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Puns And More Puns


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A guy walks into a bar carrying an inflatable giraffe, sits down and puts it on the floor by his feet. The barman says, "hey, you ain't leavin' that lyin' there are ya?"

The guy says: "What are you talking about? It's a giraffe!"

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A piece of string walks into a bar, hops up on the bar stool and says "Gimme a beer". Bartender looks at the string and says "We don't serve string in here, you'll have to leave". So the string leaves, goes outside, ties a knot at his top, then ruffles the end, and goes back in the bar. "Gimme a beer" the string says. The bar keep looks at him and starts pouring the beer, "Hey, you aren't a piece of string, are you?" asks the bar keep... "Nope," says the string, "Frayed knot"

Confuscius Say "Man who stand on toilet, high on pot"

Confuscius Say "Baseball all wrong, man with four balls can't walk"

Two dogs, chasing a third dog around and around the field for hours. One looks at the other and says "Ain't this a bitch!"...."it damn well better be!" replies the other.

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