certainly appreciate your comments, but also see the other side of the argument. I guess I want everything to be freestyle, but if someone comes up with something that is clearly outside what the course designer had in mind, then I do like to reign them in (all equally).

What I am afraid of is that we are going to have to start writing stage procedures that are 723 pages long, with all kinds of legalese built in just to get everyone to shoot the same COF. I admire creativity in solving the problem, but if I had a stage procedure that covered ALL the bases, I would probably still be in Bend reading it to my first squad in the Ltd match..... :o

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amen Benny, and as it should be. A big match or a local match can eliminate those problems by PRACTICING good stage design and walk through language. Crips, at our club we still have the occasional manditory reload in a field course :wacko:. It isn't rocket science, but does take practice and it takes the load off the RO. It is much harder to design a stage that gives the shooter mulitiple choices in sovling a course of fire than to go box to box or port to port.

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