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bully neighbors who think they know everything


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I hate the a**holes a couple of houses down, who let their pitbull run around the streets, hungry, with no tags, and not registered. I hate that when my wife found him running around the street with open sores and flee bitten and caught him, fed him, and called animal control thinking it was a lost dog, they started yelling at her. I hate that this drunk prick and his drunk son tried to bully my wife (who is 4'11") and they tried to intimidate her into not calling animal control as "The dog would have found his way back home!". I hate that these idiots then started going door to door badmouthing us, though most of the neighbors knows us and like us. I hate that the animal control guy had no intention of pressing charges despite the fact that the animal is clearly neglected, though at least we convinced him to take it to the local sheleter for a vet checkup. I hate that the a**holes walked up and down the street giving bad look to our house.

I tell ya though, I do like my Mossy with 7 rounds of buckshot and how it looks by my door. I hope to never have to use it in anger, but it sure looks comforting.


PS: And I even like pitbulls and all bully breeds. My avatar is my American Bulldog. The poor pit was even pretty sweet, just neglected.

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I feel your hate.

If you own a dog, take care of it the way you should.

I have two and a half dogs, the half is my neighbors dog that spends half of her life at my house because she's left outside and can jump the fence.

I like the dog, not so wild about the way she's taken care of though.

Travis F.

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Anyone who owns a Pitbull and lets it run free in a residential neighborhood should be beaten.

I have small kids and I love dogs. But if there's a Pitbull roaming my neighborhood, I veiw it as a threat to my kids and would do whatever it took to get that dog off the street ASAP.

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Sadly, pitbulls have an image they do not always deserve. Most I have met have been sweet dogs. Most of their vicious reputation comes from the fact that they have been bread to be fighting dogs and they do have a high agressive drive towards other dogs. And morons like those that let their dogs run around loose are only making things worse. I have been bitten three times in my life, by a street mutt, a cocker spaniel, and a black lab. I have picked up abused pits of the street more then once. Maybe I have been lucky.

The truth is that any unidentified dog should be treated seriously. Feral dogs are some of the most dangerous critters we humans run into on regular bases. While pitbulls could seriously hurt anyone, a goofy looking yellow lab can kill a child as easy as a pit can. Right now there is a collie running around the woods around my town and it has already bit a couple of people. And no one thinks of Lassie as a killer, do they? But at 75lb most collies outweight most pits.

Hey can I thread drift my own hate rant with a new hate rant?


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Pit Bulls and Rottweilers, etc. have a reputation as vicious because idiots purchase them for that reason (killer lawn gnomes). The pup is chained up or left alone outside with no socialization beyond some drunken a-hole coming home to kick it occasionally. Unsurprisingly, the end product is an unsocialized, mean as hell dog, that has the physical strength the back up the threat because of the breeding.

The dog suffers.

Innocent bystanders suffer.

The a-holes who bought the dog live on the victimize more animals and more innocent bystanders (usually children) another day. What's sickening is the same creeps who raise mean dogs also raise kids.

99% of all dogs (big dogs, anyway) desperately want to be our friends - if we will only let them. A happy dog is a trained dog that trained that is allowed to serve man and gets love in return.

People, as usual, are the problem.

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Well said Eric, my 95lb American Bulldog (and not much fat on his bones and muscle) sneaks up on kids in strollers, licks their face and then jumps 4 feet away and wiggles maddly while the kids laugh out loud. He thinks it is funniest thing ever. He likes everyone and everybody. He can play tug with me and pull me over (and I weight about 300lb) but he will play tug with the 6 year old girl next door and not even move her. Show me an aggressive dog and in 95% of the cases I'll show a bad owner.

Plus my dog puts up with getting dressed up and acting as a mascot at fund raisers, and girl scout meetings:



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Show me an aggressive dog and in 95% of the cases I'll show a bad owner.

Therein lays the problem. More like 100%.

But you can't be shooting people without good reason.

We "had" a few problem dogs last year, owners would not deal with it, local authorities would not deal with it.

Dogs "mysteriously" disappeared, owners left soon after.

Too many small kids in my area to be having problems with dog owners. Yet we have over a dozen dogs in my street alone that cause no problems, many of them you would hardly know they were here, until you see them being taken for a walk or playing with kids in the street.

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