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.38 Super / Egw Resize / Ruined Brass


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I got caught up on my .38 super reloading this weekend but I noticed a problem and was wondering if anyone else had run into it.

I switched to the EGW Resize die months ago. This session, I noticed that I was ruining a lot of brass.

It was like a bit of brass was shaved off. On most of them, I could feel the differnce and was able to discard the brass from the primer station in my 650 but quite a few of them made it through the reloader and go put in my "fat" box durring case gageing.

Is this normal?

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This die is toast.

Problem 1 - I couldn't remove the decaper with 2 wrenches. But putting the small nut in a vice and using the bigger wrench I was able to remove the decaper pin and the nut that holds it in.

Problem 2 - Ran a .38 brush and some hoppes into the die. Followed it up with a dry patch. That dry patch is never comming out. I think I am just going to trash this one and order another.

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If the brass is only shaved on one side check your shell plate to make sure the brass is able to 'float' a little bit to center itself in the die. I've had gunk build up in mine from case lube and tumbler dust and I started shaving the occasional piece of brass.


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the die isn't toast

I spent a little time with a pair of needle nose pliers and was able to pull out enough pieces of the patch to get the entire thing out.

The patch pieces were pretty funky but the die seem clean now.

My shell plate is a little tight. I may loosen it up for the next batch.

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