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My High School reunion is coming around next year and I have started to get in touch with those whom I can find.

It is really good to see that most of them have gotten past it all being , I, me, mine, and what I have done. Now we can just relax and have a few laughs about the big hair, high school hijinx, and the '60's.

Life is good sometimes.

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Mine is this weekend (20th) and I should probably talk about it in the Hate forum! I didn't want to go, but this time I was unable to avoid it. :rolleyes:

Phase I is tonight.

Phase II is tomorrow afternoon.

Phase III is tomorrow evening.

I expect an impromptu Phase IV on Sunday, so I'll be missing my monthly match at my home club! And I'm the scores guy! :wacko:

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Thanks, James!

Phase I actually went a lot better than I expected last night. And I had completely forgotten that when you go to bars (which I never do), you see a lot of really good looking women. So I got to see some old friends, have fun, and check out some hot babes. I got home about 3:40 or 4:00 this morning.

Today's picnic starts in about 35 minutes. Methinks I'll be late because of my nap. Tonight is the "offical" reunion.

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Oh, man . . . this reunion thing is getting out of hand.

Not only did is spill over into Sunday, it went on TODAY and will continue TOMORROW, at least until noon or so.

Ay, Caramba! I'm having too much fun. Must sleep now.

Was out until 3:30 Sat morning and 5:00 Sunday morning . . .

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The reason you don't like reunions is that the first two are bad. At the 10 yr one, everyone is talking about look at me and what I have done or what I have. At the 20 yr reunion, everyone is talking about their job and their kids.

By the time you get to the 30th or 40th, you all have relaxed enough to just have fun and laugh a bit while enjoying the get together.

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By the time you get to the 30th or 40th, you all have relaxed enough to just have fun and laugh a bit while enjoying the get together.

The 40th might be a good time to stop. At the 50th you start to have intimations of your mortality.

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I just got the book from our last reunion, which I missed; out of town pistol match I think. After looking through it, I am sorry I missed it. won't miss the next one, and you are right, there some cuties in there. Some of the most unexpected girls, turned out to be real knock outs.

Looking at the accomplishments of the members of my class, it does make me a bit proud, but only because I was so skeptical of our success when we graduated.

It's all good.

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Yeah, I can see that I missed something special by not attending the 10th, but I'm so glad I was coerced into attending the 20th that I don't have any regrets!

The only downside was that all of the vintage hotties were happily married to someone else! :(:angry:

I think I'm still trying to catch-up on all of the lost sleep! B)

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