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Yes, I realize that a year officially ends the back half of December, but I think we all realize not for a hard core IPSC shooter.

Nationals is the year end.

For those that went, a sigh of relief. Whether admitted or not, every match shot, every practice session and certainly every match bigger than a club match was in preparation for that nationals. All will sign their scorecards, check their standings, and on the trip back home their brain will work overtime thinking about how to improve. A break will likely be in order for most, there was always one for me. A month where you'll shoot, but you'll just shoot. Nothing to work on, just a chance to breath. Matches where misses are something to laugh about, not fret about.

For those of us who watched from the sidelines the anti-climax thunders ever so loud. The overwhelming thoughts of how we will balance life such that we can get there next year. We probably won't be taking any breaks. Attention to what needs to be improved needs to start now in order to be there a year from now.

I personally bow my head down to a changing of the guard yet again. Dave Sevigny is rising as the Tiger of the sport. Meanwhile Rob holds strong, bringing home another of his countless national titles. Max pulls in a first overall and national championship. His sights are set on worlds. Travis, Phil, Blake, Manny, JJ, Chris, and too many other to mention start the dust storms of what will be the Rob, Jerry, Todd battles of yesteryear.

This was a painful year for me. A chance to go to the show for the first time in many years. A chance to compete as a less skilled shooter, but a better skilled competitor. Watching from the web I realized that yes, I couldn't go this year, yet I need to get back.

The year is over for most. Worlds is a short time away and for a few, the work continues until that is over. The ultimate of the year. The chance to compete globally.

From the Benosphere though, it seems to have been a decent year. The passing of Steve Broom and so many others has clearly torn at our hearts. The year has not been without its hard times. All in all, the forum has grown. Not just in the number of folks in here, but in the experience, knowledge and skill set of every individual that hits the site. BE.com continues to be a universe of its own, and a tool that has gotten so many shooters to the next level. Friends some of us have never met yet we still hold dear.

The year is up for me. Nationals is over.

Next year is rapidly approaching. And based on how anxiously I tracked this season's ultimate match I have to tell you . . . I feel hungry.

Glad to be associated with all of you great folks. Glad to see this place growing. Glad to know that all of us will likely be better next year when this event swings around.


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I read this post and got all choked up! You truly understand the essence of what shooting competition is about. Thank you for putting it so well. Thank you also for succinctly commenting on the transition of champions. Dave is a class act. He mentioned Steve during his acceptance of the L10 title. I know his brother appreciated it as did his friends. The only thing constant is change so let's be hopeful that all things change for the better.

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Very well put and well versed the gentleman is. I've had the pleasure of shooting with Chris T. at a small local match in this area he an outstanding attribute to this sport, a fine person who helps with all phases of the game from setting up to helping the new people out.

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Thanks All.

It has been a good year highlighted with enough hard times that always seem to remind me that I need to be thankful for everything.

Missing nationals this year was tough, tougher when it was going on than I expected. In many ways its good that I missed not going because it'll mean I will appreciate it more when I go again.

I'm glad that Dave mentioned Steve in his acceptance speech. Steve was a close competitor of mine. A great guy. While I can't say I knew him well, I can say his death impacted me in ways I simply can't explain. I think about him several times during any given week. I know his soul was good though, and that while we may not see the standings, that he was shooting nationals on a whole new level.

Thanks for all the nice comments! I meant what I said. I am proud to be associated with such a great group of folks!


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Unfortunately my brother planned his wedding for the Nationals weekend. Once I decided for sure that I would attend his wedding (I skipped his previous wedding because he planned it on another nationals date, in '95...that marraige didn't work out so good so I don't feel too bad :P ) I pretty much gave up on getting back into shooting this year, the racing schedule was a bit more accommodating and I had a few sponsors come forward too. But next year should be a different story, I'm starting to get ready and I really want to get back to it. Last years Area 2 match made me realize how much I miss it. But as you say Jack, some things come up that are more important. Not to mention moving in with my girlfriend and all the little stuff that comes along with it.

Next year watch out!

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