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how to stop blinking?


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One thing that worked for me was to shoot someone's AR with a Rolling Thunder comp or SJC Titan at an indoor range. The concussion+fireball is in such a different league than my pistol that after 100 rounds or so it re-set my perception of "what I should be blinking at", and now my pistol doesn't even register on the radar.

Would have been gentler on the senses to try the tongue thing, though...

this is exactly what i thought after shooting my compd ak and switching back and forth between it and .22 and 9mm, i think eventually my brain just grouped the pistols into one no biggie category and the ak into a omg something is exploding in front of my face category lol

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Do you guys feel - is that a permanent fix, or a temporary "trick"?

I suppose it could be just a distraction but nerves from the eyes and nose travel down the face inside the skull. They exit the skull directly behind the upper incisors. If I give an injection in this area it can make one or both eyes feel numb and the nose feel like it is runny. I suspect that pressure place on these Nasopalatine nerves temporarily dulls some of the gun blast sensation causing the blinking.

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My original "fix" was facial mussel tension, kind of like setting the jaw mussels like you are mad. Thats how I overcame the blink. It worked but not as effectively as tongue pressure. You may be right about it being a sensation blocking issue. All I know is it works and does becomes permanent with time.


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Do you guys feel - is that a permanent fix, or a temporary "trick"?

For me, it hasn't been permanent...yet

I went on vacation (unable to shoot at all) for a coupla months, came back to the same problem. Fixed it the same way.

Went about 6 months before the next vacation (the problem had not resurfaced). Next trip was a bit over a month, came back, had it again.

So it might be that as long as there's some shooting involved, the fix remains, but in the absence of all noisy + explosive fun, something eventually gets re-set.

It may also be that I just haven't been shooting long enough to kill that blink reflex permanently? I'm just a B shooter; about 18 months ago I first touched a firearm. Perhaps if I shot, with no significant breaks, for several years, it would kill the blink forever? Maybe some of us are just delicate daisies, and can never permanently be rid of it? Lotta variations among us humans...

Edited by ummm
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My solution isn't very technical. I heard someone say once, "Why would you want to blink and not see where the shot went?" I thought that made sense. I really can't remember though if that was before or after I stopped blinking, but it was a little more intentional afterwards. I do catch myself blinking when shooting long range with my AR-15.

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