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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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Hello everybody,

I know this topic is about a "brazilian problem" but I wanted to share my happiness with friends around the world.

Today we´ve voted in a referendum to decide if the commerce of guns and ammo should be prohibited (or not) in Brazil. The law about guns/ammo (dated from 2003) said this referendum should be done to listen the population's opinion. The result was great: 65% for keeping the guns/ammo commerce and 35% against it.

Just to you understand: in Brazil every citizen can buy a gun/ammo. But in order to do it, is necessary to have the specific authorization from the government. I am explaining the regular situation because the law for the shooters (like us) are different. The law wanted to know if this right (to buy a gun if I want) should be prohibited. If "yes" won, the regular citizen wont be allowed to buy a gun (even if he wanted) because there will be no commerce (shops) to do it. Fortunately the "no" won and the situation didnt change for us.

I am happy as a shooter because if the commerce was prohibited, things would be difficult to the sport. As a citizen (and a police officer) I am happy because the brazilian society showed to the government their opinion. It was a great decision.



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Congrats! I visited your country back in November and I saw huge billboard advertisements encouraging the turn in of illegaly owned weapons (not registered) to the Government. However, the effect of the sign was, to me, very anti - gun. Glad that folks did the right thing in the voting booth.

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I read about this in my NRA mag, and had my fingers crossed.

In related news, when I was in La Paz getting my ass kicked the shooters there told me how they had dealt with the always present fear of confiscation and ignorance.

They got involved.

Shooters are generally well off business owners and they went to their version of congress and asked to see the draft, then they made suggestions that would allow them to continue their sport. Reloading was about to be outlawed, as were high caps, and centerfire pistols in general. Semi autos were of course treated like live demons. I think California must box that crap up and ship it the world over.

Just another little rant.....The Olympic shooting sports DO NOTHING for the rest of the gun owning world except make us seem like extremists. The general public ends up thinking no one anywhere has any legit sporting need for anything other than a skeet gun or a single shot .22.

Get out and get heard, but sound reasonable.

Congrats Brazil.

Edited by dirtypool40
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