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Nowhere To Practice!


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Let's face it - Central Texas (well, I should say, the greater Austin area) flat out sucks for practicing IPSC/USPSA :( There's exactly one club where you can practice - my home club, ALSPPC. Earlier in the year, the range we were hosted at sold out to a developer, so we had to move the club (luckily, the local IDPA club was more than happy to accomodate us!). Well, the guy who owned the land the range is based on passed away not too long ago - and now things have taken a turn for the worse. Until further notice, the range is closed for lack of an appropriate septic (toilet) system (the neighbors are apparently none too happy about a gun range being there... quite possibly one of them tipped off the county, and the county says that any for profit org (the IDPA club who hosts us) must have a permitted septic system...).

It appears my only option, now, is to join the club up in Waco and drive 2-ish hours each direction to practice before Nationals. I don't know if I can even begin to afford the fuel for more than one practice between now and then, plus a couple of matches.

This is immensely frustrating, and I'm not really sure what to do about it.... At least you guys will understand...


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I hate that for you, too, man. You are welcome to come up here to DFW and use one of the practice ranges I go to, if you want to take a long weekend and just get in plenty of practice. We could always use photographers in Dallas, you know!


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Well, obviously, I am in the same boat as Xre. While I'm not attending the Nat's this year, I had just become a member of that IDPA range.

Dave, have you looked into the old HCRR to see if he's still open? That may be an option. Or I can see about getting you into a "private" range not too far from you. ;)


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Well, obviously, I am in the same boat as Xre. While I'm not attending the Nat's this year, I had just become a member of that IDPA range.

The only silver lining I can find is that renewals were coming up in a month or so, so we're not out that much cash for time lost... doesn't sound like its going to be a quick fix if they have put in a real septic system...

Dave, have you looked into the old HCRR to see if he's still open? That may be an option.

No, didn't even think about that, actually... I just got back into town last night to find this mess, so...

Or I can see about getting you into a "private" range not too far from you. ;)

Anything helps, amigo ;) I will do just about anything short of lewd acts, at this point, to have a consistent place to practice 1-2 times a week.... Wish I could afford some land and a berm of my own... but... not for a while....

I hate that for you, too, man. You are welcome to come up here to DFW and use one of the practice ranges I go to, if you want to take a long weekend and just get in plenty of practice. We could always use photographers in Dallas, you know!

I'll keep that in mind, Mike, thanks :) Actually, one of your ranges up there is real close to my wife's grandparent's place in Carrolton, apparently (so Catfish tells me)... don't know if that's one of the ones you're thinking about...

How long would it take you to pack and move to Tyler? :lol:

Uh... :D

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