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Vic's Spring Set And Trigger Job


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If they give 6lb trigger pull consistently on my 625 I'll be very happy for now. Anything else you guys recommend doing other than have it polished internals?

I can see sending it to Randy in the future but for now it will do it. Won't it?



Edited by xuxupecheur
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If they give 6lb trigger pull consistently on my 625 I'll be very happy for now. Anything else you guys recommend doing other than have it polished internals?

I can see sending it to Randy in the future but for now it will do it. Won't it?



You've gotten good advice so far, I would add that you should ensure that the hammer swings freely and does not come into contact with the frame or side plate through its arc. Assuming you have put some rounds through the gun, look for the bright, shiney, marks on the sides of the hammer, trigger, return block, etc to see where excessive contact and friction is occuring.

On the hammer in particular, it must only contact the rest of the gun at the hub; and there only lightly.

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Spoke to Vic and ordered a set. He'll ship it today despite not having received payment. Trust or what?

Vic is a class act. That is typical of Vic

Good luck with the spring kit


+1 that he is.... He is a true icon, mentor and inspiration to our sport.

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