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FBI investigating bullet orders


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The anti-gun bullshit has started. A guy I shoot with was visited by the FBI. UPS turned him in because he ordered a large amount of bullets. Not loaded ammo, just bullets. He reloads, like many of us do. The FBI said he "fits the profile"; young, white, and ordered a lot of bullets. Be careful, ladies and gentlemen, the company that delivers your parcels can report you to the authorities. I just ordered ~8K of bullets, too. I wonder if I will get a visit as well. My MG stuff comes via the USPS.

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I refuse to use UPS if there is another shipper available even if it costs more. They throw packages in the trucks and throw them at the door when delivering. I have never gotten a bullet order that aups delivered that was not damaged in some way. If they are turning in honest law abiding citizens it is time to stop using them.

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I had something odd happen when I ordered 6 cases of MGBs a couple years ago. Got investigated by some sort of usps investigator that wouldn't release my package until I could prove that the boxes contained nothing dangerous. It was very odd. He said they were inspecting any packages that said anything about bullets, ammo, etc. I just ordered lots more bullets and they all showed up so I'm hoping there's no more issues. Of course I sold all the bullets as soon as they showed up too just in case... ;)

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I was "told" by a very good friend high in federal law enforcement that "they" have been tracking stuff for years. He said if any human actually read the Patriot Act, as well as all the amendments put through under "executive orders", people would bury stuff in the yard. If any one actually thinks Big Brother has not been keeping track of all sorts of things, well good luck to us all. Have no vested interest in the book.....but read Enimies Foreign and Domestic. Not far off i,m afraid.

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Who care they can investigate until they are blue in the face. The 4th still comes into play and there is nothing illegal with ordering 1 bullet or a million. They have better things to do anyhow

Florida NFA trusts

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Please investigate me. :rolleyes:

I have ordered lots of powder and bullets over the years. I just hope they don't start trying to get us all for contaminating the environment with the lead! I know there will be weird things happening, but really how far can an already over funded bloated bureaucracy really go without a constitutional mandate? Not very far. Not far at all.

I love my country, but lets get one thing straight, the gun rights people in our government and out have the upper hand here. We need to continue to use the FACTS and hammer them home. Gun deaths are not at an all time high. Number of gun owners per capita isn't going up either. But, the number of gun owners IS.

We are a voting block.

We are well funded. (If you belong to one of the many lobbying entities that work on your behalf)

Americans, for better or worse, love their guns. Count me in.

I love mine. Every single one.

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