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What the Hell is going ON? School Shootings! WTF!


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We had a damn 14 year old in our area decied he was going to do a VT! But the little basterd thank goodness let you fly in the Bathroom. We heard he was loading the gun to get ready to shoot up a class room over his girl friend breaking up with him. Hell I am glade that his Dad is in jail too!

Edited by MarkS_A18138
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This one is going to get me in trouble but here goes. We are transitioning from a patriarchal to a martriarchal society. Single parent households, and silly concept that your suppose to be friends with your children. So these crazy concepts of being held accountable for your actions, and that someone will actually evaluate your efforts just isn't there.

Here another one.... if you can't train a dog to behave don't have kids!

We are also totally lacking in role models, hero's. The role models we have are lying, sleaze balls we call Politicans. Who only shame is getting caught. So what does the average guy emulate? The sleaze who seems to always come out on top, or good guy who get down trodded and ignored in todays society.

I'm sure there are plenty of hero's in the war, but does our press praise them? We just hear bad news. Why because a matriarchal society can't deal with violence, they are just misunderstood. Go back and read Lord of Flies. Men are violent creatures who uses aggression to dominate, if your ignore this, your solution will fail.

We need moral hero's who set a tone for society to emulate. Young males need to be around strong moral men, but the patriarchal society has just removed them and made their only purpose.... to pay the bills.

I'm sure I've offended some, but stick and stones..........

Edited by cking
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I paid particular attention to the VT guys video. I'm sure it did find a home with lots of youth today. Just like the movie scarface has become a theme to gang bangers. So which role model stereotypes are dominant today?

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A big part of the problem is is that the MSM and Hollywood don't do pure heros any more. To the extent Hollywood has a hero figure at all its always a flawed hero in some way. And after 4 years of the largest mobilization since vietnam, the MSM has not managed to discover and bring us the story of even one Audie Murphy or Alvin York type. Heck, they haven't even brought a flawed hero like Greg Boyington. But they've got unlimited airtime for the Cho's and Anna Nichole Smith's of the world, and the Abu Garab aspect of the war.

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BTW - if you haven't read it, a good read on some of how the "anti-hero" effect, and the way violence (committed by flawed or unethical "heroes") is portrayed in the media, movies, and video games, and how it affects the tendency of people to perpetrate violence is Grossman's "On Killing". Many of you have read the "Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs" essay - written by the same guy....

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I read On Killing. I've seen some violent movies. I watched the Untouchables on TV as a kid. I also watched The Lone Ranger and Have Gun Will Travel. I did not take up a career as a gangster, masked avenger or hired gun. My parents were divorced when I was very young and my mom worked, leaving me home alone a lot.

Some people are just plain bad. Some are good. Some just are. I don't think playing the blame game does us much good.

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My opinion:

Some people are infected with evil.

If you are prone to violence and evil acts then violence in movies, tv and video games will feed the evil.

If the evil is not there then there is little or no visible effect.

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I think infused is a better word than infected, the truly evil have long since accepted what they are. These people are "inspired" to do evil, it is in their very being. There are and will be people that are synonymous with evil. Good evidence for the devil himself, or maybe the anti-christ is about to pop his head over the horizon...either way, the good suffer.

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We had a damn 14 year old in our area decided he was going to do a VT! But the little bastard thank goodness let you fly in the Bathroom. We heard he was loading the gun to get ready to shoot up a class room over his girl friend breaking up with him. Hell I am glade that his Dad is in jail too!

I know it's not as bad as above, but in our district alone, just this semester, there has been ammo found at a middle school, sex acts performed in class at a middle school, a rape by a guy who had been accused of a sexual assault before and a girl raped on her way home from school.

I just found out today that there is a sheriff in the cafeteria during lunch at my son's middle school. I was also told that a eighth grader was led out in handcuffs Monday. When did it become dangerous to attend school? :angry:

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I watched the Untouchables on TV as a kid. I also watched The Lone Ranger and Have Gun Will Travel.

Dale - if you think those apply as the type of violence Grossman was referencing, I think you missed his point...

I did not take up a career as a gangster, masked avenger or hired gun. My parents were divorced when I was very young and my mom worked, leaving me home alone a lot.

Mine too - and I had a somewhat similar diet of TV and movies. However - the point is not that simple exposure to violence will magically transform you into a crazed killer. There are obviously other factors - but exposure to violence, when violence is couched in the theme of "violence is right, always" and "he who commits violent acts always wins" and "violence is the only way to get ahead, or be cool, or..." ... those things all reduce the built in limitations on our willingness to commit those acts. Then put a person in the right set of conditions, mentally, to give them a reason to lash out, and that conditioning can act as an enabler.

Its not TV's fault. Its not the video game's fault. But the rise of those forms of entertainment have made their contribution to the situation.

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Its not TV's fault. Its not the video game's fault. But the rise of those forms of entertainment have made their contribution to the situation.

I agree with that totally Dave.

"...by beholding, we become changed..."

Edited by Turtle
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