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Ro's That Coach You While Shooting


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The solution is simple. When you squad up, tell your squad members that your fiance is a new shooter and you'll coach her, if necessary. That will solve your problem.

Mrs. Airedale and I shoot USPSA together every weekend. She's improving fairly quickly but right now can't buy an 8" steel plate. Usually, after she's burned through the second moonclip shooting over the plate, I'll walk up or nod to the RO to assist (local match-at the sectional, she was on her own). After 28 years of marriage, I've learned when to help and when to shut up.

Remember, this is supposed to be fun. :D


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Still as a relatively new shooter, I really appreciate the help that the RO can give me on league nights. On match day, even a club level match, I expect to be on my own. That's where my training should kick in.

On the fiance getting all of the help. It could be about people wanting to be macho and trying to show there expertise, but it might be that she is a pretty girl and that has a way of drawing attention from men no matter what activity you are doing - shooting, shopping etc. Take it as a compliment and then work on kicking their rears.

Long ago, I learned for myself to let people make mistakes unless they ask. That's what I do, but on the other hand I appreciate the help personally. It's not an easy cut and dried type of answer.

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My wife is about a month or two from shooting her first match.

Thanks to the "It's just a local match, the rules will actually be followed at a big match" attitude, I've made sure to cover the rules as they are written, the rules as applied at a local match, the rules as applied at a sectional match, and we're both kind of hoping that the rules will be applied as written at area matches and the Nats.

My wife and I train by shooting stages at the range and drills with dry fire. I've been running the stages like a match (I guess a REALLY BIG match), with all range commands and penalties according to the rules. She's paranoid about doing something unsafe, so we're making sure she has the range commands down pat.

It would be a lot easier for her if she didn't have to encounter "customized" range commands. IMHO, it's a heck of a lot easier for new people if the rules are followed as written.

Coaching is something else that could throw her off because it's not supposed to happen, although she's interested in good advice if it comes AFTER she finishes the stage.

None of this is likely to drive her away from USPSA, but why cause new people problems? Let them ask if they want help.

My wife isn't worried about advice from the peanut gallery. We have a deal between the two of us: She feeds me and makes sure I don't revert back to a caveman, and I fix stuff and beat the hell out of anyone who causes her grief. Taking care of her gun, ammo, and gear requirements is a new task, but one I also enjoy :D

I'm guilty of unsolicited advice to a woman shooter myself. I once checked with a new female shooter to make sure she had encountered a door that needed opening in a stage before (warned her of the sweeping potential), as she was about to encounter a door. Turned out she hadn't, so hopefully I didn't do anything out of line. Of course I've done the same thing for any new male shooters, as I swept myself a few times before anyone ever explained what I was doing wrong. Personally I would have preferred getting DQed the first time I did it.

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The solution is simple. When you squad up, tell your squad members that your fiance is a new shooter and you'll coach her, if necessary. That will solve your problem.

No squads at matches in Phoenix.

Ahhhhh, you're kidding right?



Thats the beauty of america. Everyone can have an opinion even if think it is wrong.

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Am I the only one that doesn't really give a damn about tactics in a self-defense situation?

I don't get into gunfights on a regular basis and in the unlikely event that I might I can probably outdraw and outshoot most seasoned professionals (maybe...?) not to mention the average thug. Really, I'd just rather not have extended conversations about shooting people or what I might do if I were confronted by Osama Bin Laden here at the coffee shop in sunny California. I hope this isn't inappropriate for the hate forum, maybe it deserves its own topic.

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Administrator note:

Folks...this is Jeeper's hate rant. Please let him vent without the discussion. Posts in the Hate Forum aren't supposed to be bantered about in discussion. That is just not the purpose of the Hate Forum.

(In other words...agree with him, or keep quite. ;) )

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Thats the beauty of america. Everyone can have an opinion even if think it is wrong. ---jeeper

I guess that's the difference between you and I. I'd treat a complete stranger with more respect then you would your girl friend. Some might think that's the ugly part of America.

Of course that's just my opinion.


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Thats the beauty of america. Everyone can have an opinion even if think it is wrong. ---jeeper

I guess that's the difference between you and I. I'd treat a complete stranger with more respect then you would your girl friend. Some might think that's the ugly part of America.

Of course that's just my opinion.


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What I have to say to and about someone who says I dont respect my fiance is better left in private!

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