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Bullet Puller


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Was reading the newest copy of American Rifleman and ran across an ad in the back for Quinetics Corp. Checked them out on their website ( [http://quinetics.com/) and they are selling a kinetic bullet puller. With this bullet puller it isn't necessary to take apart the bullet puller to retrieve the case, bullet, and powder. Uses a chuck which apparently works in other models of bullet pullers as well. Chuck is sold separately. Note: I have no financial interest in this company. Seems like a good timesaver as pulling bullets on 100 + takes a lot of time, especially when you have to take the bullet puller apart everytime. PS: I ordered the chuck. Hopefully it will fit in my Frankford Arsenal Kinetic Bullet Puller. Will report later on how and if it works.

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The rubberband collet supplied by Frankford Arsenal is IMO a piece of junk and more trouble than it is worth. After several attempts to use it, I gave up and started using the Lee shell holders. I finally got the case feeder installed on the Lee Loadmaster and also purchased a large caliber case feeder. The Loadmaster is working fine now. As mentioned above, I did order the chuck separately and will give a report after I received it and used it. I reload mostly lead for IDPA and need a bullet remover that will work on lead bullets. I bought the RCBS bullet pullet and 9mm collet. It is a hit and miss proposition. After speaking with Forster, I ordered their bullet pullet and 9mm collet. Forster assured me that it will work for lead bullets. We'll see.

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Based on the advertising done by this company would be surprised to find any user comments from members of this forum. As indicated above, I did order the chuck separately and will describe my experience with it after I receive it and use it.



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You can make your own. We used that same method back in 2002 at the A8 Race Gun Championship. Our chrono man came up with that idea. Simply crazy glue the rubber band to the collet, then when it is dry, cut the rubber band between one of the collet segments with a razor blade. No need to remove the cap, just loosen it to remove the pulled bullet.


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You can make your own. We used that same method back in 2002 at the A8 Race Gun Championship. Our chrono man came up with that idea. Simply crazy glue the rubber band to the collet, then when it is dry, cut the rubber band between one of the collet segments with a razor blade. No need to remove the cap, just loosen it to remove the pulled bullet.


I got one today, it shipped real fast <_< and yes at $795 it is just the collects with the rubber band staked in place on all three pieces with a punch mark.

But it does work for pulling bullets. I do not think you can get an accurate powder measurement though ,as some of the powder gets stuck in the threads for the cap.

I think at $10.95 with shipping <_< I would just order and extra collect next time I place an order with Midway.

The glue sounds like a good Idea But I like having the extra collect too.

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OK, I got the chuck about 1 week ago but just got around to trying it out. First of all, the chuck is nothing more than what appears to be the collet from the Frankford Arsenal Bullet Puller. However, it has been modified somewhat. The elastic band appears to be glued to the collet to keep it in place. The elastic band has been cut once to let the collet be open as to accomodate various sizes of bullets. It sits in the bullet puller the same. To operate just unscrew the cap slightly and shove the bullet in. Tighten the cap and rap sharply against a solid surface. Once the bullet is free, open the cap slightly and tap the hammer lightly against the inside of your funnel (or whatever you're using) and the case, powder, and bullet come out. It is an improvement over the standard bullet pullers as it is definitely faster. However, it appears that one could modify his own collet without having to buy one. YMMV. I also purchased the Forster Bullet Puller and 9mm collet to pull some LRN bullets. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. This is after I was told on the phone by a Forster rep that it would work on lead bullets. Oh Well!!

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I posted my review on this about 2 years ago I think? I love mine and have retrofitted my old RCBS puller with the same setup. I prefer the Q brand one with the metal handle though. from what I understand they manufacture for the other companies.

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