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Missouri Fall Classic


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Ken, if you could go ahead and make contact with those guys, that would be great....Sam and I would definitely like to be part of the revolver squad!

(I think maybe Hopalong put in some sort of a squadding request, but not sure what he told them.)

Done. We'll see what comes of it.

See my ass chewing below:


I am responsible for squading.

Problems: I receive requesting for squading in separate envelopes on different dates. I receive requests for squading in a particular division in different envelopes on different dates (squad me with revolver shooters). I receive requests for squading with particular USPSA Classification (squad me with GM or M shooters) in different envelopes on different dates. I get requests for squading with a specific individual in different envelopes on different dates (squad me with Jim Jones), in fact sometimes I get requests for squading for people that don't exist, wrong first name, wrong spelling of last name, etc. On one occasion competitor A asked to be squaded with competitor B. I penned in A and penciled in B. Several weeks went by and I filled several additional squads. Finally I received an envelope from B. In the envelope were entry forms from B, C, D, E, & F. No mention of A. Now I had to delete A & B from the original squad and find six slots in another squad, leaving me with a two slot hole in the original squad.

So far for this match I have made 26 changes to my squading list, attempting to please everyone. Please ask to see my squading list upon check in. Per the information packet that you received, "Squading cannot be guaranteed after 30 Sep 05." To the best of my knowledge, up to 30 Oct 05, I was able to make all squading requests.

If I start moving competitors around at this late date, something will get screwed up.

To date, 12 Oct 05, I have received seven entries listing "Revolver" as the competitor's division. I have five revolver competitors in one ten competitor squad. The entry forms for the two revolver competitors that are not squaded with the rest arrived on 6 Oct 05, a little late for preferred squading consideration.

Thank you for your understanding.

P. Michael HERMAN

COPS, Secretary


Good luck at the match. I hope to see you there.

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Whew. Sorry I sorta tossed you to the wolves there, Ken. At least we know what to expect, I guess.

Sure sounds like it might remove a lot of stress from Mike Herman's life if the Fall Classic would take advantage of USPSA's excellent online squadding system!

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Ken, When Mike Herman asks " Who is Ken?" what ever you do don't point at me, Let's find Hoppy and point at him. Thanx for trying. I think most of us got squadded together except for two of us but maybe they'll be in the next squad so we can lend them our moral support. :) Oh wait a minute we're revolver shooters, we got no morals. B) Sorry I forgot. Cya Friday...

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Guys, I'm sorry for any rough waters you encounter with regards to squadding. We are trying to make sure that we run on time and have no major stumbling blocks along the way.

I will do my part to make certain next year we take advantage of the technical advances in management tools. I also hope that I can find a .40 revolver by then and maybe I can join in the fun.....

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Whew.  Sorry I sorta tossed you to the wolves there, Ken.  At least we know what to expect, I guess.   

Sure sounds like it might remove a lot of stress from Mike Herman's life if the Fall Classic would take advantage of USPSA's excellent online squadding system!

Hey, no worry Brother, you didn't throw me anywhere I wasn't already headed.

....but I won't advise anyone else to make the mistake.... ;)

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Guys, I'm sorry for any rough waters you encounter with regards to squadding.  We are trying to make sure that we run on time and have no major stumbling blocks along the way. 

I will do my part to make certain next year we take advantage of the technical advances in management tools.  I also hope that I can find a .40 revolver by then and maybe I can join in the fun.....

I understand completely.

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looks like Carmoney takes the match by 1.5%.... with luck Dan Carden in second.

Nice shooting guys.

Young Sam Carmoney shot a respectable 70% of the match winner.....Jerry watch out!

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CONGRATS to Mike !!!

The Carmoney gang is taking over.

Good job.

This was a well ran match. 8 out of 10 stages done before lunch.

All the stages were 8 rnd arrays with only a few exceptions. Lots of standing reloads with no real "gaming" shots to be creative.

But i liked it !!!


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Thanks guys! It was a well-run and fun match, with mostly high round count stages in arrays of eight shots, quite a few head shots and plenty of hardcover.

We definitely had no "scrubs" shooting the wheel at this match--everybody there was competent and experienced. It was great meeting Bubber for the first time (tell you what, he's pretty dang impressive with those custom Comp-III speedloaders!), and we enjoyed seeing Dan, Gil, and Ken, as always. It would have been nice to have a few more revos at the match, though....

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Well once again I am stoked! What a great time with a great bunch! The only down point was that the match organizers were too "AR" to permit us to move Gil to our squad. :angry:

Congratulations to Mike, Dan and Roger for a 1, 2, 3 finish!

The side match was an equally impressive show with the Carmoney boys taking us through several rounds of jaw dropping performance. The bottom-feeders sure sat up and took notice, with the 3rd place final finisher squeaking by Mike by a nose!! :lol:

Speaking of noses. In other side match competition, Bubber wins by a clear margin in both quality and volume in the inaugural snoring competition over Gil. What I first considered impressive aural and vibratory performance at Nationals was smashed by a combined exhibition of both skill and natural talent in this week's head-to-head matchup. Without a doubt, hearing protection is mandatory when facing a night's sleep with either of these talented competitors. ;)

Good night all, and I am truely blessed by the privilege of knowing and competing with these fine Men. I only hope to see you all again at another match very soon.


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Even though I was avoided like the plague for shooting the Benny Blaster instead of the Big Iron, I will toss in a bone on the pile.

D. Carden was in the hunt all the way until the last stage......SO that means he couldn't conveniently toss in that "accidental" miss or No shoot hit on the classifier!!!!

Which he won !!!!!!! with an 80% according to the Ohio Calculator.

Way to go Dan, Keep it up and you will be right there with M. Walsh!!! ;)

Good seeing the wheel gang there, too bad they wouldn't let me shoot 2 guns.

Waltermitty managed to get by me without me seeing the Pink TuTu! :lol:

Also Congrats go to Mike Carmoney, he has managed to get out ahead of the points series before the match.....I have no more matches to attend, and D. Carden has A-2 so things are winding down and unless D. Carden Wins A-2 and an "Other" match Mike will be the new Revo division Champ......Way to go Mike!

And Sam.......Not much to say but WOW!!!!!!!

I hope the girls get in the way for a while so the rest of us can win a few matches before he gets too good. ;)


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Had a great time meeting with the Revo Gang at the Missouri Fall Classic. Both Dan Carden and Mike Carmoney thoroughly trounced me at the match but it was worth it. Dan is sure smooth with his reloads. There was this one stage with four targets infront of you, four targets to the left behind a sliding window and four more to the right behind another sliding window. I saw it shot four different ways smoothly and then the herky jerky way I shot it. I guess you can say I was sent to school on that one. :ph34r:

Side Note: Walter Mitty, I don't think that was me snorin, evne thouh I have roomed with other guys that have heard the same ruckus from time to time. B)

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You were not "avoided like the plague" for bringing along your Benny Blaster.

No, you were avoided like the plague because of what must've happened to poor Cliff in the hilljack room at Area 5....


Edited by Carmoney
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Also Congrats go to Mike Carmoney, he has managed to get out ahead of the points series before the match.....I have no more matches to attend, and D. Carden has A-2 so things are winding down and unless D. Carden Wins A-2 and an "Other" match Mike will be the new Revo division Champ......

The point series race in Revo is far from over, boys. Dan can make up a lot of ground if he shoots well at Area 2--particularly since the best area match is doubled in the calculations. I think I have one more "other tournament" match to bolster up my mediocre Florida Open score (shot way back when I was still a "beginner"!)--that's the Shoot for Life charity match here in Iowa next weekend--at that point I will be maxed out for the year. We'll have to see if that's enough!


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I think I'm gettin' "screwed" a bit.

The Oregon match I shot in Aug has not posted my points as of yet. And it was listed as a point series match. I should have 100 pts more than what is posted !!

Its time to E-mail the MD with a "WTF" man!!!! <_<<_<

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Dan, Dan, Dan.......

It doesn't matter if the Oregon match shows up or not, since they're only going to use your best two state/sectional matches in the calculation. And you have two 100% scores listed--your fine performance against world-class competition in Iowa, and your fine performance against absolutely nobody in NorCal! ;)

Remember the formula is: (Nationals X 4) + (best area match X 2) + (sum of best 2 state/sectionals) + (best "other tournament").

Wait a minute......you're just messing with me, aren't you?? Ah hell, even people down in Rammer, TN can figure this stuff out. ;)

(By the way, speaking of "WTF"s, my win at the MN Sectional isn't posted either, for reasons I do not understand....)

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Sorry Dan, but I gotta hold tough on the point series thing.

I've already deliberately thrown one match this year, to help out a buddy...poor little guy had lost his mojo down in Ecuador and really needed the boost... Hell, even after throwing three misses and purposely popping a no-shoot, I still had to come up with an elaborate story about miscalculated results in order to make sure he got the plaque. ;););)

I can't start feeling sorry for everyone. So if you want to win that fabulous point series prize package this year, Dan, you're going to have to earn it the old-fashioned way.

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As to M. Walsh at Area - 5............Nothing happened at the Hopalong hotel room!!!!!!

Must have been some of that SELF inflicted kind of stuff going on down in the Walsh Hotel room!!!!

Unless it happened over at the Carmoney Hotel room....... ;)

Fun Match, good seeing the revo gang. Had a blast shooting the Benny Blaster and getting all 8 mikes for the match....But man did I get them fast!!!! :huh:


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As to M. Walsh at Area - 5............Nothing happened at the Hopalong hotel room!!!!!!

All I know is I left for a few minutes to go get Cliff some more beer, and when I came back he appeared to be El Conquistadee.

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