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Pro Shooter & Instructor speaking out against Pro 2A rally at Ga


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On Friday, Feb 08, 2013 in Atlanta Ga, there was a rather large, peaceful Pro 2A rally at the State Capitol. There were several people there with loaded, holstered handguns and several of those also had their AR's and AK's slung over their shoulders, some with mags inserted, some with chamber flags. I believe it was a sucessful rally to show the majority of gun ownership can and do present themselves in a professional manner.

Now onto the Negative part of this rally. There was a Pro competitive shooter and Instructor on site (no, I will not share this person's name, gender or a link to said news report, you can Google it on your own) who was interviewed by the local news crew and this person stated how nervious they felt with all these people with their rifles slung over their shoulders, it was a little too much for them. This hit me right between my eyes (ok, it was my hand smacking my head in disbelief) that this person would actually make this statement on a Major local news interview. This is all we (gun owners) need at this time. I can hear all the gun grabbers stirring the pot now, making statements like, "Even one of their own Professionals said they were nervious about all the evil Assault rifles and their Assault clips walking around like Rambo"!

I mean, come on, really, you had to make THAT statement on the news. Hopefully this small rant will open the eyes of everyone who reads it and maybe pass the story to others, to always speak in a Professional and Positive manner when speaking about gun ownership and our 2A rights to anyone, even other gun owners.

Ranting over, thanks for taking the time to read this.

Edited by GlockSpeed31
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Having found the story I would agree that the comments were ill advised. I can also agree that she had a point. IF you are going to participate in a rally like this make sure you practice good muzzle control. Just like the occasional ND/AD at a gun show gives us a bad name, so can one at a rally like this. The things we do properly will not be noticed but if we screw up it will be spread far and wide within minutes.

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I actually thing everyone has a free right to what they believe in. The 2A has a lot if interpretations. If you take it literally with no reservations then it means your neighbor is allowed to have a nuke or anti tank rpg in his living room. Not sure most want that so we all accept some limitations. The question is where.

Now in terms of competitive shooters - I am not sure everyone in that group believes in no limits either. I think most keep their views quiet due to sponsors etc. the sport can apparently still exist even with gun control - look at Europe with kirsch and grauffel - although none of us would like to be under those same restrictions.

But she does being up a good point. That many there are not trained and what they preach about most (safety and not covering anything unless you intend to destroy it) may not be taken as seriously as someone without any training ....

But if you are pro 2A - then you also have to recognize abs be pro 1A. Tou and I might not share the same views but she could be a competitive shooter who does believe in gun control and is allowed her views in our great country.

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