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I just installed PC Anywhere on both my work and home computer. The reason for this is that my wife and I have our first child on the way in January, and I know I wont be able to make it into the office as much as I regularly do, so I can do more work at home this way.

My question is this, since my boss has my password for the PC Anywhere set up (for MY computer) can he snoop on what I am doing at work, and or at home? It's not that I am doing anything I shouldn't, other than ducking in here once and awhile, but the idea of "Big Brother" looking over my shoulder in such a sneaky way bothers me. What if I just turn off the program while I am not using it, and turn it back on at the office before I leave for the day?

Any info would be great.

Edited by TriggerT
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If the program is not running on the target machine, there should be no way for the other machine to access it (make sure there is no background app running that looks for incoming PC Anywhere access requests).

It still might be a good idea to dedicate a computer to the home based work machine, that way it's truly church and state and you will have no fears whatsoever.



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Thanks for the replys. I understand George's reply that as long as the Host machine (my computer at work) isn't running the PC Anywhere program, I should be OK. That is pretty easy to do.

I don't follw what George means about dedicating "a computer to the home based work machine."

I am sorry to say that Nik's post went completely over my head.

I am a computer idiot, who is very slowly picking up bits and pieces as my job requires.

Anotherwords, could you repeat that, speak slowly and use small words. :D:blink:

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I don't follw what George means about dedicating "a computer to the home based work machine."

Buy a second computer. Use one for home stuff, and the other for work-while-at-home.

I am sorry to say that Nik's post went completely over my head.

Some people do not have room in the house for 2 full computers (keyboards, monitors, etc.). A company called KVM has a switch box which allows you to use one keyboard and monitor, and switch them to 2 different computers, reducing the amount of desktop space required.

At work, one time I mis-typed a work-related URL by one letter and got a porn site. I quickly learned how to clear the browser cache and URL history. Stuff happens, even innocently. So knowing how to clear the browser caches (Temporary Internet Files in Microsoft-ese) is good.

Perhaps knowing the company policy on personal use of company computers would be a good idea.

Regardless, what OS are you running? It is possible with Windows XP to set up users, and install software only for that user. So, from your home PC, create a login such as "TriggerT-Work", install PC Anywhere, then do work stuff. Work is separate from home. How to do that is in the Windows Help.


Edited by lmccrock
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Thanks for clearing things up a little Lee.

I am using a complete secound computer from here at home. It is the "Gun Room" computer, and since my employer supports my shooting, that isn't a problem.

All and all, from what you guys are saying I think I'm OK. I wasn't all that worried anyway, I just didn't like the idea of my employer being able to look into what I am doing ever minute of every day.



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I live by the philosophy that "Just because I am paranoid, doesn't mean that they aren't watching."

Surveillance by employers is rampant and part of the real world. No need to make it easier for them than needed, even from good employers.

Good luck with your search for a little taste of the private life.


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It depends on how you have the PCAW host set. It can be set to blank the screen or allow interaction (meaning boss can snoop).

It can also be set to log/record activity (handy for recording web-based training or being walked through a procedure by tech support that you may need to use again).

PCAW has, in the past, been notorious for being prone to various exploits some of which were significant in version 7 - 9. We banned it at work and forced our vendors to use other solutions around version 9 so I haven't kept up with releases since.

FWIW, VNC also has had some exploit issues in the past as have XP RD, and others. You pays your money (or not) and you takes your chances.

None of them have the ability to get into your home machine and see what you are doing unless you set them up to do that. Just install the PCAW host at work and only the remote at home.

If I felt my boss was doing the big brother thing on me when I was telecommuting I would go find another job....and he knows it.

And why in the world would you give anyone "your" password? That is just plain silly. And if you work for the state of Washington...illegal. ;)

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