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Recoil Control Gadgets

New Shooter

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Lemme' give you one word here, Gimcrackery!

Just looked these items over on their websites. I don't know, nor have I ever seen anyone using these products in competition. But I do know, and have seen a lot of folks using Glocks in competition without these "Gadgets".

I would unhesitatingly not recommend these for competition use. If I'm gonna stick any gummy backed stuff on a Glock back strap, it's gonna' be skateboard grip tape to help me hold onto the sucker with sweaty hands.

As far as reducing recoil flip goes, the old weak forefinger on the trigger guard routine was supposed to help do this, and I don't see anybody doing that anymore.

If you want to try something that may actually make a small difference, try the "Seattle Slug". It's a weight that fills in the empty space in the handgrip behind the magwell. They are available from Robin Taylor @ www.taylorfreelance.com


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If you send me fifty bucks, I'll send you a pamphlet explaining how you can alter the space-time continuum and avoid the hassle of observing F=ma.


Which brings up my favorite Simpson's quote:

In THIS house, we obey the laws of thermodynamics!!!

In all seriousness, the only thing recoil "reducers" do, in general, is alter the profile of the recoil impulse. The total momentum transfer and force is always the same. This assumes no weight is added or removed from the system. The only real way to reduce recoil is to make your gun heavier.

What Flex and George said. Save your dinero and send it to BE. He'll fix you up and send you in the right direction. Slide Glide and THE book will do more for you than anything.

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I totally forgot the most important thing to spend your money on. EricW & Flexmoney are right on here. Buy Brian's book and a shjtload of ammo, then practice till you can't anymore, then practice some more.

Recoil control is in your stance, grip and mindset. These are acquired through practice. Weight in the weapon can help (a little), but it also makes for a slower transitioning gun. Nothing is free, it's all a trade off.


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Now the thumbrest thing does look kind of interesting in that it seems to promote a high grip, which is good. But it adds material in a location that's going to lower your grip, which is bad.

When I first shot a Glock 19, it really stung a lot through the backstrap. That Limbsaver thing might take some of that sting out. But I've shot a bunch of rounds through Glocks 17 and 26, with much harsher ammo, and I don't get stung anymore. Probably because I developed/learned a better way of gripping the gun.

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I have a G27. I don't get a sting on the backstrap. But with its small frame, my problem has always been to accidentally push the slide lock lever with my right thumb, thereby causing it to fail in locking the slide after the last shot. I thought this "gadget" might solve it. :D

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I did the same thing a lot with my 26. I seriously considered grinding off the tab. I also thumbed the frame on my Limited guns, which led to inconsistent point of impact. I just had to learn to keep the thumb off, which was actually very difficult. I put skateboard tape where my thumb shouldn't be; whenever I felt it, I corrected myself.

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That spongy thing on the backstrap should make the Glock even thicker and blockier. I can't understand how the clip (their word) de-resonator would work. Now, if this Navcom stuff really reduces vibration and noise, why not make 1911 grips out of it?

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Actually the thumb rest thing is kinda nice. A freind has one. It gives a more stable feeling grip and gives the gun more of a 1911 feel as if you were riding the thumb saftey. but as far as reducing recoil...yeah right. If i were to put one on my glock I would blend the edges down where it meets the back strap. THe other thing is that it would not be legal for production use.

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