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TS- correct FO front site for fixed rear?


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I have a fixed rear sight on my TS and want to change the front to a Fiber Optic one.  Looking at CZ USA's web sight, it is not clear which FO front (height wise) is recommended for the fixed rear that comes from the factory.  I believe it is around 5.50mm, hoping to confirm before I order.


Anyone have any experience doing this?

Edited by muncie21
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The standard front sight on a TS is a 7.5 mm.  But if you replace it with a fiberoptic, alot depends on how you aim with a fiberoptic.  If you want point of impact to be directly under the dot, you probably want an 8.0 or 8.5 mm fiber optic.  If you want point of impact to be above the dot, a 7.5 might work.  It also depends on how your particular gun and your eye aim with the standard front sight.

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I just put a Dawson Precision on mine used the measurement tool on their web site to get my measurements. When I called them this is what they recommended before I ordered, especially on a Tactical Sport. 

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