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Soundgarden (Chris Cornell) + Rage against the machine.

Heaviest riffs you can imagine, detuned, doubled and played in unison with Bass.

Chris Cornell doin' his thing over top of it all.

At first I loved the sound, but didn't hear any songs, just riffs and vocals. It is really growing on me, though.

Good stuff if you like either of the donor bands. I always loved Rage's aggression, even though I don't agree with the far left politics of the lyrics. (Although, who could resist "F you, I won't do what you tell me" when driving?)


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I doesn't do it for me, but some of Tom Morello's riffs are likeable. I dug some of RATM, the attitude if not the message, but they tended to all sound the same song to song and album to album.

I saw the Audioslave video on MTV of all places. It was weird, dark and backlit, they never showed but the merest glimpse of Cornell. Is he just too old for the CD buying teens? Soundgarden broke in 1991.

BTW, you have to hear the Steve and Edie Gorme lounge cover of Black Hole Sun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was bemoaning to a young friend at work (he's 28, I'm 49) that there hasn't been any good R&R since the early 80's. He burned a copy of AS and gave it to me.  I can see why white kids are turning to Rap. AS stinks and confirmed my hunch that the good stuff is really gone for good.

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Oh, sh_t!  That's out!  I totally forgot!!!!

Losing Soundgarden sucked, and I wore out my cassette of 'Evil Empire'....yes, cassette....that was back before I had CD in the truck.  Gonna have to pop up Kazaa and........

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Sheesh, am I the only one who still buys cd's?    No offense to anyone here, just me feeling a little behind the times.....I am also the odd one who stills pay for purchases by cash, and not debit card!  

(Edited by slik40 at 8:12 am on Jan. 5, 2003)

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No comment on the burning...this time.

(Just don't bitch when there are no more new bands or labels to pay all the bills. :))

BTW Cochise is the strongest song, but we like it because they stole they riff from Led Zep. (the ocean song, main riif)

The rest is plenty good, but there is one song I don't like. The slow plodding one about "if you don't believe the sun will rise" it's just too "i don't know" for me.

Rest is great.


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  • 1 month later...

Whoa, I heard another Audioslave track on the radio and it's totally different from Cochise, and way better. I'm wondering if it's the slow and plodding one Steve doesn't care for. :) It's so different, it's like another producer with another band. Never in a million years would I guess it was 3/4 RATM.

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  • 2 months later...

I was scanning this forum for any threads on "The Queens," saw this thread on AS, and as I was reading it saw the Queens reference. How synchronistic.

Anyway, didn't think there was anything new going on on AS. Basically (newer) Rage with Chris singing. I'm really only a fan of the first Rage album; after that the just got boring for me.

But the reason I was in this forum - If I don't crank the first and third Queens discs each afternoon, my day's just not complete.

I'm still working on the second album though, it's very experimental - much different than the first or third. I'm glad they just went back to the heavy stuff on the third album.


If you like 80's rock, I'll bet you can do the Queens. That's the first thing I thought when a friend first turned me on to them - wow, these guys have a really fun, 80's rock sound.

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I really like the Queens of the Stone Age I've heard. Didn't they do "Feel Good Hit of the Summer" years ago? (The song that goes, "Ecstastymarijuanaheroincocaine and alchohol" or something like that.)

Like a Stone from Audioslave is getting a lot of air play locally. OMG, Tom Morello goes off on that guitar! I played it for my roommate who is learning to play guitar <_< and blew him away.

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