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OB/CATS 2004 Three Gun

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you haven't shot this match and live in the NE and are interested in multi-gun 3-Gun shooting, don't miss this match. It is a two day event and the stages are "do-able" by any reasonably competent and safe shooter. I've shot this match since its inception and its a lot of fun. So far, my 60 year old body has been able to complete Jim's stages with little pain.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, Here goes.

The match will be 12 stages, 6 on Saturday and 6 on Sunday, this is the same format as last year.

There will be several two gun stages, ie., SG and Pistol or Rifle and Pistol. We are finalizing the stages this week. The round count will be posted shortly. stages most likely willnot be posted since line drawings rarely match what you'll see anyway. If you have shot at Old Bridge for one of our regular monthly matches, you know what to expect. We will have a jungle run, SG only, a surprise stage of some type, a few howse clearing type stages, a couple rifle only stages.

We will have stages that stress accuracy, speed and power, maybe all at once, maybe on different stages.

We generally try to have a balance between the different guns, in other words, it is not a pistol match with a shotgun stage and a rifle stage, you will be equally tested. All stages will count the same towards the match.

There will be a cash payout based upon the number of competitors in each division. If a divison has an insufficent number of participants, we will combine it into the most applicable divison so that there is a valid prize level.

Look for an update on our website later this week.


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Not an official response, but the high cap law in NJ says max of 15 rounds, but you can own, purchase, and travel with higher capacity mags as long as they are blocked to 15, and the block need not be permanent. I just picked up an AR 20 rd mag at the local shop, pre blocked, just because I didn't have one. The common NJ thing to do is to stick a wood dowel of the right length in the magazine. A .308 case works great for some 30 round AR mags for example.

Newark is a good place to fly into, or at least a lot better then any airport in NY.



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From the OB/Cats Rules page:

7. Scoring: We will use hit factor scoring. Each stage is worth 100 points, we will add up the shooters percentages of the high score for each stage and that is your score for the match. High score wins. The match will be scored as follows. A=5, B=4 C=4, D =2, Miss penalty is -20, Failure To Engage (FTE): -30 Points, Hostage (N/S) is -40, (only one hit per target counts). You must have at least 5 points on a target or you will be assessed a Failure to Neutralize Penalty (FTN) of -10 points. 2 D hits won’t make it. You need at least 1 “A” or a “C-D”. There will be a Procedural Penalty for faulting lines, failure to take cover etc. This will be 10 Points. There will be a Failure To Do Right penalty. The FTDR penalty will be 60 seconds added to your time. Pistol steel will be calibrated for MAJOR Power Factor. On paper targets for rifle, only A-Zone hits count.

Hmmmm. Only one hit to count for score, and only one hit to count for penalty. At first view, this sounds reasonable, but I note that a scoring hit is worth 5 points whereas a hit on a Penalty Target is worth -40 points, a ratio of 8:1.


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It should be understood that this match is not an IPSC/USPSA Match. It is felt that a NS once hit is gone, BUT that that hit should severly penalize the shooter. THere is also a Failure to Neutralize. In some matches that results in a zero for the stage, we felt that was a bit much for this game. Misses also count heavily since you should know where your bullets are going. Speed counts at this match, but accuracy is highly rewarded.

Steel is calibrated heavy, a minor load will knock it down, but not if the steel is hit low. The A-zone only hits are so that we can balance minor rifle and major pistol on the same stage.


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We started running this match about 4 years ago and were unaware of the IMGA rules. They have some good ideas. So do a lot of others. We are trying to keep the rules simple, yet cover what needs to be covered. The penalties we imposed were designed to encourage accuracy, but the target presentations are such that you can still shoot fast.

One of the niceities of this type of competition is that we can designate shooting orders and postions. This allows us to set up a stage and not have to use 20 walls so you can't see a particular target array. Otherwise we'd not be able to build the match and tear it down in the timeframes alloted. Not to mention the material costs.

Examples of stages are exiting from a vehicle, shooting several steel, moving to multiple positions and reengaging the same steels. If we follwed as an example USPSA rules, we would have to allow a total freestyle match and such an array would be out of the question.

BTW, Newark Airport is only about 1 hour from the range....

Jim Norman

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  • 3 weeks later...
Let me ponder the 8:1 remark.  Let's see, cop shoots a bad guy, no problem. Same cop shoots an hostage, possible loss of job, home, and 2.5 million in damages. Wow 8:1 seems reasonable.

Hmmm. An interesting point, but let's take it a step further to keep everything balanced and in perspective.

The shoot targets (bad guys) are unarmed (in fact, they don't even have arms to hold arms), so I wonder what the consequences would be for putting two bullet holes into an unarmed assailant?

The expression "excessive force" immediately springs to mind, but I could be wrong. <_<

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Ok, can we get a new target, perhaps the Metric+ where you get to pick cutouts of various guns to overlay them on the target? Hell, maybe we can make the cutouts black, and then they would even be hardcover.

Oh wait ... Most of IPSC uses a headless target because the Metric was not politically correct, and I can sympathize, but I doubt that hanging guns from the shoot targets will make that problem go away. The whole point of the brown side is to tell you that it is a threat. However, if you Mr Pinto are so interested in being practical, then why don't you propose some rules changes where we no longer use paper targets at all, but we start using the balistic dummies now in use by the military and shooting schools?


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My retort was in response to Mr. Smith's suggestion that only shooting "hostages" can mean the end of your career, the loss of your life savings, the loss of your assets and so on. However, as I'm sure you know, there've been numerous cases of law abiding people being successfully sued for shooting intruders in their own homes.

In any case, I'm generally quite happy with the targets we (IPSC) use at present, although I will be making a proposal to adopt additional paper targets in the future for handgun matches.

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My retort was in response to Mr. Smith's suggestion that only shooting "hostages" can mean the end of your career, the loss of your life savings, the loss of your assets and so on. However, as I'm sure you know, there've been numerous cases of law abiding people being successfully sued for shooting intruders in their own homes.

I now better understand your point. It is true enough that any shoot in New Jersey will take you to court, but under IPSC rules we assume that brown targets are threats, whatever the means we use to arrive to that conclusion. In fact the OBCATS 3-gun match addresses your very issue. I don't want to give anything away at least one stage is designed to deal with this problem and would requiere to indentify threats in a fairly clever way.


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