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2013 Crimson Trace Midnight 3 Gun Invititational

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Probably should have started this a few months ago, but better late than never. The 2013 Crimson Trace Midnight 3 Gun Invitational will be held in Bend, OR at the Central Oregon Shooting Sports Association (COSSA). The match dates are August 14-15, 2013 for the staff and 16-17 for the main match. August 18 will be awards at noon at Mt. Bachelor Village. Information about the match can be found on our website, M3GI.com. Stages, Rules, Schedule and additional information can be found there.

The match will be all Open Division, but as you can see from the stages, the shotgun will not require you to reload so Tactical guys won't be at a disadvantage. We have some longer shots but they will be done with Stage guns. Longest shots in the match with your guns will be 50 yards.

If you shot the match last year or have been wondering where your invite to this year is, please message me with your email address as soon as possible. Apparently some of the invite emails are getting hung up in spam filters or just disappearing. There is still a few spots but I expect the match will be full in the next day or so.

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Just wanted to give a thanks to our match sponsors. This match is a little different than a lot of three gun matches. If we charged competitors what it actually costs to put this thing on no one would be able to attend. Because of the limited time we can shoot and the extra staff needed to make this thing run safely this match runs at a huge deficit money wise. Thanks to our incredibly generous sponsors we've been able to make up for some of that difference. But even with all that help there is a reason the Crimson Trace name is on this match. They put in an incredible effort to support this match. From registration, sponsor contacts, the match book and stage diagrams, to just putting the match on the ground they are helping every step of the way. It's almost surreal as a match director so say you want $5000.00 for rockets and $2500.00 in grenades and not have them bat an eye. This really is their baby. They put in a huge amount of effort the whole year on this. I've been to more meetings at Crimson Trace this year than I have at my real job (Shhh, don't tell my boss). When you get to the match, take a minute to thank a Crimson Trace employee or three. There will be a lot of them there making sure the match goes off without a hitch.

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Danner was one of the original sponsors for this match. For those at the match last year, you might have noticed the RO's all wearing brand new Danner boots. Well they are back supporting us again this year. They are one of the four biggest sponsors for the match and have been incredibly generous.

We also have two new major sponsors. Not just new to our match but companies a bit newer to multigun. Please welcome them. The first of our new benefactors is Optics Planet. Everyone will be receiving a bit of Optics Planet's contribution at registration and they have a discount code in the match booklet. I buy a lot of things from Optics Planet and DVOR. I'm actually wearing a shirt I bought off their site as I write this. They have a little bit of everything and an awful lot of some things.

The last of our major sponsors is the National Shooting Sports Foundation. They just signed on about two weeks ago. I was actually at Crimson Trace for a meeting and was going to tell them I just didn't have time to do the match next year. Mike Faw told me NSSF has just agreed to a three year sponsorship agreement for a whole lot of cash. Oh well, guess I'm gonna be a bit on the busy side for the next couple years.

Thanks to Danner, Optics Planet and the NSSF!

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MGM Targets will be our target supplier again for 2013. Travis is also the RM for the match and I could not, repeat could not, do this match without him. Not only is Travis driving us up a big trailer full of MGM steel targets, he's also bringing the paper targets, stands, tape, clay targets and rebar to lay out the courses with. It's almost everything we need to run the match. And with the quality of the MGM products, I know we won't have to worry about reshoots because of broken targets. Travis' experience running big matches has been a great help for me as a newb match directort. I can't thank Travis enough.

Colt Competition Rifles is also back again this year. CCR is producing some great rifles, and everyone will get a chance to shoot the same rifle I use in competition, the CCR CRP-18 Pro. This rifle will be set up on stage 2. The rifle will be equipped with a Leupold VX6 optic and Night Vision. Shooters will be engaging targets at 50 and 100 yards with this combo. CCR is also sending a couple of RO's to help out as well. Annie Foster is making her return to staff our match. You might recognize her from the match booklet as the model CCR used for their ad. She's acutally a shooter too! In addition to Annie, Dave Wilcox will be helping out with RO duties. Kind of cool when the VP of a company comes out to run shooters. This is why CCR makes such great rifles. It's a company run by shooters, making rifles for shooters. They know what they're doing. CCR is giving us two rifles for the match. They will be awarded separately from the prize table. Everyone will have a chance to win a great rifle.

Ergo Grips will also be sponsoring and have at least a team shooter or two at the match. That's not counting the many, many shooters that will have Ergo Grips gear on their rifles. If I had to pick one single grip that dominates three gun it's from Ergo Grip. It's amazing how often you see Ergo Grips at matches considerning how many different people make AR grips. Ergo is there because they make a great prodcut and they been terrific sponsors for the multigun sports. Matt Foster was not a reluctant sponsor for this match. In fact he tracked me down to make sure Ergo would be involved again. Didn't have to call and bug him for sponsorship, it was the other way around with him contacting me. It's great working sponsors that are so enthusiastic.

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Our next three sponsors. Leatherman is a local Oregon company that has a lot broader product line than I realized until last year. They have some great product including the MUT tool I picked up last year. It goes to every three gun match with me. Rock solid tools and trust me, they put a lot into this match. Great to have them back again sponsoring.

Gemtech is a new sponsor this year. Everyone is going to get the chance to shoot their 9mm suppressor off a Glock 17 in the shoot house. You'll also have the opportunity to shoot the G-5T titanium suppressor on Stage 1. Best part is, two people will get to shoot a lot more rounds through them because at the end of the match, Gemtech is donating them to the prize table. I'm hoping to get one of them for my duty rifle.

Freedom Munitions is another new sponsor and one I am so happy to have. When we started this match last year, one of the things we wanted to do was give people the opportunity to shoot stuff they can't anywhere else. Belt fed machine guns, NV, Thermal, all sorts of cool stuff. Well, I can't really expect sponsors to give us guns and optics that cost well into the 5 figure range and let anyone shoot crap ammo through it. We need quality ammo that the sponsors will trust their equipment to, and will keep the guns running the whole match. Last year I was sweating coming up with enough ammo for the event. This year, we have even more guns for you to try out, everything from a short PWS Mk107 to the big Mk46 from last year. This year ammo seems a bit harder to come by as well (just a bit).

Fortunately Freedom Munitions stepped up in a big way. Even in the middle of an ammo crunch. When ammo companies can sell as much as they can make. Freedom Munitions donated 12,000 rounds of .223. I've been to several three gun matches this year. I see Freedom Munitions at them all. I know I'll be looking there first from now on for all my ammo needs. You should take a look. I was at their website this morning. They have a ton of ammo in stock (literally, I'm sure it's well over 2000 pounds, probably several tons actually)

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Next up, LED Lenser. This was a new company to me last year. But they supported last year and this year in a big way. I'll admit, I've always been a SureFire guy since I bought my first one in 1994. I've never really seen the need to use anything else. That was until last year. I had a chance to see some of their bright lights. Holy cow, this stuff lit up the whole hillside. We passed a couple out to the RO's last year as thank you's. Had one RO that was nice enough to give his to a buddy in LE. He's been kicking himself since after seeing it. Take a look at the LED Lenser product line if you need lights for this match. They have some really great lights.

Nike was a big sponsor for the match our first year and this year as well. This was another company that took me a bit surprised. Nike has it's home in the county I work and I've been on their campus many times. I had no idea they had a military products division. They came out last year and showed off some really comfortable boots and anyone who shot last year went home with a Nike match shirt. Nike must have thought it was a cool match last year because they are supporting use again. Thanks, Nike!

Last up for today is Nosler. Last year they provided our match grade .308 to shoot out of the Colt Competition .308 rifle. The ammo was flawless. I managed to save a couple boxes for myself after the match and shot it out of a GAP-10 from GA Precision. Very, very impressive ammunition. Nosler is back again supporting us. This year every round of ammo from Nosler is going to competitors on the prize table. There are going to be some very impressive groups shot once you have the opportunity to shoot your prize.

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I was there last year and will be again this year. It's an incredible match and the sponsors are over the top as Chuck said. Today I bought some .380 ammo from Freedom Munitions to support them because they support this match.

Danner let me try out some Tachyon boots and they are great for 3 gun by the way. They are extremely light, tough, and cool for hot weather. These are a new design for 2013, so check them out if you get the chance.


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  • 2 weeks later...

If I get to shoot Chuck's rifle, I'm going to put a whole bunch of rounds through it! Maybe bring the Beta and see if it will glow in the dark!@

I'll be done shooting the match by the time you get there. I'm going to shoot it during the day on Wednesday. The rifle for the side match will be a 7.5" PWS Diablo complete with MVF-515 and fun button. I offered my rifle up to Greg Smith to shoot the main match with. You wouldn't want to mess with him would you Kelly?
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Got tied up at work and haven't been keeping up with the rest of our sponsors. My fault. I'm gonna try and get them all listed this week.

Springer Precision is a local Bend company that started doing work on Springfield XD's. I've watched the company get bigger and bigger over the years and go from a one man shop in his garage to bigger and bigger spaces with several employees. But I really like Springer because they're still responsive to shooters. Scott still manages to get out and shoot the occasional match but he also really listens to shooters. He's helped me out more than once building me something I couldn't get anywhere else. To give you an example, when Magpul came out with the new 40 rounders I asked Scott if he could make one of his couplers for them. I've now got three of them at home and I'll be running them next week at the match. From request to final design in hand in less than two months. (Probably closer to a month). Scott also does Cerakoting and is the man to contact for IonBond which is my favorite finish.

Otis is back again to help us out. They have a number of their excellent cleaning kits for shooters. From the great big shop sized ones to the little zip up kits I keep in my three gun bag when I go to matches.

Rubber City Armory is a new company to the match. Chris Cerino is making some awesome bolt carrier groups and related parts, all coated with their Black Nitride + coating. They look awesome. I'm going to be running one in my match rifle next week. (Assuming the post office comes through). It's a great product and I thank Chris for coming out again this year. On a side note, if you have any training needs, Chris is a great instructor. Spent a bit of time on the range with him at the end of June and came away very impressed.

Primary Weapons Systems...Todd Tuttle is nuts. I spoke to him this year at the SHOT Show. I hoped PWS would come back again since the stage with their gun was one of the highlights of the match last year. I always feel a bit guilty about hitting up people for stuff at SHOT since I know they are there to do business and sell stuff, not give me or my match free stuff. Not only did Todd make me feel welcome, but he dragged me around the show introducing me to other vendors (Like Gem-Tech) and getting even more people on board. PWS will have a number of guns for you to shoot this year. Stage 1 will have a Mk118 18" rifle set up with a suppressor, Leupold Mark 6 optic and FLIR thermal weapon sight. Stage 6 will be back again. Clearing the shoot house with the IR lasered Mk110 10.5" barrelled full auto. And everyone will have a chance at the side match with the PWS Diablo.

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Warne Scope Mounts is back again. We've got their mounts on everything I could put them on. And they're color coded to the stage. A Zombie Green RAMP on the CCR Colt with night vision and a Red SKEL on the stage with the FLIR thermal optic. I've been using Warne products for years. Since long before they came out with the RAMP mounts. I've been running RAMPs since they came out and the mounts have never failed me. Quality all the way. And Warne is a huge supporter of us thre gun folks. They'll have a number of their team members and employees at the match, including the new owner who's caught the three gun bug.

Brownells has signed up for the first time this year and I'm very happy to see them. I'm not going to go into depth because everyone on here know's Brownells. You have to. They have everything and are an awesome company to work with and order from. In addition Brownells is incredibly generous with the shooting sports. Larry Weeks is my go to guy whenever I need something special. I know this isn't related to the Crimson Trace match but I can't stop talking about it. For the last two year Brownells has donated dang near every part we needed to build an Open gun to raffle off at Area 1. We've done this the last two years and raised about $13,000.00 for the MGM Junior Camps. That's how awesome Brownells is.

Daniel Defense is another first time sponsor for us. DD agreed to sponsor the match at just about the wrong time for them. They confirmed they were sending us a rifle for the match in February. During a time when every AR manufacturer was struggling to even get product out the doors, DD stepped up. I've got the rifle in hand and someone is going to be very happy with it. It's a great looking stick.

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