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Targeting Education-Thank You!

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Gang, I'm planning on attending with at least 3-4 shooters from Cincy. Being a recently converted catholic, it wasn't hard to convince the "boss" I should go since it's a charity match for catholic eduation.

Most shooters are well behaved at major matches, but I would encourag all of us to be on our best behavior to show the positives of the sport.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright Ladies and Gents:

Travis and Max from Double Impact Training have filled the first class for the weekend. If we have enough interest we will consider opening another class, but I need to know how many more want to come first. Also, if you haven't sent in your application, be sure to do so soon. We are creeping up on that May 1st deadline before that $25 late registration fee kicks in. I am quite sure the nuns and kids won't mind taking your extra $25!!! In fact, I am sure that is why some of you are holding off...bless your hearts!!! After all...it's fer the children!!! :D


Jeff LaFave


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

A little match update for everyone. Things are moving along nicely, and Max and Travis have filled their first class. We currently have 5 revo's coming to brave the match, and all the other divisions have some pretty stiff competition. The late fee for the match has also now kicked in (after May 1'st), so if you haven't got your application in yet for this Points Series "Other Tournament", the nuns will gladly take your "penance" of $25 for being tardy to class. As Cameron said, the COF are now posted at livingstongunclub.org if you would like to review them. They will have a final tweaking, but they are very close to what you will see when you get here. The bowling pin shoots, raffles, and prize table are all in place thanks to our most generous sponsors. A fun time should be had by all. Where else can you go and see a nun in an IPSC rig?!?! :lol: We can't wait to see you there!!!

Jeff LaFave


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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright guys we are getting down to the wire here. About 2 weeks till 1st shot fired.

I know if I was even within 500 miles it would be worth the drive if only to shoot against Max and Travis another time this season.

Let's get those apps in ASAP before it totally fills up. :)

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Looks like we are going to have good weather...80 degrees and partly cloudy. The "Big Guy" must be looking out for us!!! :D Stages are being built today, and all appears to be going smoothly. Start times for the match are 9:30 am on all three days, with registration opening at 8:00 am. We should be getting done around 4:00 pm each day if all goes well. We'll have concessions for anybody wanting lunch. We'll have raffles and pin shoots for you as well. See you soon!!!


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Big Daddy struggled a bit. Said he might have been looknig over the gun at times. Lots of alphas for him...but, also too much of the "far from alphas." And, he forgot a target. (He shot the Steel match well today.)

I shot Production. Clean match for me except for the last stage. I fell asleep and threw a couple on it. I mostly shot better than I have been lately.

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I shot today and probably shot the match of my life. For the first time I didn't rush anything and saw everything to the point where I could have shot each stage 10 times in a row.

Accomplishments at this match...First major with no penalties, 1 D, ended up dropping only 19 points for the match for 97.9% of the available points.

Had a few more extra shots than I would have liked...most on the A zone only stage....and I didn't need any of them. I just put 3 on just in case.

I hope Max doesn't kick my ass too hard tomorrow. ;)

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Good for you Jake !!!! :D:D:D

8 weeks before Nationals and you are getting to the top of your game !!!! :)

A little polish and that top 5 we were talking about is a sure thing !!!!! B)

Remember though M2 has a new name...... Max the Destroyer !!!! :blink:

You going to be at A-4 ? Kind of a long trip for you, Will see you at the Ohio Revolver Championship (Just kidding Flex) though.

Pulling for you.


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K guys here are the winners.

Open - Max

Limited - Travis

L10 - Gary Stevens

Prod - Kyle Farris

Revo - John Jawor

Max stomped my ass so bad it will be hurting for weeks.


Thanks a lot man. I won't be at area 4, going to area 7 instead. See you in Ohio.

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Seems like I have seen all 5 of them on these very Forums !!!!!!



Gary Stevens-----Gary Stevens

Kyle Farris-------Flexmoney

John Jawor-----ZooKeeper

Congrats guys and How about a BE.com SWEEP !!!!


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Man was this a great match! Well run and what a neat area. Some highlights were clever fun stages, friendly staff, a fun side match to fill in the time, and match results posted before I finished eating a brat, shortly after shooting my last stage.

I can't believe the low attendance at such a great location(its a vacation area so you can bring the family) for a low match fee. I highly recommend this match next year and its on my list already for 2006. This was as good as any Sectional/State match I have attended and as I said before the area has outstanding hotel and restaurants. I still have no idea how to pronounce the name of the match but I recommend it.

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I wish I cold have made it, but medical misadventures kept me from going. At the time of the shooters meeting Sunday morning, I was in the vet E.R. nursing my own flu, and spending more money trying to find out why my dog was sicker than I was.

Glad you guys had fun, watch out for when we're better!

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We still held your prize for you...it's in the clubhouse. We wondered what happened to you...you were the only no-show. I hope that your pooch pulled through, and that you are feeling better. Luckily, Jim and Chris filled in as shutterbugs for the event in your stead.


Thank you for the kind words. We had about 100 shooters show up, and all the nuns, parents and teachers were impressed with what "ladies and gentlemen" we were. They were most impressed with the abilities displayed, and a couple of the kids want to take up our sport!!! I think that that is the biggest victory of all!!! A charity match that benefitted a school, and we recruited some new shooters to boot...Not a bad days work. I'll announce how much the schools scholarship fun recieves by the end of the week...Gotta do all the paperwork first!!! Anyway, thanks to all who attended...now where is that Ohio Sectional itinerary... :D

PS If anyone has any additional stats questions, just email Jake direct...He is handling those inquires. The most current set of updates are posted on the USPSA website.



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Now that the dust has settled, I want to be sure and thank all of the people that helped make this event possible. It was through their hard work, generosity, and tireless efforts that this was all possible. If I missed anybody, I sincerely apologize:

Mark Sholenberger

John Levis

Bob Gaffrey

John Baier

Jim Hackenberg

Mel Campbell

Bob Gerak

Wally Palazzolo

Gary Johnson

Ron Chmiel

Bob Overholt

Cameron Lange

Sam Spiteri

Bob Clift

Jay Worden

Bruce McClurg

Steve Hauptman

Tom Payne

Jim Tarr

Bob Phil Overholt

Ron Chmiel

Vicki Payne

Jake DiVita

Sam Spiteri

Cameron Lange

Tom Moore

Dirk Kiner

Paul Carlson

Lynn Baier

Franco D’Anna

Frank Bohanan

Chris Eder

Once again, thank you!!!!

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