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I am likely not able to afford both this year.

Which should I get as an active shooter but closet collecter item if I could get only 1?

I will shoot it at IDPA for sure, and possibly IPSC.

The only difference that I have been told is that the 625JM had the chamberfed done so it is

easier to reload.



625 also has adjustable sights. Many people have reported that the 22 does not shoot to point of aim and have been sending them back to Smith for corrections.

Stainless is easier to take care of as well.


I have a PC625, it's ok but if you're looking for value I'd go with a stock 625 (4" for IDPA)and have an action job done on it.

The only real advantage of a PC is the replacable front sight. But that's not a big thing.

AND the standard 4" 625 has MORE weight up front than a PC.

There are several threads on update recomendations, check them out.

Either way good luck.


Lots of 625s out there, but not as many Mo 22s. I saw one at the gun show yesterday and liked it, period. If I would have had cash in my pocket it would have come home with me! Get what you want! DougC


I was showing my new M22 TR off Saturday at a match. Needless to say it got fondled quite a bit. It definitely earns cool points. Haven't really had a chance to shoot it. I hope it hits where I'm aiming.


If you are talking about the 625JM, and not the Jerry Miculek 625PC, then go with the 625. The JM model is only slightly more than the stock 625, but the replaceable sight is nice to have. The PC model has the shortened cylinder, and a shorter barrel (because of the set back needed for the cylinder). It won't fit in a CR Speed holster because of the shorter tube. Mine was also the worst gun money I've ever spent. The action was rough, and it is not nearly as accurate as my other two 625s or my Model 22.

If you plan to compete with it on occasion, the 625's adjustable sights are a help. The Model 22's fixed sights are a bit harder to pick up fast, and obviously can't be regulated for different loads.

I've got both and am happy with both, just for different purposes.

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