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Potentially horrible lesson learned the hard way

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So, I recently made a terrible mistake, one that is extremely dangerous, and I want to make sure that nobody else does the same thing.

I have a .22 conversion for my AR, and I was using it the other day. When I was done at the range for the day, I took it out and put the regular bolt carrier assembly back in. About a week later, I was at home and decided to put the conversion back in. I took out the regular bolt carrier. Obviously the chamber was clear, there was no bolt in it and I could see down the length of the barrel. I put the 22 conversion, pulled the trigger to ease the springs, and... BANG! I fired a shot through my mattress and into the base of my headboard. Apparently when I removed the conversion at the range, there was a round in it, and it hadn't occurred to me that the round is actually chambered inside the conversion, and that I could absolutely remove it with a round still chambered. This is by far the stupidest thing I've ever done, and I want to make sure that nobody else ever makes the same mistake.

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This is a good example of why we must always always ALWAYS check the chamber before pulling the trigger. In any type of situation, other than actual shooting.

Not preaching, because I've my own reasons to be humble.

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That is the reason we have the safety rules as they are very redundant and usually unless you violate 2 or more you will be ok. If your around firearms long enough sooner or later you will have an Negligent discharge. Learn from it and move on and don't repeat it. Mine was stupid. I accidently knocked a pistol off the table it was resting on and tried to catch it. Well my trigger finger round its way onto the trigger and I put a 9mm hole in the floor. We are human just move on.


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Shot the speaker out of my wife's car unloading a 9mm. It can happen. That's why you can never be too careful! Glad nobody was hurt. Thanks for the heads up.

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This is one of those things that I knew but didn't remember that I knew until you mentioned it. The conversion is really a gun that goes into a gun, so you have to clear it as well as clearing the rifle. I rather suspect that you are not the first nor the last person to do this.

BTW, aren't you supposed to clean that thing after each use? Don't they get gunked up quickly if you don't?

Edited by Graham Smith
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