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550 Casefeeder Height Question

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I was thinking of buying a 550 casefeeder, but I have a bit of a dilemma, a low ceiling! From all the pictures that I have seen of the casefeeder setup, it would be too tall for my room. I don't have another room that I could use, and I really don't want to have to change my bench to sit down and reload. I prefer to stand.

My bench is about 37 inches from the ground, and I have a strong mount which makes the handle of the press at approximately 52.5 inches from the ground. This is almost the right height for me, but truth be told I would prefer it a couple of inches higher. (I'm 6'4" and the handle is at about the same height as the bottom of my ribcage.)

From the top of my powder measure it is 14.75 inches to the ceiling. From the back of the 550 where the casefeeder bolts on it is just shy of 35 inches to the ceiling. Could someone please measure from the top of their powder measure to the top of the casefeeder, and from the base of the 550 to the top of the casefeeder?



Edited by zen_grasshopper
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I've actually looked into this in the past and I think one could do a little work with a hack saw, a dremel, and a drill and lower the case feeder down another 8 inches or so. You would lose some capacity in the case drop tube but i don't know that that would hurt you really. The problem you have is going to be clearance above the casefeeder to drop in the brass, change shell plates, get up there and look around to find out what jammed the plate, etc.


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Thanks for the measurements.

I have a drop ceiling in that room, but if I remove the tile above the press I have some duct work that is right there and won't give me any added height. So I am going to have to lower my bench and possibly move my press. I'll figure it out, I rebuild the darn house if I have to.

My buddy wants to pay for half of the casefeeder so he can come use my press. Problem is, I don't think he would ever leave.


Edited by zen_grasshopper
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