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How In The Name Of Sam Colt

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Saturday was my first shot, I felt really good about the day. I thought everything went well over all. My scores was posted and it seems only one stage went well for me the rest of them I did very poorly. Well I'm going to suck it up, and take it like a woman and try to do better the next time. It would be easier if I knew what I did that was so wrong. I will have a good luck charm with me the next time.................now where did I put that dang wabbit?

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Hey believe it or not I didn't shoot any white targets on that stage, to the very best of my knowledge I only missed 2 targets on that stage, and I don't remember putting my foot over the line. That is why I don't understand how I got so many penality points.

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It is incumbent on the shooter to review the score for their stage performance B4 you sign the sheet...B4 athey tape the target, is the time to question any penalties or questionable calls, shots, etc...

You'll learn...

fun, though, wasn't it? :lol:

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Contact the person that entered the scores. Perhaps it was a typo, or perhaps the scorer at the match put something on there by mistake.


Durn! :o

As a newbie shooter - most people scoring would have given some explanation with the penalty points... I would have anyway...

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Don't worry too much. In my 3rd match a couple of weeks ago we had a stage called "can you count." There was a pair of targets at 3 yards on the left and on the right. You had to draw, shoot on of the targets 5 times, reload and shoot the other target five times. Then you reholstered, and did the same on the other pair (each set was timed independently). I shot the first one just fine and then shot the 2nd pair and completely forgot the reload. I had great times, all alphas and a nice 50 point penalty. I won't make the mistake of not rehearsing the stage in my mind again...... :rolleyes:

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Did you forget to shoot any targets???? It would a failure to engage plus 2 mikes. Thats 30pts in penalties on 1 target. So basically on a stage if you would not shoot at 3 targets and forget them that would be 90points in penalties. I have forgot 2 targets this yr. One at Area 6 and one at Area 7. Those tend affect your final standing dramatically :lol::blink:


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It is incumbent on the shooter to review the score for their stage performance B4 you sign the sheet...B4 athey tape the target, is the time to question any penalties or questionable calls, shots, etc...

You'll learn...

That might be true, but in the local matches I've shot, the shooter doesn't sign *anything*, and as a new shooter it's criminal you were allowed to accumulate that many penalty points without an explanation from SOMEONE on that squad.

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I would have to say someone made a mistake.. it's kind of hard to get 170 penalty points on most any stage...

Think about the stage ? how many rounds was it ? how many targets were there ? if you didn't shoot any of the "white" guys.. if you missed all the targets you would get 2 mikes per target and you would only get the Failure to engage if you didn't shoot at them.. soo...

You would have had to miss at least 8 targets completely... or left 8 steel standing and had a procedural.

Now the only other thing i could think of would be procedurals... Was there a mandatory reload somewhere ? anything like that...

it's quite possible somone was marking "d's" in the M column... not sure what score sheets that you use, but i know at our local match i've seen that happen..

And if you "DID" score that many penalty points and being a new shooter someone should have explained to you what went wrong..

I would not worry about it to much, i've zero'd my fair share of stages in the three years i've been shooting.. i'm still going.. :)

You may want to consider taking the clipboard yourself on occasion after a little more range time.. helps to share the load.. I would also suggest even though you don't have to "sign" the sheet to take a peek at it after your done shooting.. good practice for big matches were YOU really NEED to look at your score.

good luck.. have fun and be safe.


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Nope it was just one stage and there was 15 paper targets, no steel, and all the no shoots were up close and personal so I know I didnt' shoot any of them. The RO said I missed 2 targets. I knew I was going to miss at least one, it was not an easy stage. I'm going back next month, I will do better if not I will find out what I am doing wrong. I'm one of the lucky ones I've been shooting for years in my back yard, we have our own small range right behind our house and we have been practicing a lot for this. I felt I did really well except for the 2 targets I missed. :(

Edited by Leadfoot Anny
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If you shot at the targets and missed then that would account for 40 penalty points.

If you failed to even shoot at the target then you get another 10 point penalty (failure to engage, FTE) for each target for a total of 60 penalty points.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sounds like maybe you missed a mandtory reload.. thats usually a good way to add a lot of penalties... like one per shot fired ....

It is always a good idea to walk along with the range officer when they are scoring your targets.. eliminates the chance for surprises later..

Take Care

Keep Shooting it only gets better :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I fully understand how I got that, but here is an update if anyone cares. I have shot 2 matches since then and must tell you I have gotten a tad bit better each time. Still shooting no shoots sometimes, still making mistakes due to years of backyard bad habits.

I'm still having a blast, can't wait for the next match. :P

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