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I was able to hit 1.1s reloads a few times this morning.  It wasn't real pretty but I did it.  That's way faster than I was ever able to do with the Grock.

The first rep at 1.1 I said to myself: "Holy shit that's fast."  Then I started concentrating on really rocketing my weak hand down to mag and I started hitting the par time.

I wasn't able to establish a good weak hand grip every time so that needs some work.

Weather permitting I'm hoping to get in a live fire session this week.  It's been a while.

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Man we are on the same training regimen! I was able to get my reload times down as well with the same problem.


Have you been working Burkett reloads? I've found that pushing those way down helped me a ton on full reloads. This morning I was 80% running a .6 par time.

Regarding the trigger let-off, you'll get used to it in time. I had the same problem but muscle memory will take over soon to keep from double clutching.

Edited by SCTaylor
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I don't do Burkett's as much as I used to.  I like to practice the whole reload as a micro drill and use 4 Aces etc. as a true test of reload times.  Throw in a draw and some trigger pulls and it gets much more challenging.  My last live fire I was about 1.7s for reload splits during a 10 yard 4 Aces drill which is pretty abysmal.

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Just for shits and grins I ran through Anderson's drills 1-8 with the Tanfooglio.  Really good 50 minute practice this morning.  Everything was clicking.  Stock II is starting to feel like an old friend like my Glock did.

5yd index = .8 

10yd index = .8

Surrender Index = .9

Turn & Draw = 1.05

SH Index = 1.00

WH Index = 1.50 didn't push this too hard, concentrated on form

Burkett's = .7

6R6 = 4.00  This felt really smooth and not out of control.  Everything clicked, even the reloads.

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Finally got in a live fire practice today with the Tanfo.  Only my second time out with it and it's been a month since I last shot at all.

My draws are a couple tenths slower than with the Glock.

I have to really concentrate on not pulling that first DA shot low.  I pulled some really low when I tried to go balls to the wall out of the holster.

I was slower in pretty much everything except transitions and 25 yard Bill Drills.

This gun makes distance shooting seem like you're cheating.

I need more live fire practice.  Dry fire can only take you so far.

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Since my live fire on Tuesday I've gone back to basics in dry fire.  A glaring deficiency is I don't grip the gun tight enough with my support hand. Especially after a reload.  I noticed this doing El Prez on Tuesday.  After the reload the gun was flying all over the place.

I think it may have started after my bout with tennis elbow.  I just got used to not gripping the gun tight with my WH.  In any event it needs to be corrected.

This week I've done Wall Drill, Slow Fire Trigger, Trigger @ Speed, Bill Drill, Blake Drill and 6R6 with no par time or my usual live fire par time.  Concentrating on gripping hard throughout the entire array and reload and seeing A's.

My tennis elbow is a little sore after each session but goes away pretty quick.

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My tennis elbow is a little sore after each session but goes away pretty quick.

Check out Absolute PT's info on shooters elbow. Tendonitis stared to flare up for me this month, using his exercises has already reduced the issue.

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23 hours ago, SCTaylor said:

Check out Absolute PT's info on shooters elbow. Tendonitis stared to flare up for me this month, using his exercises has already reduced the issue.

I have been neglecting forearm training at the gym.  Started back up again today.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Tanfo experiment is over and I'm going back to Glock.  I dry fired for a couple months with the Stock II and my times were still all about .2 seconds slower on average yesterday in live fire practice.


I dry fired with the Glock this morning and my times were right back down where they belong.


All my Tanfo crap is going up for sale.

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28 minutes ago, superluckycat said:

Got in a full hour of dry fire this morning with the Glock.  Damn it feels good to hit Stoeger's target par times again.  I ran through Marksmanship and some of Core Skill hitting all the times except Reloads (6.00s) and El Prez (4.50s).


Glad to hear it!  I'm feeling the same way hitting those times. It's almost a WTF?? I made it? Ah hell  yeah! Haha



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Good 300 round live practice today with the G17.  


Sub 1.0s draws on close targets.

Bill Drills in 2.10 with ease.  

10 yard Blakes under 2.5s with a C or two

Finally got 7 yard 4 Aces under 3.0s.  Reloads are improving but still suck.

El Prez in 6.00s or under with points in the mid 40's.  Still good for a high B hit factor.  I can run 6.0s pretty consistently just need to improve the points.

Accelerator:  I found I prefer to draw to the far target.  I get better hits that way.

Finished with drawing to 8" steel at 25yds.  Tried to get it in 1.50s.  Got hits probably 75% of the time.


Got a 34 and some goodies on order.  I'm sure that extra sight radius will make me a GM in no time.

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Took the new G34 for a drive yesterday.  Love it.  DK trigger, Dawson sights and grip tape, full length guide rod and a 12# recoil spring.  Really like the Dawsons. 


Ran a bunch of 20 yard Bill Drills:  3.7s average with a C or 2.

Blake Drill:  2.5s or better once in the groove with 1-3 C's.

Bill Drill:  2.15s like clockwork.  I ran like 3 at this time and one at 2.16s.  Really concentrating on tracking the sight.  I can get it down around 2 but it's starting to get sloppy.


Did some 50 yard shooting to 2/3 IPSC steel to build confidence.  Hit it around 1/2 the time.  My group shooting, though improving, still leaves much to be desired. 


ETA:  Now I've got Tennis Elbow in my right shoulder too.  FML.  Well at least I'm balanced now.  It seemed to come on after hitting forearms hard in the gym for a couple of weeks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right elbow is f***ed.  Left elbow is so-so.  Been tough to dry fire.  Fast draws hurt.  Hitting the mag button hurts.  I started on the rehab exercises yesterday with dumbbells at the gym.  Going to do them a minimum of 5 days a week.


I did get in a 300 round live fire last Sunday.  Lots of 20 yard doubles and Bill Drills.  Ran a couple Blake Drills in Speed Mode and got sub 2.0s times.  Points were crap but I know what it feels like now:  Crazy fast.


First match of the season is this Sunday.  I hate starting the season injured.  I've already got a fake hip at 48yo maybe I can get a couple bionic elbows installed too.

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First match was last Sunday. 10 out of 23 in Production.  58% of the top Production shooter who finished 3rd overall for the match out of 72.  I was pretty rusty.  Bombed the classifier too but I'm done worrying about those.  My goal this season is to get faster and move up in match placement. 


I finally had someone video a couple stages and I had a revelation:  I move like a sloth between shooting positions.  I always thought I was hustling.  Nope.


So all this week my dry fire practice has involved movement:  Mini stages, Quick Step, Shooting on the Move etc.  Concentrating on exploding out of position and entering the next position ready to fire.  Throwing in moving reloads also. 


Had a good live fire practice yesterday.  Set up a mini stage:  Draw engage 2 targets at 10 yards, move laterally 7 yards and engage 2 more targets at 10 yards obscured by barrels.  Throwing in reloads also on some.  Also did some Quick Step, Blake drills and shooting on the move in all directions.  Finished with timed draws to 40 yard 2/3 IPSC steel.


I'm in the process of piecing together a Glock 35 for Limited Major.



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Still concentrating on solely on transitions and movement this week in dry fire: exploding out of position, decelerating and having the gun up and ready to fire when entering.  Trying to keep the same par time when I throw in a reload on the move.  Not quite there yet.


Got the G35 built up and have been using it this week in dry fire practice.  Man I love the mag well and big aluminum mag release.  The mag well is the Zev heavy brass one and the balance is great. 


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  • 1 month later...

Been a rough 3 weeks.  First a business trip then picked up the flu on the flight back that put me down for the past 2 weeks.  Missed both of my monthly matches because of it.  Hit the gym a couple times last week and managed to get in some dry fire also.  Time to get back at it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been getting in 45 mins of dry fire practice on week days (heavy on reloads) and average of one live fire practice a week.  For something different I've been following Seeklander's live fire program for the past month.  I'm liking it so far.  The program has a heavy emphasis on accuracy, with lots of head box shots (which I don't normally practice).


This morning's dry fire practice:


7 yard draw with trigger pull:  .90s

Reloads:  1.10s - pretty consistently with the occasional flying mag

Bill Drill:  1.70s

Blake Drill:  1.70s

4 Aces:  2.3s - can get down to 2.10s but it gets ugly

6R6R6:  6.0s


Tomorrow will practice movement.



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Man, I was on this morning.  Nice and relaxed and finally starting to smoke reloads.


7 yard draw with trigger pull:  .85s

Reloads:  1.00s 

Bill Drill:  1.70s

Blake Drill:  1.70s

4 Aces:  2.0s  Feels really good to hit this one.

6R6R6:  5.6s

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've only shot two matches this year so far and the last match was a disaster since the mags kept falling out of my G35.  I only managed to finish two stages completely.  During the last stage the mags stayed in until the final two targets then Bang! Mag falls out.  I was out of mags on my belt at this time so I picked up the mag recharged it and Bang!  Mag falls out again.  I did this three times in order to finish the stage.  Somehow I finished 5 from last place.


I did get complimented on keeping my cool and remaining safe throughout this fiasco. 


Thought I had the issue fixed but I think it's time make that frame into a dedicated .22 and buy a new one.


Still dry firing 5 days a week and live firing once a week.


In live fire practice yesterday I shot a 10 yard Blake drill, cold, with the G35:  2.52s for 27 points.  I then proceeded to shoot 10 more.  My average time is in the 2.4s range but my points are erratic with one Mike.


My speed is getting decent but my points consistency sucks.


I then worked on movement:  Draw to a 10 yard target move laterally 5 yards and engage a target at 5 yards out on the move (basically at a full run) then move an additional 5 yards and engage a final target set at 10 yards out obscured by barrels which forced a hard set up.


I ran this about 15 times and got it down to 5.15s with good points.  It was fun engaging the 5 yard target at a full run.  I had such target focus I saw the outline of the gun and the holes appear in the target.


I'm finding the .40 is much less forgiving to a shitty grip so I'm back to concentrating on gripping the hell out of the gun in dry fire practice.  This really showed up yesterday when I shot 25 yard Bill Drills.  I was also having trouble tracking the sights.


My major issues:

Flinching - I still flinch and will throw the first shot with regularity.  It's always the first shot after the draw.  Freaking embarrassing that I still do this.

Poor grip

Tracking the sights - I was really having trouble with this yesterday.  Dry contacts on a hot day didn't help.


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On 2/6/2017 at 8:57 AM, superluckycat said:

The Tanfo experiment is over and I'm going back to Glock.  I dry fired for a couple months with the Stock II and my times were still all about .2 seconds slower on average yesterday in live fire practice.


I dry fired with the Glock this morning and my times were right back down where they belong.


All my Tanfo crap is going up for sale.


Man... I feel you on that one. I can't tell you how many guys have asked me how much better I got when moving from plastic to a Tanfo.


My reply is an honest "I would have made A class 3-6 months sooner with the old gun." and that surprises people greatly. There's an absurd amount of work just to catch up to where you were at with the old gun.


Why was your weak hand dumping mags out of the 35 like crazy? Have you considered shaving down the extended mag catch a bit closer to the non-extended G17/22 profile? They're plastic so they shape easily, and a replacement is cheap.

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3 hours ago, MemphisMechanic said:


Man... I feel you on that one. I can't tell you how many guys have asked me how much better I got when moving from plastic to a Tanfo.


My reply is an honest "I would have made A class 3-6 months sooner with the old gun." and that surprises people greatly. There's an absurd amount of work just to catch up to where you were at with the old gun.


Why was your weak hand dumping mags out of the 35 like crazy? Have you considered shaving down the extended mag catch a bit closer to the non-extended G17/22 profile? They're plastic so they shape easily, and a replacement is cheap.

Somethings buggered up with the frame.  It does it with the stock mag catch and any other one I stick in there.  The frame is old and has a lot of rounds through it.  I also think the mag release was removed/installed a few too many times.


I've since swapped all the go fast parts over to my new G34 frame.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Live fire today.


Moving Blake Drills at 10 yards.  Forward, Backward, L to R and R to L.  5 of each. I suck moving R to L.  Forward and backward I'm a few tenths slower than standing.


10 yard 4 Aces - 3.30ish seconds for decent points.


Set up a mini course to practice movement.  Engage two targets move 8 yards set up on some stacked barrels and engage two more.  I find myself throwing shots on the first targets trying to rush.


10 yard Bill Drills.  2.6s with a couple C's average.


Getting better at gripping the gun hard but it still needs work.

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Shot my third match of the year today.  Consistency, I need it.  


Stage 1:  Locking block pin walked out and slide kept locking back.  Dicked around for 40 seconds trying to fix it so blew that stage.

Stage 2:  Rocked it.

Stage 3:  Had two light primer and lost my focus.  Meh.

Stage 4:  Rocked it.

Stage 5:  Rocked it. 

Stage 6:  Totally fell apart on this one.  I'm blaming the heat and I was hungry.  And cranky.


51 shooters total.  These are overall scores.



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