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I am accepting /begging  donations to send 3QT to another major match so I please don't have to hear about the Tri-state anymore! I have a whole new respect for everyone he met and shot with,and his experience has helped me too. But hey! Enough!

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This is the 'Big Post' you had to run off and make???  Besides isn't there something in the forum rules restricting 'wanna be' hunters from posting slurs towards a 'Man of Knowledge'!!!

At the Tri-State Uncle Bill told me there would be jealous lower class shooters scoffing at the 'pearls of knowledge' I would be graciously bestowing on them.  It was on stage 1 and while we were loading mags he said...

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Right!  I have it right here. 9:01 UB says"".  10:45 UB says"". 11:02 SA says"". At first I thought I should write it all down, but I've heard it all so many times now it's pretty well committed to memory. Thanks to all who have shared so freely with 3QT so that he may freely share. Again. And again. And...

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I, for one (and maybe the only one, HA!), am looking forward to hearing about the next 3/4time BigMatch adventure.  Your first few big matches can be a lot like reshoots on a stage... you think you have a better edge for the next try, and often so much confidence that you go too far too fast and crash worse.  Or with a golf analogy, just when you think you have that swing down you put a little more "ooomf" into it and... well, you know what happens next.  Into the forest.  Sometimes you get worse before you get better.  Interesting to see which way it goes.  And twice as enjoyable when the guy has that much raw enthusiasm (and typing time)  HA!  When is the next big event anyhow?

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How do I get myself involved with all this!!!

The next installment of '3quartertimes Big Match Adventure'.   ( I'm thinking of a movie by a similar title,  can't quite remember,  something about a special bike or something!!!). LOL  

As I don't expect the begging/donations thing to go very far the next installment will have to wait till next year.  Any ideas???  I've already got the OK to tag along with U. Bill if I can.( I kind of like the U period Bill thing,  it could stand for the University of Bill also!!!,  has a scholarly sound but doesn't make you seem old.  For the record UNCLE Bill is just a couple of years my senior.)   I'd like to make it to as many next year as I can.

BamBam,   I will be interested in how the next few turn out also.  I've played golf so I get the analogy,  been there done that.  I shot this sunday's match with the mind set that I want to be consistant.  Overall I was,  I had three mikes on the classifier!!!  CM 99-9.  But over all I think I was pretty good with my HF and speed.  

I can only hope to get to shoot the next one with such a terrific squad!!!   Even if I tank the next one or two or three... I plan on taking everything possible out of the time spent.

Steve,  I think the locals have a really good idea of how impressed I was at your philosophy.   I think one part they enjoyed was the way your last mag is almost in the middle of your back.   I still don't get how you can reach all the way back and do such a fast reload.  Seeing is believeing thou!!!   WOW.

I pity anyone thats not enjoying the family part of this sport and  forum!!!   What a kick to get to shoot with these fine folks and then get to spend time chatting too!!!  Now THAT is priceless!!!

Thanks all.    

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You mean the last mag's not supposed to back there?

Who knew?

My local squadmates (who don't all P the E to our extent) saw my three double mag pouches and started calling me Poncho Villa and asking about bandoliers. If they'd had to shoot tailgunner with 10 rounders, they need seven mags too!


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3/4Time said "I shot this sunday's match with the mind set that I want to be consistant.  Overall I was,  I had three mikes on the classifier!!!  CM 99-9.  But over all I think I was pretty good with my HF and speed."

Repeat after me....

1) Three Mikes is never good.  

2) You can't miss fast enough

3) Never use the word "speed" until you start shooting matches without any misses.  

4) You can't miss fast enough

5) Misses will substantially drop your hit factor

6) Did I mention you can't miss fast enough??

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1) Three Mikes is never good.  

2) You can't miss fast enough

3) Never use the word "speed" until you start shooting matches without any misses.  

4) You can't miss fast enough

5) Misses will substantially drop your hit factor

6) Did I mention you can't miss fast enough??

1) Three Mikes is never good.  

2) You can't miss fast enough

3) Never use the word "speed" until you start shooting matches without any misses.  

4) You can't miss fast enough

5) Misses will substantially drop your hit factor

6) Did I mention you can't miss fast enough??

1) Three Mikes is never good.  

2) You can't miss fast enough

3) Never use the word "speed" until you start shooting matches without any misses.  

4) You can't miss fast enough

5) Misses will substantially drop your hit factor

6) Did I mention you can't miss fast enough??

Sorry,  I'll clean the erasers before I go home.  Can I sit down now!!!

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First how did you do the small 3quartertime!!!  Too cool.  

Next,  I could say the same thing about all the other post here,  I can't understand how all you post during the sleeping hours.  Or at least MY sleeping hours.  I work midnights so on my days (or nights) off I stay up and sometimes post here.  I agree with the quality of my post I would be much better sleeping but as it is I can't sleep and enjoy late night prowsing.

Touche' mademoiselle.

(Edited by 3quartertime at 11:19 am on Oct. 9, 2002)

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¾ = Alt+190

¼ = Alt+188

½ = Alt+189

Just keystrokes.

I lost track of the thread where you posted your poem, but I'll go ahead and do the (threatened) limerick here instead:

A waltz or a guy?--it's a mystery;

(I hardly know much of his ancestry)...

But in three-quarter time

He dishes out rhyme

In the realm of the 10-zone--such mastery!  

Kind of a hasty one, but I gotta go to work.


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In the realm of the 10-zone--such mastery!   (quote)

Obviously hasn't seen him when he's practicing accuracy...

edited by twix at 7:58 pm on Oct. 9, 2002)

(Edited by twix at 8:00 pm on Oct. 9, 2002)

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I think I'd better work harder than usual at the range this weekend to EARN that "warrior" moniker!!

Back a couple or so posts: The golf analogy is one that occurred to me, too. But the analogy that came even earlier than that was the DANCE STEP analogy: Learning to link the shooting fundamentals into a graceful, successful action seems like weaving together the elements of a complex dance step into a second-nature action that accurately and easily executes itself while feeling good at the same time.

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