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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!



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I am so damn sick and tired of traveling it isn't even funny.

January I was in Vegas (on business) for 5 days, came home for two, then off to Kansas City for 12.

I've been home for most of February so far although I'm headed to Dallas tomorrow for a quick one dayer.

But then March kicks off - first a luxurious trip to China/Taiwan/Japan. But wait, when I get stateside do I get to come home???? Nope - direct to Las Vegas (again . . . ) for a few days. How about then? Do I get to go home then? Nope - over to San Francisco for a day!!!!

Then home - where I get to take a day off . . . oh wait, nope - I've got a meeting the day after I return I've got to attend.

The good news? I'm in the office for two days and then I'm off to Mexico with the wife and daughter for a NONE BUSINESS trip. Wooo hoooo - I'll be tired of traveling of course but I'll be able to deal with sitting in a chair on the beach doin' a whole lot of nothin'! Except hitting a golf course or two (obviously)

Maybe in April I might actually be able to :o shoot a gun :o


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I don't travel anywhere near that but I hate it also. How clean/dirty is the hotel going to be? It's nice seeing stains on the very dark colored carpets at the Hilton. Regardless of how bad or nice the beds are, they won't compare to my tempurpedic. Will there be someone in front of me on the plane that is going to blow @ss the whole way?

My brother is a dentist who is jealous of the travel I have to do. I tell him he's not missing anything.

Oh yeah. I still have a cold from my last trip a week ago. Probably got that on the airplane.

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Big +1 to all of the replies! I just got back from KC last night and actually get to stay at home a little while.....of course the only way that is happening is because my wife is having her gallbladder removed. After I stay at home with her for a while its off to Jersey, KC, Columbus, Houston, SLC, ................and the list goes on...

Stay safe everyone and for those that don't fly a lot: Yes, you have to remove your shoes and coat to get through security....... :ph34r:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well Ladies and Gents I'm outta here.

Headed out early tomorrow to luxurious Asia. :wacko:

Hope you all shoot a ton of A's quickly this month while I'm away. ;)

Oh, I also hope you solve the worlds problems this month while I'm away. <_<

What? I'll be gone a freakin' MONTH! I trust you all can do anything in a month. :P


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I to this day have never stepped foot on a plane, without having my firearms checked and on the way to shoot of some description.

I however do have the exact opposite problem ..... stuck behind the same friggin desk a minimum 60 hrs every week ..... I haven't had a saturday off in years .... not including holiday time.

I asked for an hour early mark so I could make an appointment on time and wasn't even allowed that. :angry:

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