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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


Steve Anderson

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1. Bob Schnieder's Lonelyland is one of my favorite albums.

2. Austin Texas is home of the best damn music and musicians in the world. This is another one that is not up for discussion.

3. SRV is "IT" when it comes to great guitar playing. His version of Little Wing, is one song that can move me to tears every time I hear it.

I don't know you well enough to know the details of what happened with your father and at what age the two of you were when it happened. Maybe someday I will come to know. I do understand from my own experience. I lost my father at the age of 23. He was only 45. It is a loss that I will never get over.

Edited by Texas HK shooter
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Reading this thread brought a relevation I had never thought of. I lost my dad Thanksgiving day last year. Dad was just short of 80 and I was 59. Beyond loving him as my dad, I'm glad to have known the man. Thanks for that guys. Kind of made my day.--------------Larry

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My Dad passed two days before Christmas, I was 14.

A door blew shut on him while he was changing the oil on the car, and the carbon monoxide got him.

Funny thing is, that door was held open to allow the cat in and out of the garage.

So there's a (pretty good) chance his second wife had a hand in this event.

Like me, my Dad was a little Klutzy and not the most mechanically inclined, but always succeeded when he wanted to.

He had recently written my Mom a letter apologizing for the divorce and told her he'd made a mistake and wasn't happy with his 2nd wife. I found out about all this many years later.

I was upstairs playing guitar when the phone rang and when my mom called me downstairs I knew what had happened before she told me.

I just knew.

So that's that. Maybe accident, maybe murder, maybe suicide...

His brother is a super-genius doc/surgeon and found no evidence of anything but an accident. Still...

On a happier note, I got my first live fire spring practice in last night and was busting .97 draws and .22 splits on 12 yard steel.

And my left knee doesn't hurt.


And, when you're in a foul mood, Kid Rock's Devil without a cause is a great record to let it out or celebrate it or soothe it or whatever.

And don't read too much into any of this...this writing is very good for me.

Reading it may not be good for you. :)

Now, back to our previously scheduled program of excellence.

And Flex, it was a Christmas tree cause that's what my brain told me when i saw it in the middle of the road.

It wasn't an excellent Christmas Tree, it only took up about 3/4 of the lane and left me me enough excellent room to swerve excellently around it and boogie on down the road. Which I promptly did.

When i am king of Crazytown i shall be known as "His Excellency"



Edited by Steve Anderson
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And for today's installment,

1. Brad Balsley is my favorite shooter, and I want to be adopted by his parents. It's never to late to have a great childhood.

Brad defines unsconscious competent. he can do it and he doesn't know why...think of all the time that saves. It's like Trinity in the matrix:

Can you fly that thing?

Not yet.

OK, let's go.

2. If a lesbian on a scooter is practicing quick swerves, you do NOT want to be in her path. Even if she's done well so far. Leave that lady some space unless you want your mirrors and hers close enough to kiss. Yikes!

I almost had another andersonsh*tting.com story on that one there. :)

3. I love helping people get better. At the aforementioned motorcycle practice session I saved another guy a week of frustration that I endured myself. I got a free bottle of water outta the deal. Cool. And no, it had nothing to do with the lesbian. :)

4. My favorite fortune cookie is: Accept something you cannot change and you will feel better. This goes against every fiber of my being but is still true. Excellent, and damn.

5. Shooting well is hard work, but it still needs to be fun, otherwise it becomes drudgery.

Drudgery is not excellent. Find the fun!

6. If there's a better sound than a v4 honda at idle or redline, I haven't heard it. Wait, yes I have, but this is a family forum.

7. After careful review, Prince has the edge on Harry Connick Jr. For now. However, tapdancing on a grand piano in a silent concert hall with thousands of people is pretty freakin' excellent.

8. Cake is a great band. And good for breakfast with milk.

9. The dot only needs to settle as much as it needs to settle. Figure that out and you're golden. never mind the fact that this is different for every shot, that's OK. That's one of the few things in shooting that came easy for me. Whew, glad something was easy. :)

And that's it for today's crazytown update.

His Excellency,


Edited by Steve Anderson
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