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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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OK I've heard all the sides and . All I can say is I still think its a form of gun control. Just think of this, who controls the ammo, powder and firearms companies? (The Fed Government)

They have to get the license to conduct business(from the IRS/BATF). Import/export license if needed(also from the feds) They have to keep records of all their product, Just incase BATF/IRS wants to make a surprise visit and inspect their business.\

In a sense they are government controlled !

The one thing I am tried of hearing is I should have though ahead and stocked up, well since I'm not shooting as much as I id before my son came along. I let my stock go down, But I still have enough for me and him to go do a little shooting now and then.

For anyone that had the stockpile or though ahead and stocked up. Glad to hear it, But the same song over and over again gets old.

I want to know the real reason, I know that panic buying ,especially after a public shooting is part of the cause ,But I still cant believe that It is the main reason, That ammo and powder companies cant keep up!

I don't see anyone having to much trouble finding any kind of firearm, even with the gouged, outrageous prices.

Like I said in my original post, The guns are no good without ammo!

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