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Looking For Audio File For Dvc


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I have this thing about pronouncing things the right way. Big pet peeve is the scope name of Leupold is pronounced Lew Pold not Leo Pold.

So my latin isn't anywhere in this hemisphere so how do you say:

Diligentia, Vis, Celeritas?

I would love a link to an actual audio file where someone says it properly - any ideas?



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Rick, I can't help with an audio file, but how 'bout a phonetic version (might as well get someting out of of four years of high school Latin -- besides using it for crossword puzzles, that is).

Diligentia: dill - uh - jent' - see - uh

Vis: viss

Celeritas: suh - lair' - ee - tass

That's about as close as I can get without being able to actually write out phonetic syllables. Hope it helps.

P.S. It's great to hear from someone who knows how to pronounce Leupold!

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Slapshot's close, but some parts are Latin combined with English pronunciation.

Although even linguists today don't know how the Romans actually pronounced some words, as the spoken language died out and Latin was only passed on in its written form, this is as close as you can get:

Diligentia: [dilli-'ghen-tsee-uh] The apostrophy indicates the stressed syllable.

Vis: [vees]

Celeritas: [tsel-lerit-ahss] - try to pronounce the last syllable with a British accent to get the "ah" part right ;)

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  • 6 years later...

I know, I know, this is an old thread.

I am not a Latin scholar, nor have I ever studied Latin, so I am technically talking out of my ass. However, I thought that the letter "C" was always pronounced hard, like in "cap" and "car". Also, is the letter "V" pronounced like a "W"?

From above with my question letters in bold:

Diligentia: [dilli-'ghen-tsee-uh] The apostrophe indicates the stressed syllable.

Vis: [Wees]

Celeritas: [Kel-lerit-ahss] - try to pronounce the last syllable with a British accent to get the "ah" part right

I really hate pronouncing things incorrectly. Maybe an old Catholic priest will chime in for this one? :lol:

Anyone know the answer to this one?

Edited by sirveyr
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